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(855) 339-8879

Glendale Personal Injury Attorneys

Glendale personal injury attorneys Victims of negligent action should always look into pursuing some form of financial compensation. You should not be made to fall into debt or owe money to other parties – the responsible entity should be held liable. Our firm, the Downtown LA Law Group, can help you with your lawsuit and ensure that you are adequately covered. Our Glendale personal injury lawyers will be proud to represent you.

Areas We Practice

Personal injury is a wide spectrum, and you can likely take legal action if you were hurt in almost any scenario, especially if the accident was not your fault or if it was caused by the negligent action of another individual. We have ample experience in the world of personal injury claims, and we know the best methods to winning your case, no matter what kind it is. We can help you if you were hurt in any of the following, and more: If you have been hurt in an accident of any kind, you are encouraged to reach out to our law firm. Our Glendale abogados de lesiones personales will listen to you and determine if you have a case. We’ll gladly represent you if so, and you will not have to worry about the confusing legal process or the difficulty in negotiating a better deal.

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Proving Negligence

If you have been involved in an accident of some kind or if you were hurt because of another individual’s actions, you must be able to show that the party acted with negligence when he hurt you. To do so, you must show these points:
  • You were owed a duty of care by the responsible party, which can be proven in many scenarios; for example, being under the care of a doctor or being a customer in a store automatically means you are owed a duty of care.
  • The duty of care was breached in some way, whether by an oversight, a deliberate action, or some other reckless or careless behavior, placing you in danger.
  • The breach of duty caused an accident or an incident of some kind, such as a car crash, an assault, a slip and fall, and more.
  • The accident resulted in physical injuries.
Bear in mind that physical injuries are required if you intend to file a personal injury claim. If you were not physically harmed, you won’t be able to presentar una demanda por daños personales. It can be difficult to prove negligence if you do not have any legal experience. You may not be able to win your case or even fairly negotiate with an insurance agent if you do not have an experienced attorney on your side. Call us at (855) 339-8879 to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Glendale hoy.

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Potential Restitution from a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Victims of accidents and incidents should be fairly compensated for their damages. There are numerous types of compensation that can be handed out that is universal to all claims, while other situations may warrant different or additional damages. For example, if you were a victim of a bed bug infestation, you could have the fumigation and extermination costs recouped. You should not be expected to cover debts and expenses stemming from an accident if the accident were caused because of the negligent or reckless actions of another party. We can make sure that you earn compensation such as:
  • Coverage of medical bills (hospitalization, surgery, physical therapy, medication, ambulatory transportation, specialist visits, and future medical treatments)
  • Missed income at work (from the past and future, which you may sue for if injuries, recovery time, and additional medical procedures will impact your earning ability)
  • Property damage (vehicle damage, lost phone and laptop, damaged textbooks and personal items, and more)
  • Pain and suffering (PTSD, fear, emotional scarring, anxiety, mental trauma, and more)
  • Punitive damages (additional forms of monetary damage meant to punish the defendant, but they are only handed out in times of gross negligence or when the defendant intended to harm you; these damages are hard to win, and as such, only a talented lawyer who can prove that they are not excessive will be able to secure them for you)
  • Wrongful death damages (handed out if a family member or loved one passes away in the incident; the damages can include loss of consortium, loss of expected savings and inheritance, pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, funeral and burial expenses, and more)
Nuestra Glendale abogados de lesiones personales will be glad to help you receive the maximum compensation available under the law. We will work around the clock to ensure you are totally protected and that the insurance agent will make you a fair offer.

Por qué contratar a un abogado

Many individuals may want to proceed with their cases with no legal help at all. We do not recommend this if you have suffered injuries of some kind. Insurance agents will debate each and every expenses associated with the medical bill and will likely claim that you were not as hurt as you stated or that you did not need that treatment or that you were obviously hurt elsewhere. They can keep this up for months and may even go so far as to reject your claim and stop answering your phone calls. It is highly recommended that you enlist the services of a qualified personal injury attorney who can handle your case for you. We will be able to spend all of our time on your claim; we have the resources and legal background that you may lack, and our lawyers will dedicate themselves to bringing you what you deserve. You may not need to hire an attorney if you were not injured in an accident and you wish to simply pursue compensation for damaged property and lost wages. These claims are often much ore straight-forward; you can get by with less evidence, and the amount of compensation requested is minimal compared to what would be requested to cover medical expenses. Insurance agents are more likely to work with you on these types of claims. Póngase en contacto con nuestra Glendale abogados de lesiones personales if you have any questions.

Infórmese sobre sus opciones de indemnización llamando al (855) 339-8879.

Time Limit to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit

In the state of California, you only have two years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party. This two-year limit allows you to collect ample evidence in the time being to sufficiently win your case. If you miss the deadline to file a claim, you will be prevented from doing so in the future and won’t be able to collect any compensation. It’s important that you adhere to the time limit for your lawsuit. There are some scenarios, though, in which the statute of limitations may be extended past the two year limit. This can depend on a circumstance within the case or outside of it. For example, some medical malpractice scenarios have a greatly extended statute, such as when a foreign object is left in the body. Further, you may be underage at the time of the incident, which would cause your statute to be put on hold until you turn 18 years old. You could also have been physically or mentally incapacitated or unable to file a claim after the incident, and would not have to adhere to the statute until you returned to health. Moreover, the defendant’s location plays a role in the statute of limitations. If he left the state or the country, your deadline would be put on hold and then extended to match the time that he spent away. It can be difficult to identify the proper time limit for your lawsuit and you may not know when your deadlines are. Our Glendale personal injury lawyers can make sure that all your documents and necessary forms are submitted on time.

Our Promise to You

The Downtown LA Law Group promises to work relentlessly to secure you the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers are aggressive and will not give up until we are satisfied with the outcome of your case. If we need to go to court, we will do so, and if we need to use all of our resources to hire expert witnesses and never stop negotiating, we are prepared. You will get only the best in town when you hire us for representation. If you need a free legal consultation, call our offices at (855) 339-8879. All of your case details will be kept totally private and we will not divulge any personal information to anyone. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask. We will also tell you more about our zero fee guarantee, which promises that you won’t spend a dime of your own money to file your claim. We will take care of all the legal expenses and we will only get paid if we win. In the event that we lose, you pay nothing, and we eat the losses ourselves. Your financial standing is important, and we believe that no client should take a negative hit if the claim is unsuccessful. Póngase en contacto con nuestro Glendale personal injury lawyers if you wish to file a claim for injuries you suffered as a result of negligent action.

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