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Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center Sexual Abuse Lawyer attorney sue liability compensation

There are many reasons why children act out and commit serious offenses that must be addressed by the court system. For example, many children struggle to control their mood or impulses due to a mental health condition or learning disability. These children deserve psychiatric treatment and counseling, which is why they are placed on probation or sent to a mental health facility specifically for juvenile offenders with mental health issues. Alternatively, they are sent to a juvenile hall with a mental health unit on the premises, where they can receive counseling, medications, and other services to treat and manage their disorder.

Whether you are on probation or sent to a detention facility, it’s essential to have a support system of caring professionals, who can you provide you with structure and guidance. Unfortunately, some of the adults that work at juvenile mental health centers are there to commit acts of sexual abuse and violence against these children. While that is disturbing enough on its own, the victim’s trauma is compounded by the fact that administrators at the facility did little to nothing to when they found out about the incident. Or, they failed to take reasonable care to ensure that inmates were protected from physical and sexual abuse.

The Los Angeles County Probation Department must be held accountable for their failure to countless children that were part of the juvenile justice system. We hope you will give us the chance to educate you on your rights, which include filing a sexual abuse lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center.

Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center Sexual Abuse Lawyer compensation incident liability
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Can I Sue if I was Sexually Abused at the LA County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center?

Yes, you are eligible for a lawsuit if you were sexually abused by a staff member of the LA County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center. You can also file a sexual misconduct lawsuit if you were sexually assaulted or solicited by a probation officer, court appointed advocate, or anyone else that owed you a duty of care while you were in the juvenile justice system.

Even though the abuse may have been committed by a single person, these lawsuits are usually filed against the agency in charge of the inmate’s care. The truth is, a culture of sexual abuse has existed for many years within the juvenile justice system in Los Angeles, and this could not have happened without negligence or outright participation from the people at the top. In most cases, you will find that complaints from inmates are not investigated, or they are dismissed altogether. Even if there is credible evidence of sexual assault, abusive employees are rarely fired or arrested, and as a result, they go on to abuse one child after another with impunity.

Frankly, there is no excuse for inadequate supervision, lack of accountability, destruction of evidence, and other acts of negligence when it comes to juvenile inmates with a mental health disorder. These kids are already struggling due to many issues that are beyond their control, so they are more vulnerable than your average child. It’s sickening to think that someone would take advantage of their weakness for sexual gratification, but this is the sad reality of what can happen to a youth offender at the Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center.

On the one hand, money isn’t going to make up for the trauma you were left with as a result of being sexually abused. However, achieving justice on any level is an important step towards recovery, and there’s no denying that compensation from a lawsuit is a tangible form of justice. This is why we are dedicated to fighting for our clients and bringing them the highest possible settlement from a Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center sexual abuse claim.

Filing a Sexual Abuse Class Action Lawsuits against Los Angeles County

Los Angeles County is currently dealing with a major class action lawsuit involving hundreds of former inmates who were abused physically and sexually at a youth detention center. You have probably heard about this lawsuit in the news and want to know how you can become a member. All you have to do is contact our office and talk to a juvenile hall abuse class action lawyer. We will provide you with a free consultation on your rights and legal options and make sure that this is the course of action you are most comfortable with. If you choose to be part of a LA County juvenile inmate class action lawsuit, we will take immediate action to investigate your claim and bring you the compensation you are entitled to.

Average Case Values for Juvenile Inmate Sexual Abuse Lawsuits

Settlements for child sex abuse lawsuits are worth between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 on average. Lawsuits for the sexual assault of a minor can be settled for $2,500,000 to $5,000,000; sexual harassment claims are likely to settle for $1,500,000 or less. Overall, you can expect 6 to 7 figure payments when you are suing a juvenile detention facility for sexual abuse. Settlements in the 8 to 9 figure range are associated with class action lawsuits, and this is due to the fact that we are seeking a lump sum for all the class members, which can number in the hundreds or thousands.

Please be aware that these amounts may not be an accurate representation of how much your own lawsuit is worth. To obtain a case value that’s based on your own circumstances, contact an experienced child sexual abuse lawyer.

How Long Does it Take to Settle a Juvenile Detention Center Sexual Abuse Lawsuit?

In our experience, we find that 12 to 24 months is the average amount of time to settle a Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center sexual abuse lawsuit. This may be longer than you had expected if you are used to hearing about cases that settle within the first few months. While this is not impossible, lawsuits against government institutions usually take longer.

Please note that the timeline to settle a class action lawsuit can be longer – perhaps 2 to 3 years – depending on the number of plaintiffs that have joined the lawsuit. The upside is that you have a strong case due to the number of victims with similar stories of abuse. But the process of negotiating a settlement on behalf of all these individuals will probably take at least 2 years, and over 3 years if there is a trial. This is unlikely, however, as less than 5% of all juvenile hall abuse lawsuits are tried in court.

Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center Sexual Abuse Lawyer compensation lawyer attorney sue
Statute of Limitations to Sue for Sexual Abuse of a Minor

The laws in California require you to file a child sexual abuse lawsuit within 22 years of when you attain the age of adulthood. That means you must initiate a compensation claim for sexual abuse at the Los Angeles County Mental Health Juvenile Detention Center by the time you are 40 years old.

There is, however, one exception that applies to victims who discover the harmful effects of sexual abuse after the statute of limitations has passed on their case. Many child abuse victims currently seeking justice are just starting to deal with the impact of sexual abuse and how it has affected them emotionally and physically. As a result, they are finding out that their commitment issues, anger management problems, drug use, suicidal thoughts, etc., are connected to what they experienced as a juvenile inmate.

From the date or realizing a physical or mental injury caused by child sexual abuse, you are allowed 5 years to file a lawsuit against LA County and obtain the compensation you deserve by law.

Help from a Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Attorney

The trauma of sexual abuse during childhood will last a lifetime, but there are ways to work through the pain and live the quality of life you deserve. Compensation from a lawsuit can help you on the journey to recovery, which you can learn about from a juvenile detention center sexual abuse lawyer here at DTLA Law Group.

As one of our clients, you never have to worry about the cost of legal fees, which are covered by LA County as a part of your settlement check. Plus, we have a Zero Fee Guarantee policy, so we will never ask you for payment if we don’t win your lawsuit.

For a free consultation to discuss your rights and legal options, contact our law firm at your earliest convenience.

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