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Parada repentina del carro de la compra - Abogados de lesiones

sudden stop shopping cart injury attorney lawyer sue compensation accident incident

Were you or a member of your family harmed after a sudden stop shopping cart incident? The shopping cart that you or a member of your family was pushing on the premises of a store could have suddenly stopped and directly contributed to an accident. If you suffered an incident that involved a shopping cart, the incident could have been caused by the negligence of the store management or owner. This means that you and other affected parties might have grounds to pursue a claim.

If you or a member of your family suffered harm because of a faulty shopping cart, it is essential that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible to explore the possibility of filing a claim. Depending on the details of the incident, you could sue and even receive monetary compensation. If you would like to learn more about your right to take legal action against a store after a shopping cart incident, do not hesitate to contact our experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group.

At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have many years of experience handling all sorts of claims and representing victims and their families. Our lawyers are ready to handle your claim and aggressively fight for your right to recover the compensation to which you are entitled. If you would like our experts to handle your claim and

The Dangers of Shopping Carts

Shopping carts are supposed to facilitate our shopping. Most of us have experienced at least a few issues with shopping carts in the past, the most common likely being the cart veering to one side, being difficult to maneuver, or even being unable to push it due to a jammed wheel. Fortunately, many of these issues are identified as soon as we grab the shopping cart – and many of us simply look for another shopping cart.

However, some issues with shopping carts appear very suddenly – and can actually result in incidents. Consider the following two examples of shopping cart incidents:

  • A woman was pushing a shopping cart when the wheels suddenly stopped. The cart sheared the front of the woman’s shins. She suffered lacerations, hematomas, and other injuries in her legs, which resulted in the need for complex surgery and even skin grafting. She also suffered facial lacerations.
  • A woman was pushing a shopping cart when the wheel suddenly popped off, causing the shopping cart to suddenly stop and the victim to fall to the ground. The victim required hip surgery.

In both of these incidents, it was the sudden stop of the shopping cart that ultimately resulted in the injuries suffered. Depending on the specific circumstances surrounding the incident, the sudden stop of a shopping cart could contribute to the harm suffered. Some of the injuries that unsuspecting victims could suffer include the following: head injuries; brain injuries; neck injuries; back injuries; spinal cord injuries; shoulder injuries; hip injuries; knee injuries; lacerations; fractured bones; scrapes; bruises. Regardless of the specific injuries suffered, it is likely that affected parties will require at least some sort of medical treatment. In many cases, recovery is only partial.

Shopping Carts and Premise Liability

Based on premise liability property owners and managers owe a duty of care towards their guests. Stores, such as grocery stores, department stores, and convenient stores, for example, all carry this duty of care. Specifically, there is a duty to keep their shoppers safe while on their premises – their premises consist of the actual structure of the store to the parking lot and even sidewalks in some cases. Owners and managers must ensure that their entire premise is free of any hazards that could potentially lead to incidents and injuries.

To preserve the duty of care, premises must be thoroughly inspected to identify and address any hazards before innocent parties are harmed. All elements within the premises must be safe. This includes shopping carts. If shopping carts are not regularly inspected, maintained, or repaired, they can represent a significant hazard to innocent shoppers – this also represents a breached duty of care.

Whenever a breached duty of care leads to an incident that results in harm, the parties that breached their duty of care could be held accountable for all the harm suffered. This means that affected parties could hold liable parties accountable for the harm that they suffered.

If you would like to learn more about premise liability and how premise liability establishes the right to pursue a claim, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts as soon as possible.

Su derecho a demandar y recibir indemnización

If you or a member of your family were harmed in any way as a direct result of the negligence of a store that failed to ensure that there were no hazards in its premises, you will likely have grounds to sue. It is also possible that you are eligible to recover some sort of compensation for the harm that you suffered.

How much compensation could you receive? What type of compensation could you recover? The answers to these questions will always depend on the specific details of your claim; therefore, making assumptions about potential recovery and cases value before speaking to an experienced lawyer is strongly discouraged.

Some of the categories of compensation that are sometimes awarded to victims and their families include the following:

  • Gastos médicos
  • Pérdida de ingresos
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Daños materiales
  • Gastos de sepelio y entierro
  • Pérdida de consorcio
  • Daños punitivos

If you would like to learn more about the type and amount of compensation that you and your family might be eligible to receive if your sudden stop shopping cart accident claim reaches a successful outcome, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts as soon as possible. Our lawyers are ready to evaluate your claim and help you understand the compensation that might be available for you. When you trust our experts to handle your claim, you can be certain that there will always be someone aggressively fighting for your right to recover the maximum amount of compensation available.

To learn more about the compensation you could recover, contact us today.

¿Qué debe hacer?

If you were injured by a shopping cart while on the premises of any sort of store, there are a number of things that you should do to ensure that you can eventually file claim. There is no question that filing a lawsuit is not the first thing to cross the minds of injured parties; there is no guarantee that all incidents will lead to valid claims.

All victims, however, should explore the possibility of taking legal action if the harm that they suffered was a result of negligence. Following the appropriate steps will prove to be beneficial if affected parties decide to pursue claims. Consider the following recommended steps to take after being harmed because of a shopping cart:

  • Call for assistance
  • Ensure that an employee or a manager sees you on the floor before you attempt to get up
  • Take photos of the scene of the accident (including the shopping cart)
  • File a written report with the management
  • Take note of the date and time that the accident occurred
  • Take note of any surveillance cameras that could have captured your accident
  • Take note of the name of the manager on-duty at the time of your accident
  • Hable con los testigos y recopile su información de contacto
  • Seek medical attention immediately (contact emergency services if necessary)
  • Seek legal assistance immediately (with a premise liability lawyer)

By following the recommended steps above, you are essentially gathering the tools necessary to file a claim after suffering any sort of harm. Although there is no guarantee that following the recommended steps above could result in a successful outcome, following the steps above could facilitate the legal process. If, at any time, you are confused about what you should do next, it is essential that you seek legal assistance immediately.

¿Cuánto tiempo tiene para demandar?

Depending on the details surrounding your claim, you could have the right to sue. However, you could lose your right to sue in some circumstances. Specifically, you could lose your right to sue if you fail to file your claim within the appropriate length of time. All claims are subject to a statute of limitations – which determines the length of time that claimants have to sue. If claimants fail to file within the appropriate length of time (the time established by the statute of limitations), they could lose their right to sue.

How long do you have to file your claim after being harmed by a shopping cart at a store? In California, premise liability claims are typically subject to a two-year statute of limitations, meaning that claimants will only have two years to file their claims. If claimants fail to file within the two years allowed by the statute of limitations, they could lose their right to sue and their right to receive any form of compensation.

Statutes of limitations result in strict deadlines; however, certain exceptions could apply. These exceptions could directly affect the statute of limitations and toll or pause it for some time. To ensure that you file your shopping cart injury claim on time and have a thorough understanding of any exceptions that might apply to the time that you have to sue, it is essential that you seek legal assistance with our experts.

Póngase en contacto con Downtown L.A. Law Group hoy mismo

Were you or a member of your family injured after a shopping cart suddenly stopped while you were using it? Depending on the incident, the injuries were likely extensive – and might give victims and their families grounds to pursue a claim. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of filing a lawsuit against a store after being harmed in an incident surrounding a shopping cart, it is essential that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. Specifically, you should seek legal assistance with lawyers experienced in premise liability cases – consider the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group.

At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have many years of experience handling all sorts of claims, always dedicated to representing the best interests of our clients. We are committed to providing all affected parties with the legal representation that they need to file their claims against the liable parties and recover the compensation to which they are entitled. To ensure that all parties have access to the appropriate legal representation, our firm offers free legal services.

The free legal services offered by our firm include both free consultations and free second opinions. During our free consultations and free second opinions, affected parties will have access to all the information that they need to start or continue their claims. Specifically, our lawyers will be available to answer all questions and address all concerns. Whether you are interested in starting or continuing your premise liability claim against a store for your shopping cart injuries, it is essential that you seek legal assistance with our experts as soon as possible.

If you would like to benefit from our free consultations and free second opinions, it is essential that you contact our firm at your earliest convenience. Our free legal services are available as part of our Zero-Fee guarantee, which ensures that our clients will never be required to pay any upfront legal fees. Our firm is also strictly based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after reaching a successful claim outcome. If you do not win, you will not be required to cover any legal fees.

If you would like to learn more about your right to file a claim after being harmed at a store, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts as soon as possible.

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Cómo demandar a Belkin por bancos de carga defectuosos

Si tiene intención de presentar una demanda por responsabilidad civil por productos defectuosos contra Belkin, debe demostrar que la empresa fue negligente de algún modo. Se pueden presentar demandas de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos si puedes demostrar al menos uno de los siguientes puntos sobre el producto:

  • Hubo un error de diseño presente con el banco de carga
  • Se ha producido un error de fabricación durante la fabricación del banco de carga en la fábrica.
  • No había señales ni símbolos de peligro en el banco de carga ni en el embalaje.

Los bancos de carga tenían un defecto en el cableado, por lo que es probable que los materiales fueran defectuosos o que hubiera un diseño que no tuviera en cuenta el reducido espacio o el uso de energía.

Debes asegurarte de acudir al hospital para recibir tratamiento médico por tus lesiones. No es recomendable que espere demasiado para visitar a un médico. Si no recibe tratamiento rápidamente, sus lesiones pueden empeorar, o puede que el agente de seguros dude de la validez de su reclamación. Puede decir que usted sufrió una conmoción con otro artículo o en otro incidente, y dirá que el artículo defectuoso era un chivo expiatorio conveniente. También debe asegurarse de obtener copias de todos los documentos médicos, resultados de pruebas, declaraciones del médico, recibos del hospital, etc. del centro de tratamiento.

Puedes hacer fotos de los daños causados por la descarga eléctrica, y también puedes hacer fotos del banco de carga para demostrar que el objeto se incendió, si procede.

Es posible que haya testigos presenciales del incidente o que puedan testificar que el banco estaba defectuoso. Puede añadir sus declaraciones a su demanda para reforzarla. Cuanto más apoyo tenga de personas que vieron el incidente, más sólido será su caso.

Puede que quieras tirar el banco de carga, intentar repararlo o devolverlo para que te devuelvan el dinero. No debería hacer nada de esto. Es importante que mantengas el banco de carga tal como está y lo conserves, ya que es la prueba más importante que tienes. Si te deshaces de él, la compañía de seguros puede alegar que no hay forma de examinar el defecto, ya que no está presente en absoluto.

Es posible que tenga un recibo que demuestre que compró el banco de carga. Puedes hacer copias del mismo, o copias de un extracto bancario o un correo electrónico que demuestren que has pagado el artículo.

Le beneficiará contratar a un abogado especializado en responsabilidad por productos defectuosos para que lleve su caso. Si nunca ha emprendido acciones legales, es posible que no sepa lo más mínimo sobre cómo llevar adelante una reclamación por un producto defectuoso. Un abogado puede reunir sus pruebas, negociar con el agente de seguros y mantenerle informado durante todo el proceso mientras usted se recupera y vuelve a su vida normal.

Plazo de prescripción para interponer una demanda por responsabilidad civil por productos defectuosos

California tiene un plazo de prescripción de dos años a partir de la fecha de la lesión si desea presentar una demanda para recibir una indemnización por daños y perjuicios. Si usted no demanda dentro de este período de tiempo, usted no podrá recibir ninguna restitución, y su reclamo será desechado. A menudo, las personas no entienden la cantidad correcta de tiempo o no saben que hay un estatuto de limitaciones en el primer lugar. Es importante que hable con un abogado para determinar cuánto tiempo le queda a su caso.

Existe la posibilidad de que se amplíe su plazo de prescripción, pero esto sólo ocurrirá en determinadas situaciones. Si eras menor de 18 años, no puedes demandar sin un tutor legal que te represente, así que puedes esperar a cumplir la mayoría de edad para que el plazo de prescripción empiece a contar. También puede haber quedado incapacitado y no poder demandar, por lo que el plazo de prescripción no comenzará hasta que recupere la salud. Además, el demandado debe estar en California - si ha salido del estado, el plazo contará cuando regrese.

sudden stop shopping cart injury attorney lawyer lawsuit compensation accident incident sue

Ganancias por una demanda de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos contra Belkin

El valor de una demanda por responsabilidad civil por productos defectuosos dependerá en gran medida de las lesiones que haya sufrido y de la gravedad de las mismas. Si sufrió lesiones graves, recibirá potencialmente una oferta de acuerdo mayor que si sólo sufrió lesiones leves. El agente de seguros quiere preservar los beneficios y no pagar los acuerdos, y nuestro objetivo es ofrecerle el máximo acuerdo disponible bajo la ley. Nuestra meta es asegurarle compensación por lo siguiente:

  • Facturas y gastos médicos pasados y futuros en concepto de cirugía, hospitalización, medicación, fisioterapia, etc.
  • Salarios perdidos si no pudo trabajar o no pudo volver a hacerlo en el futuro.
  • Daños materiales para cubrir la pérdida de objetos y efectos personales
  • Indemnización por daños y perjuicios para compensar traumas emocionales, ansiedad, TEPT, miedo, etc.

No debe esperarse que usted pague la factura de todos estos gastos si, en primer lugar, no fue responsable del incidente. Una reclamación por producto defectuoso puede permitirle recibir la indemnización que necesita para pagar estos daños.

La promesa de nuestra empresa

Nuestro objetivo en el Downtown LA Law Group es asegurar que usted está totalmente cubierto por sus pérdidas si usted fue herido a causa de un producto defectuoso. Nuestros abogados de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos son conocidos como los mejores de la ciudad, y tenemos años de experiencia y numerosas críticas que nos respaldan. No nos detendremos ante nada para conseguirle hasta el último centavo que se merezca, incluso si eso significa acudir a los tribunales para defender sus derechos.

Para una consulta legal gratuita, llame a nuestras oficinas legales hoy. Todas las consultas son confidenciales y su información privada o los detalles de su caso no serán compartidos con nadie. También le daremos nuestra garantía de cero honorarios en su caso. No nos pagarán a menos que y hasta que ganemos. Si perdemos, no cobraremos nada. De cualquier manera, sus finanzas no se verán alteradas por buscar ayuda legal con nosotros.

No dude en ponerse en contacto con Downtown LA Law Group si desea demandar a Belkin por lesiones derivadas de un banco de carga defectuoso.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

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Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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