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SUV Crashes Through a Restaurant Causing Serious Injuries

SUV Crashes Through a Restaurant Causing Serious InjuriesAn SUV crashed through a big k burger in the orange county city of Santa Ana hurting three members of a family. One member is considered to be in serious condition, while the others are in stable condition. The accident happened when the SUV jumped the curb and caused the accident. In these types of cases can the restaurant me liable? We ask one of our senior attorneys, Daniel Azizi. Here what he has to say. A restaurant can be liable depending the facts. If the restaurant knew of particular dangers and failed to install guards they can be liable. In this case if the restaurant was in a heavily trafficked zone liability can be placed on the establishment. In this case we cannot assume liability until we know all the facts. However restaurants and establishments can be liable if they fail to install safeguards. If you have any further question regarding liability in this matter contact our personal injury law firm toll free (855) 339-8879.

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