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Sufrimiento infantil por mala praxis en el parto

Is Your Child Suffering From Birth Injuries?

Child Suffering caused by birth malpractice A lesión de nacimiento is defined as damage that happens to a child during or prior to birth. It is estimated that about 1,000 babies are injured during birth. Birth injuries come in a variety of forms and severity levels. Though not always, birth injuries are avoidable in some instances. However, at times such damage to the baby is usually caused by negligence and improper care by the healthcare provider. Some common birth injuries:  Below are some of the of most prevalent birth related child injuries
  • Parálisis cerebral
  • Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy/lack of oxygen to the brain due to brain cell injury
  • Hemorragia cerebral
  • Swelling in the brain
  • Fractures in the Skull
For an infant, the contortions and contractions that come with childbirth mean that the risk for birth injury is always there. However, in some cases birth injury is caused by negligence by the physician or midwife.

Factors That May Lead to a Birth Injury

  • Large fetal head that prolongs or delays delivery
  • Babies exceeding the normal birth weight might be too large for the vagina which consequently might cause birth injuries
  • Certain prescription drugs taken by the mother before delivery might also lead to birth injury (Such drugs include SSRI)
  • Exposure to certain chemicals at the workplace may cause serious birth defects too
Medical malpractice or negligence is defined as when a healthcare provider deviates from conventionally accepted practices, causing harm to the baby.
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Factors That May Be Interpreted As Medical Malpractice

  • Failure to note fetal distress as is seen on the heart monitor and thus failing to provide appropriate treatment
  • Misuse of instruments of delivery such as vacuum and forceps
  • The improper use of delivery drugs such as Pitocin; a drug used to facilitate or induce labor
  • Improperly resuscitating the newborn immediately after delivery
In some instances the physician may fail to properly manage a complicated pregnancy, which in turn leads to birth injuries. These include:
  • Prolapsed or compressed umbilical cord
  • Maternal infections
  • Fetal bleeding or maternal bleeding that’s abnormal
  • Difficult vaginal delivery due to inadequate pelvis size
Birth Injury Detection:  Detecting a birth injury is not complicated at all. Sometimes, it is possible to immediately detect it after birth. In some cases though, it might take years before the damage is detected. Some signs of such damage include:
  • Seizures that are not separated by more than 48 hours
  • A single arm that appears to be limp
How We Can Help: Suffering including the years of pain and prolonged often lifelong disabilities such as Parálisis de Erb or Cerebral Palsy are a tragedy for for the child as well as his loved one and family members.  If your son or daughter is suffering from a birth injury or a birth defect due to medical malpractice you must tend to your child’s needs.  Protecting your rights and holding those who cause such pain and suffering is our job.  Our goal in ever Child Birth Injury Malpractice claim is to maximize the compensation so that your child can receive the proper medical care and treatment he deserves. Contact Information: At Downtown LA Law, our skilled California Birth Injury Lawyers y Child Brain Injury Lawyers we will ensure that your rights are protected. Our legal team will ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. If  your child has a birth injury that was as a result of negligent medical care, our Downtown LA Law legal team can offer you effective representation. Call us (855) 339-8879
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Interesting & Helpful Legal Infographics

Guía definitiva sobre lesiones en el parto

- Lesiones al nacer
- Preguntas sobre lesiones al nacer
- Ley de Lesiones de Nacimiento de California
- Sufrimiento infantil por mala praxis en el parto
- Lesión cerebral al nacer
- Parálisis de Erb - Plexo braquial
- Compresión del cordón umbilical
- Lesión por parto con fórceps
- Lesión de hombro al nacer
- Desprendimiento prematuro de placenta
- Estadísticas
- Prescripción en California de las lesiones en el parto
- Depakote Defecto congénito del paladar hendido
- Defecto de nacimiento por Depakote
- Dispositivo anticonceptivo NuvaRing
- Lexapro abogado - demandas por defectos de nacimiento
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Beyaz y otros anticonceptivos orales
- Abogado especialista en sufrimiento fetal
- Demanda por embolia pulmonar con Yaz
- Abogado de distocia de hombros
- Abogado especialista en parálisis de Klumpke
- Yaz trombosis venosa profunda abogado
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Lesión de nacimiento por hipoxia
- Defecto de nacimiento por Paxil
- Demanda por lesiones nerviosas al nacer
- Fractura de clavícula Lesión de nacimiento
- Mala praxis en la cesárea
- Yaz: anticonceptivo defectuoso
- Yaz Lawsuit - Presentación de demandas sobre anticonceptivos
- Demanda por defectos de nacimiento con Zofran


Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"Honestamente no puedo decir suficientes cosas buenas sobre Farid. Ni siquiera llegué a ser realmente su cliente, ya que nunca le pagué un solo centavo, y él me ayudó a resolver mi caso con mi abogado actual. Me había puesto en contacto accidentalmente con la empresa de Farid en un intento de contactar con mi abogado, que me había ignorado durante meses. Farid se puso en contacto conmigo a los pocos minutos de que yo hablara con un representante suyo en directo por Internet (y eso que era muy tarde por la noche)."
- Ashlee Fletcher
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