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(855) 339-8879

Slumlord Lawyer | Landlord Tenant Rights Law Firm in California

California’s inner city or urban areas are filled with low income housing for tenants. However, many of these facilities are improperly maintained and rented out too low income families who are forced to live in un-habitable conditions. Such conditions can make tenants sick or cause serious injuries. Many tenants fail to realize that they have rights and cannot be evicted simply for complaining. If you are a victim of a slumlord who is subjecting you and your family to improper living conditions, contact our offices today for a free case evaluation. We are passionate litigators and advocates for the rights of minorities and those who are harmed by landlords and slumlords.

What is the definition of Slumlords?

Slumlords are Landlords who provide below standard or sub-par living conditions can be considered slumlords. Particularly landlords who fail to provide habitable living conditions suitable for human habitation. Instances include:
  • Failure to provide adequate living conditions;
  • Lack of heat or cooling conditions;
  • Presence of Mold;
  • Flooding caused by leaking or broken pipes;
  • Un-safe conditions, including proper security for windows, doors and gates;
  • Infestación de chinches – Insect infestation without remediation; and
  • Roofing issues;
  • Improper lighting in stairways and walkways leading to slip and falls
  • Lack of Elevator Maintenance leading to elevator accidents
  • Improper Security
  • Illegal Eviction of tenant from premises
While this is not a complete list it does outline a number of landlord tenant issues. When you landlord fails to provide a living space suitable for basic human habitation a tenant has a number of remedies at his disposal. Tenants can under certain circumstances and with proper notice repair and reduce the cost of repair, terminate their leasehold and voluntary remove themselves from the property or continue to make demands for repair. Relocating is often the least preferred solution, since it consists of considerable costs and there is a sense of emotional attachment to your home. When you landlord fails to comply with your request legal representation can be your only solution or remedy.

Can my landlord evict me for complaining about living conditions?

Tenants often feel that if they complain they may be evicted from the property. This is absolutely not allowed. A tenant has a right to make complaints either to the landlord or the regulatory authorities regarding the condition of the property. A landlord who evicts a tenant after he/she makes such complaints is liable for “retaliatory eviction”. What is retaliatory Eviction:  Retaliatory eviction is the process by which a landlord evicts a tenant in retaliation for making complaints regarding the habitability or condition of the property. If you have been evicted in retaliation for making complaints and fee that it was wrongful representation may be your only solution. Our offices will aggressively fight for your rights to ensure that you are properly compensated for your harm.

Experienced Trusted and tenacious Tenant rights lawyers

Downtown LA Law is a full service plaintiff’s law firm. We are compassionate litigators fighting for the rights of our clients. Whether it is wrongful eviction, retaliatory eviction or any other personal injury cause of action we are here to help. Our retaliatory eviction attorneys Los Angeles can help with your case. The retaliatory eviction lawyers at Downtown LA Law are skilled in wrongful eviction matters and can assist you in determining whether you have a case.
¿Cómo puedo protegerme de un accidente de ascensor?
Cómo podemos ayudarle:  If you have been injured as a result of a wrongful or retaliatory eviction then representation by a skilled legal professional may be your best option. While legal representation is always a difficult choice to make, it may be the only defense available to preserve your rights. Contact us today for a free evaluation at 855-385-2529 or if you already have representation we can provide a second opinion of what we feel should be done to help win your case. Recuerde: It is crucial to act quickly before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Llámenos para free consultation with one of our lawyers regarding your claim: (855) 339-8879

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