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Griffith Park Helicopter Crash: 6-6-13

Griffith Park Helicopter Crash: 6-6-13According to local news reports and Los Angeles County Fire officials a small private helicopter crash landed near a golf course in Griffith park. The crash landing which took place at 2:17 in the afternoon resulted in at least four injuries including three passengers and the helicopter pilot. Investigators have yet to determine the cause of the helicopter accident. Thorough investigation of all aviation related accidents are conducted by specialist the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority), who are on rout to the location of the crash. Investigators at the scene referred to the crash as a “hard landing”. According to the LA Times the pilot of the chopper was on a routine flight from Redlans which including the circling of the Santa Monica Montains and was to return to the Inland Empire. Common Causes of Helicopter Accidents: Some of the most common caused of helicopter accidents are as follows. Mechanical error – failure to properly inspect the chopper
  • Poor or improper maintenance
  • Pilot error – lack of proper training, mishandling of controls
  • Climactic conditions including high winds
  • Defects in the design or manufacturing of the aircraft
  • Electrical malfunction
  • Striking electrical or telephone wires
Victims of helicopter accidents may be entitled to compensation from at fault parties which may include the manufacturers of the helicopter, its operators, or maintenance crew. Further Information: Helicopter Tour Accidents Air Ambulance Accidents

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