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Mirena Migration Lawsuit – Victims of Contrepective Injuries

Mirena Migration Lawsuit – Victims of Contrepective Injuries The Mirena IUD was designed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals to provide long term contraceptive management and family planning. Recent reports and anecdotal evidence point to dangerous medical complications arising out the use of the Intrauterine device. One potential risk of the Mirena Insertion is the potential for spontaneous migration or displacement of the contraceptive. Migration of the Mirena IUD can result in devastating injuries to a females reproductive organs. More About Mirena Device Migration: Mirena IUD is shaped like a T. When it is inserted vaginally the out ends forming the T open. However the device is not implanted or fastened appropriately. As a result the device can be subject to movement in certain circumstances.  Migration of the device can happen during numerous activities including during walking, a physical exercise like jogging or the use of gym equipment or sudden movements. However many woman are not told of these issues until later on. As a result you are forced to deal with significant pain and suffering resulting from device migration. Common signs and Symptoms of Mirena Migration: There can be numerous signs and symptoms of a Mirena intrauterine device migration including
  • Spotting or vaginal bleeding
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Pain during intercourse
  • irritation including burning sensation during urination and urinary tract infections
  • moderate to severe pelvic pain
  • Presence of Ovarian Cysts
If you believe you are suffering from any of these issues contact our Medical Device Lawsuit. Other Serious complications caused by the Migration of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
  • Perforation of the uterine wall (uterine perforation)
  • Migration of the device into other internal organs resulting in organ perforation and organ damage. Organs which can be damaged include the bladder, liver, and large intestine
  • Infections including Sepsis and Pelvic Inflammatory disease
  • Pregnancy in the fallopian tube and Infertility
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Pelvic Inflammatory disease
  • Intestinal Obstruction
Such medical complications can result in a requirement for revision surgeries for the removal of IUD that has been embedded in the vaginal wall as well as permanent medical health issues.

Mirena Lawsuits – Filing a Defective Product Claim Against Bayer

 Defective Medical Devices including IUD Contraceptive injury claims will likely be decided one of three distinct causes of action. (1) Defect in the design of the contraceptive (2) Defect in the manufacturing process of the medical device and (3) labeling defect, also referred to as failure to warn users of the dangers associated with its use. Bayer the designer and manufacturer of the Mirena Birth Control Device failed to properly investigate the risk associated with its use. What’s more Bayer failed to properly warn user of the Contraceptive of the dangers associated with its use. Compensation for victims of Defective Contraceptives: Victims of Mirena IUD Migration injuries are entitled to monetary compensation for all losses including all medical expenses and hospitalization costs, future medical procedures and rehabilitation costs, lost wages and a loss of future income, pain and suffering including emotional trauma resulting in depression and anxiety disorders, and loss of consortium due to inability to engage in sexual relations with your partner. To schedule a free legal consultation regarding your claim call (855) 339-8879. More Information: Mirena Lawsuit Statute of Limitations

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