John A. Davis Juvenile Lawsuit Lawyers
Were you an inmate at John A. Davis Juvenile Hall, who was subjected to sexual abuse by a predatory staff member? Would you like to learn more about your rights, including the opportunity to sue Contra Costa County for sexual abuse at a juvenile detention facility?
John A. Davis Juvenile Hall, also known as Contra Costa County Juvenile Hall, is currently the largest youth detention center in California. This is a maximum security unit with space for 270 inmates up to 25 years of age. The campus includes 10 housing units and the Mt. McKinley School, which is operated by the Contra Costa County Office of Education. In addition, there are various medical and mental health services that are offered to inmates on a regular basis.
While all of this sounds impressive, the management of such programs requires constant supervision and accountability when things go wrong, which is where many of these facilities have consistently failed. The physical and sexual abuse of children is an epidemic in California’s juvenile halls, including John A. Davis. Considering that the facility has been open since 2005, there’s no telling how many children were mistreated and left with the trauma of sexual abuse by a counselor, probation officer, or another employee at the facility.
Our law firm is here to fight for you and the compensation you are entitled to as a victim of sexual abuse at John A. Davis. For more information on how you can file a juvenile hall sexual misconduct lawsuit, please take a moment to schedule a free consultation.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
Assaulted By Employee
Yes, you are able to sue if you were sexually abused at John A. Davis Juvenile Hall by someone that works for / worked for the facility. The abuse of inmates occurs on a frequent basis at juvenile halls throughout California, and much of this is due to lack of supervision, poor management, and a general sense of neglect by those in charge. In some cases, the warden and other administrators are directly involved in the physical assault and sexual exploitation of minors.
You may have noticed that lawsuits for sexual abuse at youth detention centers are typically filed against the county or a specific county agency, and not just the staff member that committed the abuse. While the abuser is directly responsible for taking advantage of the inmate, one has to question how the incident happened in the first place. In the course of our investigations, we’ve come across years of complaints against the same worker, photos and video footage of abuse that was hidden by administrators, and allegations that were never looked into by county officials.
The examples of neglect and misconduct by county probation departments are astounding, and we can no longer allow innocent children to be victimized by a broken system. If you or someone you know is suffering from the effects of sexual abuse at John A. Davis Juvenile Hall, contact the offices of DTLA Law Group.
How can I join a John A. Davis Juvenile Hall Class Action Lawsuit?If you would like to join a John A. Davis Juvenile Hall sexual abuse class action lawsuit, please contact our law firm. We can put you in touch with a juvenile hall class action lawyer, so that you can learn more about the process of joining a lawsuit with other abuse victims.
There is no denying that the number of class action lawsuits against juvenile halls has dramatically increased in the last few years. This is due to changes in the laws that allow for lawsuits to be filed by victims who were denied justice many years ago. And movements like #MeToo have brought the issue of institutional abuse to the forefront, which has given countless people the courage to name their abuser and seek justice through the court system.
The sexual assault lawyers of DTLA are here to guide you through the legal process and ensure that you are compensated by the responsible individuals. For more information on filing a class action claim for sexual abuse at John A. Davis Juvenile Hall, contact us today.
Average Value of a Lawsuit for Sexual Abuse at John A. Davis Juvenile HallThe average case value of a juvenile detention center sexual assault lawsuit ranges from $2,500,000 to $5,000,000. Claims involving sexual harassment and solicitation typically have settlement values of $500,000 to $1,500,000.
Please note that the average value of a John A. Davis Juvenile Hall sexual abuse case should only be used as a reference tool. The amount of compensation you can ask for depends on many details that are unique to your situation, and no one else’s. Figuring out how much you can receive in compensation for child sexual abuse is a complicated subject, though we can say with certainty that the majority of case values fall between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. Nevertheless, it’s essential to speak with a John A. Davis Juvenile Hall sex abuse lawyer, who can verify the approximate value of your lawsuit.
Amount of Time to Settle a John A. Davis Juvenile Hall Sexual Abuse LawsuitFor the most part, it takes 1 to 2 years to reach a settlement for sexual abuse lawsuits against John A. David Juvenile Hall. As we can only provide an estimate range, it’s important to remember that the amount of time to settle your lawsuit may be shorter or longer than the timelines we’ve stated here. For example, we have had sexual abuse claims that were settled within 4 to 6 months. However, it’s fair to say that the majority of these lawsuits take much longer to settle, especially if we need to ask for a trial date.
Over 90% of all sexual assault lawsuits are settled through negotiations with attorneys, so it’s rare that a case is tried in court. But if that’s the only option due to the other side’s continued resistance, settling a John A. Davis inmate abuse lawsuit can take several years from start to finish.
To sue John A. David Juvenile Hall for sexual abuse as a child, you must file a lawsuit within 10 years of the incident (or most recent incident) if you were 18 or older at the time. If you were younger than 18, you are classified as a minor, so the statute of limitations for a lawsuit is determined by:
- The day you turn 40 years old
- 5 years from when you realize an injury that was caused by sexual abuse
According to California’s Assembly Bill-218, victims have 22 years after they reach the age of consent (18 years old) to file a lawsuit for sexual abuse while they were a child. Alternatively, they can base the deadline for a lawsuit on when they discover an injury caused by the emotional / physical trauma from being sexually abused at John A. Davis Juvenile Hall. Known as the discovery rule, this is a critical legal exception that allows victims additional time to file a lawsuit, even if they are older than 40.
The majority of clients we represent are adults that have kept the secret of sexual abuse to themselves for many years. Because they got used to not thinking about these events, they assume that they have worked through the trauma and moved on with their lives. In reality, sexual assault and harassment at a juvenile hall creates deep-seated psychological issues that can cause mental health disorders.
Unfortunately, many people struggle for decades with drug addiction, anger management issues, PTSD, etc. for many years before they realize they need help. But it’s not until they start receiving treatment that they understand how their condition is connected to the abuse they endured at John A. Davis Juvenile Hall. Finally, they can start the process of recovering from these injuries, which may include suing Contra Costa County for monetary damages. Even if the statute of limitations has expired by this point, the victim has 5 years from the date of realization to file a sexual abuse claim.
We Provide Free Legal ServicesOur law firm has a dedicated team of lawyers with decades of experience in representing sexual abuse victims, including those who were victimized in government institutions. Sexual assault and physical abuse have taken place at these facilities for too many years, and it’s our mission to bring justice to those who are left with the scars of childhood sexual abuse.
We will never ask you to pay out of pocket for the cost of hiring us, which is covered by Contra Costa County. Our payment is included in your settlement check, so the only way we get paid is by winning your lawsuit. This way, you have the assurance of knowing that you can seek immediate assistance from a juvenile hall sexual abuse attorney.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so please reach out to us and schedule a free case evaluation.
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