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How to avoid car accidents – Steps to prevent traffic accidents

How to avoid car accidents – Steps to prevent traffic accidentsThe state of California experiences the highest number of accident in our nation.  Motorist and clients from around the state often ask our auto accident attorney many questions.  Perhaps the most pertinent question that is asked is “how do I avoid getting into another car accident?” There are many steps that can be taken to prevent or lessen the chances of being involved in an auto accident.  Below are some important safety tips motorist should take to prevent auto accidents. Make sure your car is properly maintained – Maintaining auto maintenance is perhaps the most important step you can take to lessen the chances of being involved in an auto accident.  Our law firm has heard many stories of car that have run out of gas in the middle of a busy highway, car that did not did not have an oil change leading to car fires, car breaks not being changed leading to rear end collisions and serious injuries, and tires not being replaced  resulting in tire blowouts and SUV rollovers.   Always maintain your vehicle in a proper and safe driving conditions. Avoid distractions on the road and rubbernecking:  One of the chief causes of auto accidents on California highways and surface streets is distracted driving.  As you probably know there are many types of distraction that can result in auto crashes. Some of the chief one are below
  • Text Messaging while driving:  By far the most dangerous activity you can partake during driving.  Many states have passed laws banning the activity. While many other state have begun criminally prosecuting individual who caused accidents because of texting during driving
  • Rubbernecking:   Rubbernecking refers to the act of looking at something on the road for too long while not paying attention to the road.  The chief cause of rubbernecking on California highways is looking at accident site.  We are all guilty of such acts; however it is always to look for only a short second then for an extended period of time.
  • Other Distractions include:  Eating while driving,  Smoking While Driving,  Using a mobile phone while driving, using a smart phone while driving, playing video games on a smart phone while driving, and talking to passengers during driving.
If you have Eye conditions avoid driving at night or during sunrise or sunset:  If you must drive during sunrise or sunset employ the use of sunglasses Always employ a heightened level of care in intersection:  Intersections are the primary place where a large percentage of roadway surface street accidents take place. Always be care and slow your speed while passing through an intersection.  Be a healthy driver:  Never drink and drive, or drive while tired, fatigued, or even when you feel too hungry. Pull over till you are well rested and fed. Employ Defensive Driving: It’s OK to let other cars that are driving past the speed limit to pass you.  Safety always comes first in driving.  Don’t get yourself to agitated if another driver is taunting you or cut you off on a street.  Always maintain your composure and pay attention to the road. If you have any further questions regarding auto accidents visit our Auto Accident Legal Information Center here.

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