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car wash liability accident slip and fall lawyer premise attorney compensation sue

Car wash facilities generally come in two forms. They are either sit-in facilities in which the driver still remains in the car while the wash happens, or they are empty-driver facilities where the driver exits the vehicle and can browse the shop while he waits. When a driver exits the vehicle, workers may clean the interior of the car as well. The issue with exiting the car is the risk of injury increases. Individuals who have slipped and fallen at these car washes or who have tripped and fallen on the premises can pursue compensation for their damages. Our law firm, the Downtown LA Law Group, has handled numerous car wash injury lawsuits over the years, and we have secured hundreds of millions for our clients for various cases.

Car Wash Dangers

Car wash facilities can be dangerous in a number of ways. Many workers and business owners are purely concerned with the safety of the insides of the car wash, and even then, do not make it safe for all people on the premises. Some of the dangers present in car washes include:

  • Slippery floors due to excess water or moisture
  • Oil spills in the parking lot and on the track from vehicles that are poorly maintained
  • Soapy surfaces from the machines spewing excessive soap and cleaner
  • Defective equipment that can cause injuries, such as broken rotating arms, hoses that are too powerful, chain tracks that stick out of the ground, and much more
  • Blocked aisles and pathways in the marts and stores that can happen because of spilled or dropped merchandise, haphazard placement of items, and other scenarios

These risks are present in every car wash, and you should be extremely careful no matter where you are at the facility.

Car wash injury incident liability lawsuit attorney

Injuries from a Car Wash Slip and Fall

You can suffer numerous injuries if you slip and fall at a car wash. The usual dangers are present, but there are also unique structures and equipment at car washes that can contribute to getting hurt. If you slip on wet floors inside the mart, you could fall on sharp merchandise. If you fall in the actual washing facility, you may be hit by one of the moving pieces of equipment or get hurt by the chain that pulls cars along. Some of the potential injuries include:

  • Concussion
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Closed head injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Lacerations
  • Cuts
  • Abrasions
  • Crushing injuries
  • Puncture wounds
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Muscle and ligament damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Neck and spinal cord injuries
  • Herniated or ruptured discs
  • Knee and hip damages
  • Paralysis
  • Coma
  • Death

Permanent or long-lasting injuries can completely change your life. They may require numerous treatments and constant reevaluation to prevent worsening. If you were injured at a car wash, you can file a claim today with the help of our law firm.

Other Incidents that Can Occur at Car Washes

Although slip and fall accidents are easily the most common incidents that could occur at carwashes, there are many other incidents that can occur. Below, we will discuss these other incidents and the legal options available to you.

  • Car wash assault and battery: whether it’s a random attack by another customer or an employee or an attempted robbery, assault and battery incidents can lead to significant harm. This can include head injuries, traumatic brain injuries, fractures, facial injuries, lacerations, puncture wounds, scrapes, and bruises, for example. If you suffered an assault at a car wash, you should speak with a car wash assault attorney or a car wash robber attorney, depending on your situation.
  • Car wash sexual assault: whether you were sexually assaulted by another customer, an employee, or simply someone else that got on the premises, you likely suffered significant physical, mental, and emotional harm. This can include sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, injuries to genitals, injuries to reproductive organs, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, etc. With the help of a car wash sexual assault attorney, claimants could sue.
  • Pedestrian accidents: whether you were struck by another driver at the car wash or by an employee that was moving another vehicle, it is possible that you sustained severe injuries. Pedestrian accidents often result in significant injuries like head injuries, traumatic brain injuries, neck injuries, back injuries, spinal cord injuries, crushing injuries, fractures, road burn, and more. A car wash pedestrian accident attorney can help you pursue your case.
  • Roof collapse incidents: a damaged roof can collapse at any time. Roof collapse incidents can lead to devastating injuries, including head injuries, neck injuries, spinal cord injuries, crushing injuries, and even death. If you or a loved one suffered harm in a roof collapse incident, spick to a car wash roof collapse attorney as soon as possible.
  • Dog bite incidents: many people take their dogs with them when they run errands, and getting their car washed is no exception. Dogs that are not restrained can bite others on the premises. Dog bites can cause significant harm, which can include significant wounds, nerve damage, muscle damage, loss of feeling, loss of function, and infections, for example. A car wash dog bite attorney can help you pursue your claim.
  • Broken chair or broken bench incidents: most car washes have waiting areas and provide benches or chairs. These chairs and benches can be broken or in disrepair and could ultimately lead to falls. Falls could result in significant injuries, including back injuries, hip injuries, and more. If you or a loved one were injured by a broken chair or broken bench, a car wash broken chair attorney or car wash broken bench attorney could help you.

Ultimately, the specific incident that you or a member of your family suffered at a car wash does not matter. The fact is that the owner and/or operator of the car wash failed to keep the premises safe and prevent the incident; therefore, they could be held accountable and could be sued for your injuries.

For more information about the legal options available to you, contact the experts here at our law firm today. Our car wash injury attorney are ready to guide you every step of the way.

car wash liability accident slip and fall lawyer premise attorney compensation sue questions
Steps to Take to Sue for Car Wash Damages

To file a lawsuit against a car wash, you must show that you were a rightful visitor. Premises liability claims can be filed by any guests on private property if there was negligence at play. Customers are generally considered invitees and have the highest duty of care, while licensees (or social guests) have less and trespassers (those with no right to be on the property) have the least.

Premises liability claims require one of three points to be shown as true:

  • The property owner knew about the hazard and did nothing to fix it or warn others of the issue
  • The property owner caused the hazard or problem himself
  • The property owner was unaware of the issue but reasonably should have been

Car wash owners generally either know about problems and are too lazy or cheap to fix them, or they do not know there are problems because they do not conduct thorough inspections and investigations enough.

In order to file a claim, you should follow these steps:

  • Go to the doctor for medical help
  • Do not hesitate going to get medical treatment, as your injuries may worsen with time and your claim may be looked at as suspicious by the insurance agent
  • Produce copies of medical records, charts, X-rays, MRI results, doctor’s statements, insurance billings, and more
  • Take pictures of your injuries
  • Take pictures of the car wash environment, any defects, and more; if possible, acquire security footage from the facility
  • Interview eyewitnesses for their statements and testimonies about the incident
  • File an incident report with the car wash
  • Get any necessary contact information from involved parties
  • Hire an expert lawyer to litigate your claim for you
Compensation from a Car Wash Accident Lawsuit

The value of your car wash accident lawsuit will be determined by the insurance agent responsible for overlooking it. He will weigh different factors of the case and examine the evidence to come up with an offer. He will primarily look at your injuries, such as how severe they were, the impact they had on your life and job, and how responsible you were for sustaining them. He will also consider your age and job type. Many insurance agents simply strive to keep the profits of the company in order and do not want to pay out claims to injured victims. Our attorneys will fight for your rightful compensation and see to it that you receive the following:

  • Medical bills and expenses from the past and future for surgery costs, hospital stays, ambulance transportation, medication and prescription drugs, physical therapy and rehabilitation sessions, and much more
  • Missed income and wages if you were unable to work due to the incident, in addition to future income if recovery and treatments prevent you from returning; you could receive insurance benefits, commissions, tips, and more that you would have earned while working
  • Property damage if your personal items were lost, broken, or must be replaced or repaired because of the incident
  • Pain and suffering damages to cover emotional stress, psychological trauma, PTSD, fear, and anxiety

You should not be forced to pay off these expenses if you were not responsible for the incident in the first place. The car wash should be extremely careful and attentive to the safety of its customers, and if they have breached that duty, they should be liable. We will not stop fighting for your deserved damages, even if it means taking your case to court.


Premises Liability


Shoulder Injury


Slip and fall accident


Back Injury


Back Injury


Street Defect


Premises Liability


Foot Injury
Statute of Limitations on Car Wash Accident Lawsuits

The statute of limitations to file a slip and fall lawsuit or premises liability lawsuit against a car wash is 2 years from the date of the injury. Failure to abide by this time restriction will cause your claim to become null and void. You cannot receive any compensation if you try to sue outside of the time limit, so it is crucial that you act quickly. It will also benefit your claim the sooner you act, as your evidence will be best preserved and will not have been lost or corrupted in any way.

It is possible for the statute of limitations to be suspended in some situations. Common scenarios for the statute to be extended include:

  • Minors who were hurt in the incident can wait until they turn 18 years old to sue, since they cannot legally do so before then
  • Victims who were left incapacitated after the incident can have the statute extended, as they cannot sue until they return to a functioning state of mind or body
  • Defendants who have left the state can cause the statute to be frozen until they return, as they cannot be sued while not present

The primary reason that individuals fail to get compensation for their damages is the failure to abide by the statute of limitations. They may not know how much time remains or they may not even know there is a deadline. You can call our firm to learn when your claim expires, and if you hire us, we will get your evidence through and work on everything right on time.

Our Firm’s Promise

The Downtown LA Law Group promises to work around the clock to win you a fair settlement if you were hurt at a car wash. We know how to best negotiate a fair deal from the company and will stop at nothing to win you every penny you deserve. We fully dedicate ourselves to all of our clients, and we will always keep you informed about the progress of your claim.

You can call us any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a free legal consultation. We can walk you through the legal process, tell you what we think the value of your case is, and answer your questions. All consultations are completely confidential – no private details will be shared outside of our offices.

You will receive a zero fee guarantee as well if you hire us. This means that you have to pay no fees to our firm for our services. We will only get paid if we win, and we’ll take our payment as a portion of the settlement from the car wash. If we lose, you owe us nothing, and we eat the losses of the case.

To sue a car wash for injuries sustained while on the premises, contact the Downtown LA Law Group today.

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