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How Long Does It Take To Settle A Traumatic Brain Injury Case?

How Long Does It Take To Settle A Traumatic Brain Injury Case sue liability incident

It is astounding to learn that there are about 2.8 million people who suffer a traumatic brain injury, or TBI, each year in the United States. The results of these injuries cause about half a million people each year to become permanently disabled, and another 80K experience long-term disabilities. Sadly, there are currently more than 5.25 million Americans living with a disability due to suffering a TBI. Not only are they struggling with simple everyday life, but they are also often mired in costly medical bills and other expenses created by the harm they sustained and the lingering effects it has on their life and their ability to care for or support their families.

Many of these victims and their families are desperate to get help. They often reach out to DTLA Law Group asking our expert legal staff how long does it take to settle a traumatic brain injury case. And while we wish that there was a simple answer to that question, the honest answer is that no two TBI lawsuits or cases are the same. Each case is as unique as the life of the victim was before their harm and the injuries they suffered. However, we can assure TBI victims and their families of the most swiftly handled traumatic brain injury cases when they work with the dedicated team at DTLA Law Group.

Our office staff can be reached 24/7 to assist you with general information and help you understand the legal processes and your rights as the victim of a TBI due to someone else’s negligence. In addition, our staff will assist you in booking a free consultation with a seasoned DTLA Law Group traumatic brain injury attorney to discuss your case, the possible time needed to complete it, and what the compensation could cover. With that information, you will be well-prepared to decide if you are ready to pursue legal action to secure the compensation that is owed to you for the harm you sustained. Even if you have spoken to other law firms and they claim you do not have grounds for a lawsuit, please contact DTLA Law Group today. The consultation is always free, and in many instances, our exceptional staff will find that you do, in fact, have reason to file a lawsuit. But please reach out to our office staff today, as there is a time limit for filing a claim with the court.

How Long Does It Take To Settle A Traumatic Brain Injury Case compensation incident sue liability
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What Causes Traumatic Brain Injuries?

The term traumatic brain injury refers to harm caused to the brain by an external force. A sudden impact or motion, such as a blow to the head or a jolt, can injure the brain as it strikes the inside of the skull. The most common causes of traumatic brain injuries are vehicle accidents and falls. However, the harm can be caused by any incident that causes violent or sudden movement of the body or an impact that causes the brain to strike the skull.

Unfortunately, falls become more common as we age, leading to a significant number of TBI incidents in care facilities and hospitals. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders reports that older adults in hospitals suffer a large number of falls that can result in a TBI. In tracking this situation, it has been determined that in cases of older adults in the hospital, there is a serious fall with injuries at a rate of 1.5 falls per bed per year. Sadly, even when in the care of medical professionals, Americans are suffering a huge number of TBIs each year.

What Are The Common Results Of Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Sadly, the brain is a vital part of the body that can impact almost every aspect of a person’s physical, behavioral, and cognitive ability or capability. The symptoms of a TBI range greatly and can include:

  • Amnesia
  • Inability to speak or comprehend language
  • Mental confusion or fog
  • Trouble thinking, concentrating, or understanding
  • The inability to create new memories
  • The inability to recognize familiar items
  • Unusual or out of place laughing, crying, or emotional outbursts
  • Irritability
  • Impulsive actions
  • The repetition of words or actions
  • Blackouts
  • Dizziness
  • Mood swings
  • Anger or anxiety
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Balance issues
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Stiff muscles

While not all TBI victims suffer all or many of these symptoms, most face some of these issues as well as an array of other challenges in their daily lives. The victim can go from being a provider and caregiver to requiring help with the most basic tasks or full-time care in a long-term facility. If you or a loved one suffered a TBI and faced costly and scary issues regarding the solutions to these issues, please know that DTLA Law Group is here to assist you and help you understand how long it will take to resolve the TBI case.

What Is The Possible Value Of My TBI Lawsuit?

As the victim of a TBI or the loved one of someone who suffered such an injury, you are certainly aware of the crippling cost of extensive medical care. In addition, you understand that these injuries can rob you of your ability to earn an income and support your family. It is vital for all TBI victims and their families to understand that a lawsuit can provide a great deal of help in covering the expenses and losses created by the traumatic brain injury. Your personal injury lawsuit compensation will be based on your actual expenses and losses caused by the injuries. Working with your DTLA Law Group legal team, you will compile all allowable expenses incurred due to your injuries. Items that are commonly used in calculating the compensation amount include but are not always limited to:

  • All current and projected medical expenses related to the treatment and rehabilitation of the TBI injuries suffered
  • The cost to replace any personal property that was damaged or destroyed in the injury incident
  • All legal expenses related to preparing, filing, and litigating the traumatic brain injury lawsuit
  • Your lost income if the traumatic brain injury you sustained prevents you from working at your regular job until you have made a full recovery from the harm sustained

In cases that involve severe injuries, such as your TBI, the court permits the injury victim to seek added compensation for the pain and suffering caused by the incident. But because this is not a documented expense like your medical bills, you would rely on guidance from your legal team to help you select a dollar amount for pain and suffering that is fair and reasonable. In these cases, your traumatic brain injury attorney will review recently resolved instances to ensure they are providing a recommended amount of pain and suffering that is as robust as possible for all you have endured due to your injuries.

What Is The Time Limit To Begin My TBI Lawsuit?

In most personal injury lawsuits, the victim is given two years from the date of the injuries to make a claim with the court. Once that time has expired, the victim loses the right to seek compensation for the harm and losses caused by that specific incident. In addition, it is vital you understand that there are minimal exceptions that would provide added time to file a claim once the original time limit has passed. Please contact DTLA Law Group today to discuss your claim and the time remaining to file a lawsuit for the incident that caused your TBI.

How Long Does It Take To Settle A Traumatic Brain Injury Case attorney compensation liable liability
DTLA Law Group Offers Free Second Opinion Consultations For Added Peace Of Mind

After suffering severe injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury, it is common for the victim to quickly seek legal representation to handle their lawsuit. Sadly, not all law firms deliver what they promised potential clients to get them to sign a contract. If you are wondering and worrying about your TBI lawsuit lingering too long, please know that the DTLA Law Group team is here to evaluate the case and its progress to let you know if there is reason for concern and to seek a new legal team to complete the case.

Please understand that you are well within your rights to seek a free second opinion of the case and even to fire your current legal representation. If the staff at DTLA Law Group feels the case could be handled more swiftly, we will explain how our experts can achieve a more timely conclusion and the process we would follow to relieve your current legal team of the case and complete it for you.  Please reach out to our office staff today to discuss this valuable service.

No Upfront Legal Fees Or Expenses When You Work With DTLA Law Group

When you hire DTLA Law Group to handle your TBI lawsuit, you will never need to worry about covering the cost of upfront legal fees or expenses. Even when we take over an existing case, there are no upfront charges. Our firm only gets paid once your traumatic brain injury case is resolved, and you have the compensation that includes funds to cover your legal fees and other expenses. In addition, if your DTLA Law Group traumatic brain injury attorney fails to win the case and get you the compensation you deserve, you owe the firm nothing for its time and investment in the case. Please reach out to DTLA Law Group today to learn more about how long it takes to complete a traumatic brain injury case and the time remaining for you to pursue legal action to receive the financial compensation and justice you deserve for the harm and expenses you have endured.

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