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Progressive Hit and Run Insurance | Personal Injury Lawyer

progressive hit and run insurance collision coverage medical personal injury attorney expenses compensation sue If you are a driver, you are legally required to carry automobile insurance. The minimum coverage that you must carry varies depending on the state, and some require you to have certain types of coverage that others do not. This coverage may pertain to a variety of scenarios, but one of the most common is hit and run accidents. Insurance coverage can cover you if you were a victim in a hit and run, or it can leave you high and dry. It is up to you to determine what policy you signed up for and to conduct your appropriate research before you purchase a plan. Progressive is one such auto insurance company that can provide you with restitution in the event you were hit by a fleeing driver, but it is not always easy to acquire the payment. Fortunately, there is legal help available from the team of expert hit and run lawyers at the Downtown LA Law Group in Los Angeles.

What happens in a hit and run accident?

A hit and run accident occurs when a driver slams or crashes into you but does not stick around the scene of the incident. The driver will flee or run away. Generally, hit and run incidents occur when there is next to no chance of the driver being identified. Most hit and run accident happen at night time on streets that are not very busy, like side streets, alleys, and small roads. They also happen in parking lots when there are fewer people around. Many hit and run accidents involve drivers who were drinking or who were under the influence of some kind of drug. After a normal car accident, the two involved drivers will exchange contact information and insurance details. This will allow the two companies to sort out the mess and let the coverage take care of the compensation. This is not possible in a hit and run accident – you will not have any other driver to collect details from. In this scenario, you can then pursue coverage from Progressive, assuming you have uninsured motorist coverage. This is a separate addition to your policy and lets you recover compensation from a hit and run driver.

Does Progressive car insurance cover my vehicle repairs if I was involved in a hit and run accident?

A common question is whether or not Progressive takes care of repair costs to vehicles after hit and run accidents. The company does offer both uninsured and underinsured motorist property damage. Uninsured coverage will apply in hit and run scenarios and will allow you to collect compensation. You may have collision coverage as well, which would make it redundant to carry both, as collision coverage is generally no-fault – meaning you will receive compensation regardless of the details of the incident.

Can my Progressive car insurance cover medical costs if I was in a hit and run crash?

Progressive offers uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage, which can pay for you and your passengers’ medical expenses from damages. This is generally a good option to select given that California does not require its drivers to carry personal injury protection. The main points to consider when choosing uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage include:
  • Personal health insurance: Your personal health insurance may be enough to cover the injuries you suffer, but it may have a deductible. Uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage has no deductible that must be met before it takes effect. Further, your own health insurance may not actually kick in until all other options have been used.
  • Passengers: You may constantly ride with passengers who do not have health insurance, which could be detrimental. If you commonly ride with uninsured passengers, your coverage would benefit them as well.
  • Income: It is possible for your plan to include coverage lost income. This may greatly benefit you if you are seriously hurt and cannot return to work.
In California, the lowest coverage that can be carried by drivers is $15,000/$30,000 for liability and bodily injury to the driver or multiple passengers, and $5,000 for property damage. It is often recommended that, if you elect to carry uninsured coverage, you match your liability.

What if Progressive won’t pay my uninsured motorist injury damages?

If Progressive refuses to pay after a hit and run accident, you should review the details of your case and your insurance policy. For example, you my only have coverage for property damage, which means the insurance company will not pay for your medical expenses. If you try to pursue such coverage, you will be denied. If you are appropriately covered, though, Progressive should provide restitution. They may refuse to do so because it will save them money or because they do not believe that the hit and run accident was that serious. It is possible to sue Progressive for bad faith. The company must act within the interests of its clients by not providing them with low settlement offers or by altering claims without the client’s knowledge. The company may even change the policy to suit their needs. If you feel that Progressive has behaved in such a way and made it so that you cannot adequately recover compensation after a hit and run accident, you may need legal representation.

How can I sue Progressive for a hit and run accident?

To sue Progressive for a hit and run incident, you must have enough evidence on your side. If you try to file a claim without adequate proof, you will be denied. You should first go get medical treatment for your injuries. If you do not get any treatment, your claim will suffer greatly, and your health may worsen. Do not delay the treatment because the agent at Progressive can claim that you were clearly involved in some other accident and you are using an opportunity to get paid. While you are at the doctor, you should get copies of the medical receipts, treatments, medication, doctor’s notes, test results, and more. You will need a fair amount of physical proof of the hit and run. This can include photos of your injuries, pictures of the damage done to your car, photos of the scene of the incident, receipts showing that you paid for parking somewhere or that you were on a specific toll road, and more. You may be able to acquire video footage from a security camera, dashboard camera, or other location, but this could be hard. It will be beneficial if you get statements and testimonies from eyewitnesses who saw the hit and run happen. They can attest to the fact that you were struck by someone who fled the scene of the crash. You may file a police report, which would then alert cops to a suspect. However, it is rare to catch a hit and run driver. Regardless, you can add the police report to your evidence package. After you have gotten all the evidence you need, you should contact an expert hit and run lawyer in Los Angeles. You may not have ever filed a claim with your insurance company before, or you may not have needed to sue. It can be very difficult to negotiate with the agent and you may be drained from the large amount of time and energy spent on the case. You should rest up and heal while our attorneys take care of all the necessary legal procedures.

How long do I have to file a hit and run claim against Progressive?

You have 2 years from the date of the injury to file a hit and run claim against Progressive in California. The statute of limitations allows you ample time to collect your evidence and ensure that it does not get lost or corrupted. If you fail to sue within that time period, you will not be able to secure any compensation at all, and you will have to pay for all the debts and expenses from the hit and run by yourself. Sometimes, the statute of limitations can be lifted or extended. This is common in scenarios involving minors (they can wait until they turn 18 years old to sue) and incapacitated individuals (those in comas or who were left mentally unwell can wait until they return to health before suing). To make sure that your lawsuit is filed on time, you should call our attorneys. We will submit your documents on deadline and you will not have a chance of missing the statute of limitations.

How Our Firm Helps

The Downtown LA Law Group is one of the most effective law firms in Los Angeles. We have years of experience in hit and run accident claims and we have wrestled hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for our clients. We are very familiar with Progressive insurance and how to secure a settlement for your lawsuit. If we have to go to court for your claim, we are willing to do so, as well. Our aggressive lawyers will fully commit to you and your claim. For a free legal consultation, don’ t hesitate to call our offices. All consultations are private and you won’t have to worry about any private information being shared elsewhere. We will tell you what we think your claim is worth and how to move forward. We will also give you our zero fee guarantee if you hire us – meaning we won’t get paid unless and until we win, and Progressive will pay the legal bill. If we lose, we take no payments whatsoever. For the best Progressive hit and run accident layers, contact the Downtown LA Law Group at (855) 339-8879.

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