Kern Crossroads Facility Sexual Abuse Attorney
Were you or one of your family members subjected to sexual abuse while staying at Kern Crossroads Facility at 17824 Quality Rd, Bakersfield, CA 93308? It’s not a subject most people want to talk about, but it’s a conversation that needs to happen if we are truly invested in the safety and well-being of countless children in the juvenile justice system.
Frankly, the rate of physical and sexual violence is astounding at these places and has been for many years. With recent changes in the laws and movements like #MeToo, victims have come forward in record numbers with harrowing tales of what goes on behind the walls of a juvenile detention center. However, talking about the abuse is not enough for many victims, who have suffered significant trauma and monetary losses from the scars of sexual abuse during childhood.
Our law firm is dedicated to helping those who were failed by the Kern County Probation Department. We can help you file a lawsuit for sexual assault and obtain payment for the cost of therapy, emotional distress, loss of consortium, and other monetary damages. For a free consultation with a Kern Crossroads Facility sexual abuse lawyer, call the offices of DTLA Law Group.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
Assaulted By Employee
Yes, you can file a lawsuit for being sexually abused while you were an inmate at Kern Crossroads Facility in Bakersfield. We have seen an increasing number of these lawsuits in the past few years, and this is due to the bravery of many victims who spoke out against the neglect and abuse that is rampant at youth detention centers in California.
While the person that abused you is directly responsible, vicarious liability is often shared by the entities that are in charge of inmate security at a juvenile detention facility. Sadly, we know for a fact that juvenile hall administrators and the agency in charge of these places breach their duty of care to inmates on a consistent basis.
Even when there is clear evidence of child abuse, like the incident at Camp Kilpatrick in Malibu, it can take years for the county probation department to fire the offenders or take other actions to ensure that kids are safe. In fact, it’s more likely that they will cover up for these staff members and bribe or threaten the victim into silence. If the accusations can no longer be ignored, they will play a game of “passing the trash,” where sexual predators are transferred from one location to another.
In short, there are many cases of negligence and misconduct that put juvenile inmates at risk of sexual abuse. Though it can be disheartening to realize how deep the problem goes, we will not stop in our fight to bring justice to those who are sexually assaulted or harassed during their stay at Kern Crossroads Facility.
How to File a Kern Crossroads Facility Sexual Abuse Class Action LawsuitConsidering how many emails and calls we receive in the course of investigating a juvenile hall abuse complaint, it’s clear that many people are interested in joining a class action lawsuit. To file a lawsuit with other victims who were assaulted or harassed, simply give us a call and ask to speak with a Kern Crossroads Facility class action lawsuit attorney. This is the best way to learn more about your circumstances and help you determine if joining a lawsuit with other victims is the right course of action.
Our ultimate goal is to empower you with knowledge and help you make the best possible choice regarding your rights and legal options. Please contact us today and schedule a time to discuss the legal actions that are available to you.
Average Value of a Lawsuit for Sexual Abuse at Kern Crossroads FacilitySexual abuse lawsuits against juvenile halls can settle for $2,500,000 to $5,000,000 if they are based on incidents of sexual assault. If you are filing a lawsuit for sexual harassment by an adult at Kern Crossroads Facility, your case may be worth between $450,000 and $1,500,000. In cases of extreme injuries and excessive negligence by county officials, you may see case values of $6,000,000 to $10,000,000.
We want to impress upon you that the amount of compensation for a sexual abuse victim is unique to each and every victim. These dollar values that we have provided are meant to be used for general purposes only. By speaking with one of our attorneys, you can obtain a lawsuit value that reflects how you were impacted by sexual abuse at Kern Crossroads Facility.
How Long will It Take to Reach a Settlement?Taking into account the many cases we have settled over the years, we would say that the average timeline to settle a Kern Crossroads Facility inmate abuse lawsuit is 1 to 2 years. This can fluctuate, of course, based on many details that are specific to your own situation. For example, we may succeed in obtaining a favorable settlement award within the first 6 months. If it turns out that your case needs to be tried in court, recovering payment from a juvenile hall sexual abuse claim can take over 3 years.
Ultimately, there are many variables that are beyond our control when it comes to how long it takes to settle a lawsuit for child sexual assault. But we can give you a better sense of the timeline after we learn more about you and the harm you suffered. With that in mind, reach out to us at your earliest convenience and schedule a free case review.
Normally, how long you have for a lawsuit for child sexual abuse is based on the date of your 40th birthday, as you have 22 years from turning 18 to file a compensation claim. But this is not the only standard that you can go by if you would like to sue for being sexually abused by a juvenile hall staff member.
As you are probably aware, children tend to repress traumatic incidents like sexual assault because they lack the knowledge and life experience to seek help from the police, a therapist, etc. Instead, they keep these memories to themselves and do their best to forget about the abuse. But doing so almost always results in mental health issues that affect many areas of their lives. Some of these people do not get help for these issues until they are much older, and this is when they realize how badly they were hurt by one or more incidents of sexual abuse.
Under California law, the discovery of injuries past the age of 40 gives you 5 years in which to file a lawsuit for childhood sexual abuse. If you would like more information on the discovery rule and how it affects your right to sue Kern Crossroads Facility, please contact our office.
Contact DTLA Law GroupAre you in need of guidance from a lawyer with experience in child sexual abuse lawsuits? Our team of juvenile hall abuse attorneys is here for you day and night, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested in suing Kern Crossroads Facility for sexual assault.
All legal fees are paid for by Kern County as a part of your settlement award. In addition, there is a Zero Fee Guarantee that you receive from day one, so you pay absolutely nothing if we don’t win your case. That way, you can be sure that there is no risk to your finances if you hire us to represent you in a Kern Crossroads Facility sexual abuse lawsuit.
Aside from initiating a claim for sexual abuse, we can help if you need advice on a pending lawsuit against a juvenile detention center. Known as a second opinion consultation, this is a free service to anyone that needs independent counsel on a legal case for child sexual abuse. There is no obligation to switch lawyers by meeting with us, so please reach out to for a free second opinion.
We are ready to fight for you and the compensation you deserve, so call DTLA Law Group to learn about your rights and legal options.
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