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Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall Lawsuit Lawyer

Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall Lawsuit Lawyer lawsuit liability compensation lawyer attorney sue

Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall is a detention center for youths that are younger than 18 years old. The campus is comprised of the Juvenile Hall and the Juvenile Commitment Facility. Upon being arrested, the inmate is detained at the juvenile hall as they wait for a court date and eventual sentencing by the judge. Once they are adjudicated by the court system, they are transferred to the Commitment Facility to serve out their sentence.

While they are incarcerated, juvenile inmates are forced to deal with many situations that can cause injury and trauma. These include sexually inappropriate interactions with staff members, including solicitation, sexual grooming, and sexual assault. Sadly, the problem of sexual abuse is an epidemic at most juvenile halls throughout California. What’s particularly upsetting is that most of these incidents are based on negligence by the various entities, including officials with the Stanislaus County Probation Department.

If you or someone you know was subjected to sexual abuse at Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall, you don’t have to live in silence anymore. Only you can decide if filing a lawsuit is the right choice, but speaking out about what happened and obtaining legal advice is the key to moving forward. We are here to help you determine the best course of action, so give us a call to schedule a free case evaluation.

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Can I Sue Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall if I was Sexually Abused?

Yes, you can sue for incidents of sexual abuse that occurred between you and a staff member at Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall. When it comes to child sexual abuse, consent is not an issue as you legally cannot give consent to sexual relations until you are 18 years old. That means any and all forms of contact or interaction that results in sexual gratification to the adult is child sexual abuse.

This is the basis for a civil lawsuit, where you can seek damages like emotional distress and medical expenses. But we also have to consider other parties that may be responsible when a child is assaulted or harassed at a juvenile hall. In most of these cases, liability is shared by those in charge of the staff member, as well as the health and safety of inmates at a detention facility. These are the administrators at the facility and the county probation department, who are often guilty of negligence and misconduct that contributes to a culture of sexual exploitation.

Who you should go after in a lawsuit is a complex issue, which is why you should talk to a child sexual abuse lawyer as soon as possible if you were taken advantage of in a sexual manner during your stay at Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall.

Joining a Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall Class Action Lawsuit

Have you thought about joining a lawsuit with other inmates who were sexually abused at Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall? Chances are, you have come across many stories in the news about class action lawsuits on behalf of those who were abused at juvenile detention centers. And here at our law firm, this is a subject that comes up frequently during private consultations.

One of our attorneys can discuss the option of suing as part of a class action lawsuit if you were subjected to sexual assault and/or harassment as a juvenile inmate. But you will need to understand the pros and cons of these lawsuits and whether a class action claim is right for you, based on your own circumstances. That’s why we urge you to contact our law firm and schedule a free case review with a Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall class action lawyer.

Average Value of a Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall Inmate Abuse Lawsuit

Looking at cases that we have settled in the last few years, the value of a lawsuit for sexual abuse at Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall is generally 6 to 7 figures. However, there is a significant difference in the range of payments, which may be anywhere from $450,000 to $10,000,000. Overall, we would say most lawsuits are settled for under $5,000,0000, with sexual abuse lawsuits generating higher payments that those involving sexual harassment.

In the event you decide to join a class action lawsuit, the amount of compensation may be between $50,000,000 and $350,000,000. But it must be noted that the settlement is shared by all the class members, so how much you will end up with depends on the number of participants and various other factors.

At the end of the day, knowing what the average claimant receives from a child sexual abuse lawsuit is helpful information. But you won’t know for sure what you are entitled to from a lawsuit until you speak with a Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall lawsuit attorney.

How Long will It Take to Receive Payment on My Case?

On average, it takes 12 to 24 months for a Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall sexual abuse case to settle if you are filing a personal injury lawsuit. However, if you are part of a class action lawsuit against Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall, the settlement process will probably take 2 to 3 years.

There are numerous issues that play a role in how long it takes to settle a juvenile hall sexual abuse lawsuit. We can go over these factors with you during a free consultation and provide you with a better sense of how long it may take to recover your payment. Ultimately, sexual misconduct lawsuits against government agencies are notoriously difficult, and even more so when the accusation involves liability for the sexual abuse of a minor. While it’s possible that your case will be settled within the first 6 months, settling your case can take anywhere from 1 to 3 years.

Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall Lawsuit Lawyer lawsuit liability compensation lawyer attorney sue
Time Limit to File a Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

To determine how long you have for a lawsuit for sexual abuse at Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall, you will need to figure out which of these dates comes later:

  • 22 years after you are the age of consent under California, i.e., the day you turn 40 years old
  • 5 years after the discovery of a physical or emotional injury associated with childhood sexual abuse.

So, let’s look at the 5-year discovery rule, which is confusing to many people that are exploring the option of suing for sexual abuse while they were a minor. Basically, children are unable to deal with the emotional impact of sexual assault and harassment, especially in settings like juvenile halls, where abusive behavior takes place on a regular basis. Instead of telling someone, they suppress memories of abuse and try to go on as if nothing happened.

Over time, these victims almost always develop mental health disorders that compromise their personal and professional lives. However, the long-term repression of sexual abuse continues until they seek help from a licensed therapist. With their help, the victim finally understands how they were abused by a predatory adult and how these incidents caused injuries that they are still dealing with today.

This is what we mean by “discovery,” but the statute of limitations to sue Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall may have expired by then. Fortunately, the laws in California give victims 5 more years from the discovery date if they wish to file a lawsuit. We can answer any questions you have about the deadline for a sexual abuse lawsuit, so call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to speak with a Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall sexual assault lawyer.

Contact a Juvenile Hall Sex Abuse Attorney

As someone that’s been failed by the juvenile justice system, legal advice is essential to the recovery process. But you may be afraid of getting your hopes up and contacting a lawyer, only to find out that you can’t afford the fees. There’s no need to worry about that here at DTLA Law Group, where all clients receive a Zero Fee Guarantee. Attorneys’ fees are paid for as a part of your settlement award, so in other words, we don’t make a cent unless you receive compensation from a successful lawsuit.

Holding government entities accountable for the sexual abuse of minors is without a doubt a long and difficult road. But please know that our attorneys are here to guide you through the process. To learn how we can help if you were sexually abused as an inmate at Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall, contact us today.

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