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Inyo County Juvenile Division Lawsuit Lawyer

Inyo County Juvenile Division Lawsuit Lawyer compensation lawyer attorney sue

The Inyo County Juvenile Division is a subset of the Inyo County Probation Department that deals with juvenile delinquents, typically those that commit minor infractions. Like adult offenders, youths can be placed on probation and supervised by an officer from the department. According to the county’s website, the Division’s goal is to engage problematic youths and strengthen families with “evidence based treatment and interventions to address the behaviors which led to delinquent conduct.”

Obviously, you would have to work closely with a child to accomplish these goals, which can be an enriching experience for kids that are in need of structure and guidance. But what if there are probation officers that work with children for the purpose of sexually abusing them?

There’s no fail-proof system to keep these people out, but reasonable measures can be taken by a government agency to protect vulnerable children. When a county probation department fails to take preventative action or do the right thing once they find out about an abuse incident, they can be sued for their involvement in the sexual abuse of a minor.

Are you the victim of sexual abuse by someone that works for or used to work for the Inyo County Juvenile Division? Our lawyers are here to listen and help you determine the best course of action, which may include a lawsuit for child sexual abuse against Inyo County. To schedule a free consultation about your rights and legal options, please contact our law firm.

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Your Right to Sue the Inyo County Juvenile Division

If we are talking about criminal charges, those would be filed against the person that sexually assaulted or abused you. So, wouldn’t the same principle apply to a lawsuit? Yes, but lawsuits can also be filed against the people or entity that had a duty of care to protect you while you were a juvenile offender.

As you know, Inyo County Juvenile Division is a department with the county’s probation department. Thus, anyone that works for the division is a county employee. As a result, the county is responsible for training and supervising their staff members, and issuing consequences when they commit an employee violation or break the law.

In addition, the Inyo County Juvenile Division is responsible for the “supervision and case management of youth placed on probation.” Thus, they have a duty to keep an eye out for signs of neglect and abuse, including inappropriate relationships between youths and probation officers. If they suspect or receive complaints about sexual misconduct, they are legally required to contact the authorities and initiate an investigation.

Sadly, many of these complaints are ignored or dismissed in order to protect the staff member or the agency’s reputation. If there is evidence to prove a case of child sex abuse, it may be destroyed or concealed. In the event there is some sort of punishment for the offender, it’s likely to be a few weeks of suspension or transfer to another facility, so that he or she becomes someone else’s problem.

These are issues that constitute negligence and misconduct, and county agencies have gotten away with their actions for too many years. Thanks to advances in the laws for child sex abuse in recent years, victims are speaking out in record number and demanding justice through the civil courts. If you’d like to learn more about suing the Inyo County Juvenile Division, please reach out to us at your earliest convenience.

Can I Join a Inyo County Juvenile Division Sexual Abuse Class Action Lawsuit?

Yes, you are eligible to join a class action lawsuit and file a claim with other inmates who were sexually abused by a member of the Inyo County Probation Department. As a youth offender, you are owed a duty of care by county officials, regardless of why you are on probation or placed in juvenile detention. If the probation department engaged in unlawful conduct or failed to take certain measures to keep you safe, you and other inmates have the right to demand justice in the form of monetary damages.

There are significant benefits to joining a class action lawsuit, which we can go over with you during a free case review. Please give us a call and speak with a Inyo County Juvenile Division class action lawyer as soon as possible.

Average Settlement for a Inyo County Juvenile Division Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Compensation amounts for a juvenile inmate sexual abuse lawsuit usually fall between $1,500,000 and $5,000,000, but please keep in mind that these are estimates. We have certainly had settlements that were lower or higher than the range we just stated. We have found that sexual assault cases tend to have higher settlement values compared to sexual solicitation and harassment lawsuit. A Inyo County Juvenile Division sexual assault lawsuit is likely to have a value of over $2,000,000. For sexual harassment claims, how much you can receive is probably around $500,000 to $1,500,000.

This is helpful information to keep in mind, but ultimately, what matters is the amount you are due to receive as a victim of child sexual abuse. That’s why you should contact our office, where you can speak to a lawyer who is familiar with Inyo County Juvenile Division sex abuse lawsuit settlements.

How Long Do these Cases Take to Settle?

How long it takes to settle a county probation department sexual abuse lawsuit can range from just 6 months to several years. But the vast majority of lawsuits require 1 or 2 years before a fair settlement is negotiated between the two parties. Though it’s highly unlikely, it’s possible that your case may end up in trial. If so, the process of receiving payment from a jury verdict can take over 3 years.

This is inevitable when you are suing a government agency, like the Inyo County Juvenile Division. Due to the enhanced legal protections for these entities, along with the complications of filing a sexual abuse lawsuit, we recommend that you work with an experienced child abuse lawsuit attorney right from the start.

Inyo County Juvenile Division Lawsuit Lawyer compensation lawyer attorney sue
Statute of Limitations to File a Lawsuit for the Sexual Abuse of a Minor

The statute of limitations to sue for child sexual abuse (individuals under 18 years old) is the date on which the victim turns 40 years old. That means from the time you are an adult, you have 22 years to file a personal injury claim or join a class action lawsuit against the Inyo County Juvenile Division.

The other option is to file a lawsuit within 5 years of finding out about an injury that resulted from sexual abuse. This can include physical injuries as well as mental health issues that are discovered many years after the incident. For example, someone who goes to a therapist for a mental health disorder may discover that sexual abuse by an Inyo County Juvenile Division employee is the reason why they are currently suffering. You see this quite often with depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, anger management problems, relationship phobias, and many other disorders.

Since you can base the statute of limitations on whichever date comes later, there’s a good chance that you are eligible for a juvenile hall sexual abuse lawsuit, even if you are older than 40.

Contact DTLA Law Group

At our law firm, we operate under the belief that victims should never be responsible for the cost of legal fees. This should be paid by the party whose negligence has caused you harm and suffering. With that in mind, you will never pay out of pocket by coming to us for advice and representation. Our Zero Fee Guarantee is our promise to you that we only get paid by winning your case and receiving a portion of your settlement.

We hope you will take advantage of this policy and contact us for a free case evaluation. Our sexual abuse attorneys look forward to meeting you and fighting for the compensation you deserve.

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