Centinela Valley Juvenile Division Lawsuit Attorney
If you or someone in your family was sexually abused as an inmate at Centinela Valley Juvenile Division, you may have grounds to sue the County of Los Angeles for monetary compensation. California laws provide powerful protections to child sex abuse victims, including the right to file a lawsuit even if the abuse took place several decades ago.
Centinela Valley Juvenile Division is part of Centinela Youth Services, a program that was founded to provide academic, mental health, and juvenile crime prevention services to minors in Centinela Valley. Such programs are meant to rehabilitate kids that are on the wrong path and help them live successful and happy lives. Unfortunately, these programs also have a high rate of child physical and sexual abuse committed by counselors, probation officers, and other staff members.
There’s no denying that moving forward from incidents of sexual abuse is a difficult journey, and we are not saying that money will make up for everything you’ve gone through. However, filing a lawsuit is the only way for many victims to achieve justice, as the burden of proof for a criminal case is exceptionally high. Furthermore, the compensation from a lawsuit can help you pay for needed services and alleviate the burden of financial hardship that we commonly see among those who were sexually abused by someone working for the Centinela Valley Juvenile Division.
To explore the option of suing for child sexual abuse at a juvenile detention program, contact our law firm as soon as possible.
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$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
Assaulted By Employee
Yes, you can sue Centinela Valley Juvenile Division for monetary damages if you or your child was sexually abused by an adult at the facility. Frankly, these cases are disturbingly common at places that are meant to serve children, and child predators have many excuses to justify their behavior. With teen victims, for example, they may say that the inmate was sexually active already and that they initiated the relationship, not the other way around.
However, putting the responsibility for sexual misconduct on the minor is illegal, as the age of consent in California is 18. That means anyone under this age cannot give legal consent to a sexual relationship. Those in the juvenile justice system know this, as well as the fact that such a relationship with an inmate is a clear abuse of power.
But the abusive employee is not the only person that may be liable for your injuries from being sexually abused. Perhaps you were abused by someone that shouldn’t have been in the facility to begin with due to prior allegations of child sexual assault. Or, you asked other staff members and administrators for help, but they ignored your complaints, and instead, allowed the abuser to keep working with vulnerable children.
It’s impossible to cover all the examples of negligence we have come across in our investigations, but it’s clear that blame for the sexual abuse of a juvenile inmate may be shared by many individuals. This is why juvenile detention center lawsuits are typically filed against the city, county, or state, and not just the person that committed the assault or abuse.
We can help you determine who is liable for the abuse you suffered and ensure that you receive maximum payment from a lawsuit against Centinela Valley Juvenile Division.
How Much can I Receive from a Centinela Valley Juvenile Division Sexual Abuse Case?The amount of compensation for a juvenile inmate sexual abuse lawsuit is generally in the 6 to 7-figure range, starting from around $500,000 and climbing all the up to $5,000,000 to $7,500,000. Please note that this is an estimate range, and how much you will receive as a victim of sexual abuse depends on many details that we will need to discuss during a private consultation.
Typically, sexual assault cases are worth more than sexual harassment claims. For cases of sexual harassment, settlements may be between $450,000 and $1,500,000. Lawsuits for the sexual assault at Centinela Valley Juvenile Division can be worth over $3,000,000. In rare instances, you will find cases that are settled for over $10,000,000 due to the severity of injuries and excessive negligence by county officials. But as we’ve said before, the vast majority of settlements are 6 to 7 figures when it comes to monetary damages for a child sexual abuse victim.
How Long will It Take to Settle my Lawsuit?Cases involving the sexual abuse of a minor are probably the most complex of all personal injury lawsuits, and with that in mind, we would say that settling one of these cases can take 1 to 3 years. There are instances where the defendant is cooperative in working towards a settlement, meaning a sexual abuse claim may be resolved within the first 6 months. But in all honesty, government agencies do everything in their power to avoid liability for the actions of their employees, and as a result, we generally need at least 12 months to settle a Centinela Valley Juvenile Division sexual abuse lawsuit. For more details on how long it takes to settle a child abuse lawsuit against Centinela Valley Juvenile Division, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Under normal circumstances, you are allowed to file a child sexual assault lawsuit within 22 years following the date of your 18th’s birthday. In essence, you must file a claim against Centinela Valley Juvenile Division by the time you are 40 years old. Though that may seem like plenty of time to sue a juvenile hall, some people do not realize the harm they suffered from sexual abuse until they are older than 40.
To accommodate as many adult survivors as possible, the California court system has a 5-year discovery rule that can be used to toll the statute of limitations on a case of sexual abuse during childhood. This is a complex concept that you may wish to discuss with a member of our legal team. To put it simply, there are various injuries of a psychological nature that children end up from being sexually abused. But most victims repress what happened to them out of fear and shame. The cycle of suppression causes mental health issues, but the victim may not understand why they are having these symptoms.
It’s quite common for people to be older than 40 by the time they figure out the connection between abuse while they were a child and their current suffering. While they are past statute of limitations for a sexual abuse lawsuit, they can still file a lawsuit against Centinela Valley Juvenile Division within 5 years of discovering an emotional or physical injury.
Contact DTLA Law GroupThe abuse of minors is unforgivable in any setting, but it happens far too often within the walls of juvenile halls and camps throughout California. There is no easy solution to this problem, but we are dedicated to fighting for those who were permanently scarred by sexual abuse due to negligence and misconduct.
To learn more about suing Centinela Valley Juvenile Division for sexual misconduct, please take some time to speak with one of our attorneys. In addition to a free consultation, we will represent you for $0 upfront and wait to receive payment at the end of your case. And with the Zero Fee Guarantee, we only get paid by recovering your settlement, so we only get paid if you get paid.
For a free case review with a child sexual assault lawyer, please contact our office.
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