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Daños en los nervios faciales y parálisis Parálisis de las campanas causadas por negligencia médica

Medical Malpractice Attorney Birth InjuryFacial Nerve Trauma is one of the most common birth injuries resulting from the medical malpractice of the practicing OGBYN or Physician during the delivery process. The most common type of facial paralysis resulting from trauma during the birthing process is known as Bell’s Plasy. The birth of a child is a momentous occasion for a family; sadly, in many instances the negligent medical care of doctors, nurses of other hospital staff result in serious injuries and permanent disabilities. Victims of trauma de nacimiento are entitled to financial compensation for the losses they have suffered.

Warning sign’s and symptoms of Facial Nerve Injuries caused By Birth Trauma

There can be numerous caused of nerve damage during the birthing process. Some of the most common are as follows.

  • Improper use of the forceps during delivery
  • Compression of the facial nerve against the spine during irregular vaginal births
  • Improper use of the Ventouse method
  • Long labor or lengthened pregnancy
  • Large size of the baby
  • Head of the child is proportionally larger than the rest of the body
  • Diabetes de la madre
  • Past history of birth trauma on the mother
  • Improper use of epidural and anesthesia during the delivery process

The face is the most sensitive part of the body covered by a web of hundreds of nerves controlling facial movements from the blinking of an eye to the moving of the mouth and cheeks. A short list of facial nerves which can sustain permanent damage include

  • Nerves controlling Motor Functions of the Face: Including facial expression, and the stapedius muscle
  • Nerves Controlling the Sensory Organs of the Face: Including taste, smell, and sight
Compruebe también Daños nerviosos Después de un Accidente de tráfico: Personal Injury Lawsuit Guide

How can I find out if my child suffered facial nerve damage

There are numerous signs and symptoms of facial paralysis injuries in infants. If you suspect your child is displaying any signs of facial palsy / Bells Palsy contact a pediatrician and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  • Numbness of the side of the face affected
  • Incomplete closure of the eye
  • Uncontrollable drooling
  • Sensitivity to sight and sound
  • Vertigo
  • Black and blue marks across the face of a newborn
  • Facial Asymmetry
  • Lack of motion in the forehead

Compensation Injuries to Your Child

Victims of injuries resulting from the negligent medical care of practicing doctors, anesthesiologist, obstetricians and OBGYN’s are entitled to money recoveries for losses including

  • Medical costs including hospitalization and prescription medications
  • Futuros gastos médicos y de rehabilitación
  • Cost of nursing and home care
  • Non-economic damaged including pain and suffering, emotional distress, and punitive damages (note: the state of California imposes a $250,000 Cap on non-economic damages in Medical Malpractice lawsuits).

Contactar con un abogado

If you would like to speak to a negligencia médica attorney regarding a facial paralysis birth trauma claim contact our Law Firm by phone (855) 339-8879 or fill out a Free Case Evaluation Form here. All initial consultations with our attorneys are free of charge. Más información: National Institute of Health Facial Nerve Palsy due to Birth Trauma

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Interesting & Helpful Legal Infographics

Guía definitiva sobre lesiones en el parto

- Lesiones al nacer
- Preguntas sobre lesiones al nacer
- Ley de Lesiones de Nacimiento de California
- Sufrimiento infantil por mala praxis en el parto
- Lesión cerebral al nacer
- Parálisis de Erb - Plexo braquial
- Compresión del cordón umbilical
- Lesión por parto con fórceps
- Lesión de hombro al nacer
- Desprendimiento prematuro de placenta
- Estadísticas
- Prescripción en California de las lesiones en el parto
- Depakote Defecto congénito del paladar hendido
- Defecto de nacimiento por Depakote
- Dispositivo anticonceptivo NuvaRing
- Lexapro abogado - demandas por defectos de nacimiento
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Beyaz y otros anticonceptivos orales
- Abogado especialista en sufrimiento fetal
- Demanda por embolia pulmonar con Yaz
- Abogado de distocia de hombros
- Abogado especialista en parálisis de Klumpke
- Yaz trombosis venosa profunda abogado
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Lesión de nacimiento por hipoxia
- Defecto de nacimiento por Paxil
- Demanda por lesiones nerviosas al nacer
- Fractura de clavícula Lesión de nacimiento
- Mala praxis en la cesárea
- Yaz: anticonceptivo defectuoso
- Yaz Lawsuit - Presentación de demandas sobre anticonceptivos
- Demanda por defectos de nacimiento con Zofran


Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"Honestamente no puedo decir suficientes cosas buenas sobre Farid. Ni siquiera llegué a ser realmente su cliente, ya que nunca le pagué un solo centavo, y él me ayudó a resolver mi caso con mi abogado actual. Me había puesto en contacto accidentalmente con la empresa de Farid en un intento de contactar con mi abogado, que me había ignorado durante meses. Farid se puso en contacto conmigo a los pocos minutos de que yo hablara con un representante suyo en directo por Internet (y eso que era muy tarde por la noche)."
- Ashlee Fletcher
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