San Joaquin Juvenile Hall Lawsuit Lawyer
If you were sexually abused during your stay at San Joaquin Juvenile Hall, you have the right to seek compensation for medical expenses, mental anguish, and other monetary damages. Even if you were abused 10, 20, or 30 years ago, you may still be eligible for a sexual misconduct lawsuit against your abuser and the San Joaquin County Probation Department.
San Joaquin Juvenile Hall is a youth detention facility located at 575 W Mathews Rd, French Camp, CA 95231. This is a temporary, “humane, safe and secure” detention center where youth offenders reside during their court proceedings. But we know for a fact that many of these places are textbook cases of poor leadership, neglect, and outright child abuse. In particular, children suffer at the hands of sexual predators that specifically work in these settings in order to have easy access to victims.
Living with the memories of sexual abuse is a painful experience that no one should have to go through. For many years, child sexual assault victims had little recourse against abusers that worked for major government institutions. Thankfully, the tide has turned in favor of current and former juvenile inmates, who are speaking out in record numbers and demanding justice through the criminal and civil courts. If you would like to explore the option of suing San Joaquin Juvenile Hall for sexual abuse, contact the offices of DTLA Law Group.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
Assaulted By Employee
You have grounds to file a lawsuit against San Joaquin Juvenile Hall if you were sexually abused by a probation officer, nurse, counselor, or any other adult that works at the facility. Sexual abuse of a child is any interaction of a sexual manner between an adult and someone under 18 years of age. Some child abusers will argue that the minor was a willing participant, but California law clearly states that anyone below the age of 18 cannot legally consent to a sexual relationship.
This is due to the fact that minors lack the psychological and emotional insight that is needed to make informed choices about sex. And it goes without saying that engaging in sexual activity with an inmate is a huge abuse of authority by a juvenile hall employee. Thus, it doesn’t matter that you didn’t say no or that you weren’t forced into having sex, exchanging sexually explicit material, etc. As long as you were a minor at the time, what happened between you and a staff member of San Joaquin Juvenile Hall is sexual abuse.
Along with suing the person that abused you, it’s more than likely that you have a case against San Joaquin County for their failure to protect you. We have seen it all in terms of negligence or willful misconduct by county probation departments that results in the sexual abuse of a minor. Lack of supervision between inmates and employees is a major issue, along with failure to act appropriately when there are allegations of child abuse. If anything, administrators spend their energy on silencing the victim and ensuring that evidence is hidden or destroyed.Whatever the circumstance, negligence that leads to sexual assault and harassment of a minor is unacceptable, and those who are part of the problem are liable for the harm you’ve suffered. For more information on suing for sexual abuse at a juvenile detention center, please take some time to speak with one of our legal experts.
Filing a Sexual Abuse Class Action Lawsuit against San Joaquin Juvenile HallPerhaps you have come across this article in your search to learn more about class action lawsuits for sexual abuse at juvenile halls. Many of these lawsuits have been formed in the past few years, and we can say that they are generally successful, due to the number of victims and the preponderance of evidence. If you are interested in joining a San Joaquin Juvenile Hall class action claim, simply give us a call and talk to an experienced class action lawyer for child sexual abuse. During a free consultation, you can learn more about these lawsuits and go over any questions and concerns that are on your mind. That way, you can be sure of making an informed decision when it comes to your rights and legal options.
What is the Deadline to Sue San Joaquin Juvenile Hall for Sexual Abuse?The normal deadline for a lawsuit for child sexual abuse is the age of 40, or 22 years following the victim’s 18th birthday. This is based on when the victim is legally an adult under California law. But there is another way you can determine how long you have for a lawsuit against San Joaquin Juvenile Hall. This is a legal standard known as the discovery rule, which is based on finding out about an injury that was caused by sexual abuse while you were a child
Many children have little to no knowledge of what they should do if they are sexually abused. Some of them may not even know that they are being abused, and as a result, they suppress these painful and uncomfortable memories for many years. The long-term repression causes mental health issues that require counseling, and by that time, the statute of limitations may have expired on their case. But the laws in California give such individuals 5 years to file a lawsuit, staring from when they discover a sex abuse-related injury.
We can help you determine the statute of limitations to sue for being sexually abused at San Joaquin Juvenile Hall. Just contact our law firm and ask to speak with a juvenile hall abuse lawsuit attorney.
What is the Average Case Value for a San Joaquin Juvenile Hall Sexual Abuse Lawsuit?The average settlement value of a San Joaquin Juvenile Hall lawsuit for sexual abuse can vary from $450,000 to $2,000,000 for sexual harassment claims. If you are a victim of sexual assault, the amount of compensation may be around $3,000,000 to $5,000,000, though this is just an estimate based on the majority of lawsuits that are settled by our attorneys. Frankly, we have had cases that resulted in awards of $10,000,000 and above, though 8-figure settlements are not common. On the other hand, if you are part of a San Joaquin Juvenile Hall class action lawsuit, the recovered settlement may exceed $200,000,000. However, such a lawsuit is likely to be filed on behalf of 100 or more claimants, who all receive a portion of the award.
Lawsuits for sexual abuse against juvenile halls usually take anywhere from 1 to 3 years before they are settled. For a personal injury claim, meaning the lawsuit is on behalf one victim, reaching a settlement will probably take 1 to 2 years. For a San Joaquin Juvenile Hall class action lawsuit, 2 to 3 years is a more realistic timeline to recover a monetary settlement. On the other hand, there are times when a fair payment amount is negotiated within 6 months, so there’s no way to predict exactly how long it will take to settle a San Joaquin Juvenile Hall sexual assault lawsuit. However, we can give you an estimate of the time it may take to recover your payment once we understand the details of your case.
Contact Our Law FirmPhysical assault, emotional abuse, and sexual misconduct have taken place at juvenile halls for as long these places have been in existence. Through decades of representing victims and their loved ones, we know that negligence by the people in charge of these facilities plays the biggest role in why children continue to be abused while they are in the system.
If you are in need of advice from a juvenile hall sexual abuse attorney, please take a moment to contact our office. You don’t have to worry about paying us, as we have a Zero Fee Guarantee. Under this policy, San Joaquin County covers all attorneys’ fees as a part of your settlement. That means you pay $0 if we fail to win your case, so you have nothing to lose by taking a chance on us and scheduling a free consultation at your earliest convenience.
We look forward to bringing your justice from a lawsuit against San Joaquin Juvenile Hall if you or your child was sexually abused by an employee of the juvenile justice system.
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