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Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program Lawsuit Lawyers

Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program Lawsuit Lawyers lawyer sue compensation incident liability

Were you sexually abused as a minor by an adult that works for or is associated with the Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program? Do you have a child that was sexually assaulted or harassed while they participated in this juvenile justice program by the Gardena Police Department?

The Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program (GJJIP) is an alternative to incarceration at a youth detention facility, which is not appropriate for all juvenile offenders. Those with lower level offenses are referred to the program, where they can obtain a variety of mental health and counseling services for at-risk youths. These include restorative justice, where offenders are paired with their victims in order to make restitution and gain an understanding of how their actions hurt someone else. For example, an offender may be paired with the owner of a store he vandalized and make restitution by cleaning up the graffiti and doing chores on the property.

We recognize the need for such programs, as many youths are better served by rehabilitation and education versus incarceration at a juvenile hall. However, constant supervision and accountability is essential to ensure that kids are not being mistreated by counselors, probation officers, and other staff members. In addition, pairings between inmates and victims must be closely monitored to make sure that there is no sexual misconduct resulting from those interactions.

Unfortunately, poor leadership and lack of management create many issues within these programs, including the sexual abuse of minors. As a victim, you have the right to seek compensation for emotional distress, pain and suffering, and other applicable damages. To learn more about filing a lawsuit for sexual abuse against the GJJIP, call us to schedule a free case evaluation.

Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program Lawsuit Lawyers sexual abuse sue compensation incident liability
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Can I Sue the Gardena Juvenile Justice Program for Sexual Abuse?

Yes, you can sue the Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program for sexual misconduct, even though you were abused by a specific person that works for or is a part of the program. This is based on the principle of negligence, and in some cases, misconduct (willful or premediated conduct or an unlawful nature).

As we’ve said before, mismanagement is a huge problem with many juvenile detention-alternatives, like the GJJIP. It’s quite common to see months or years of sexual abuse by one employee, which could have been prevented with adequate supervision and paying attention to signs of child abuse. In some cases, the administrators of the program fail to get the authorities involved and ask for an official investigation. This is another problem that can cause abuse allegations to slip through the cracks. We have even come across officials destroying or hiding evidence, thereby enabling the abuser and denying victims the justice they are entitled to.

There may be other instances of neglectful conduct that can serve as grounds for a lawsuit, which we can discuss with you during a free case review.

Can I File a Gardena Juvenile Justice Program Sexual Abuse Class Action Lawsuit?

Yes, you can initiate a class action lawsuit for sexual abuse against the Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program. It’s clear that for every one victim of abuse at one of these programs, there are many others who were mistreated due to negligence and misconduct. As a result, you often find that these victims join forces to file a single lawsuit, which is known as a class action claim. We can help you file a class action lawsuit or join an existing case that’s already in progress. All you have to do is reach out to us and schedule a free consultation with a child sexual abuse class action attorney.

Average Settlement Value of a Juvenile Inmate Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Sexual abuse claims against juvenile justice programs are worth between $450,000 and $10,000,000 based on many factors that are specific to each victim. These include your injuries and other damages you suffered due to child sexual abuse and the acts of negligence that resulted in or contributed to those injuries. However, it has been our experience that most lawsuits for the sexual abuse of a minor are settled for around $1,000,000 to $5,000,000, with higher payments for cases of sexual assault versus sexual harassment / solicitation.

Obtaining a fair amount of compensation is critical to achieving justice as a victim of institutional abuse. To find out how much you can receive from a Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program sexual assault lawsuit, contact us today.

How Long will My Lawsuit Take to Settle?

Based on our experience, we would say that lawsuits for the sexual abuse of a juvenile inmate take around 12 to 24 months, though this is only an estimate that does not apply to every single case. Some lawsuits are resolved in 6 months or less, but you also have cases where it takes over 3 years to recover a settlement award. Several years may be needed if your case is tried in court, but this is quite unusual (fewer than 5% of lawsuits go to trial), so it’s more than likely that we can negotiate a settlement directly with the city of Gardena. But it can sometimes take 18 months or longer in order to negotiate a payment amount that both sides agree on.

Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program Lawsuit Lawyers liability compensation lawyer attorney sue
Statute of Limitations to File a Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

If you were under 18 years of age when you were sexually abused, the deadline for a lawsuit is based on when you turn 40 years old. Thus, you have 22 years, starting from your 18th birthday if you wish to sue for sexual abuse due to negligence by the Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program.

For some people, the age limit of 40 is not applicable, as they were unaware of the damage they suffered from sexual abuse until they were past the statute of limitations. These victims can file a lawsuit under the discovery rule, which is based on finding out about the physical or emotional effects of sexual abuse while you were a child.

For example, many adults struggle with mental health disorders that are caused by sexual misconduct at a juvenile hall. However, they are unable to recognize that these problems are a direct result of sexual abuse, as they are so used to repressing those memories. It can take decades to make the connection, and from that point on, you have 5 years to file a lawsuit for sexual assault against the Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program.

Zero Fee Guarantee

Do you have questions about your rights and legal options as a victim of sexual abuse while you were with the Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program? Are you worried about the cost of legal fees, which is why you are hesitating to contact a juvenile inmate sexual assault lawyer?

The attorneys of DTLA work on contingency, so you pay nothing out of pocket if you decide to file a lawsuit. In fact, you pay $0 towards our expenses, which we obtain from the city of Gardena as long as we win your lawsuit. Plus, we have a Zero Fee Guarantee policy, so you won’t pay a single dime in legal fees if we don’t win your case.

For more information on suing the Gardena Juvenile Justice and Intervention Program for child sexual abuse, give us a call to schedule a free case consultation.

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