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Prescripción en California de las lesiones en el parto

California Statute of Limitations for Birth Injuries attorney lawsuit lawyer medical malpractice incident

Unfortunately, birth injuries are relatively common. Birth injuries are typically associated with the negligent actions of nurses and doctors, and parents can potentially pursue medical malpractice claims. Was your child harmed due to the negligent actions of a medical team? If so, you might have grounds to pursue a claim against the hospital where the incident happened.

When considering pursuing a medical malpractice claims, it is important for claimants to have a thorough understanding of the deadlines that apply to their specific situation. All claims are subject to deadlines – or a statute of limitations – which determine the total time that claimants have to sue. If they fail to file within this deadline, claimants could lose their right to take any legal action.

What deadline applies to my claim? How long do I have to file a medical malpractice claim? If you have any of these questions, it is important that you seek legal assistance immediately to get a better understanding of the time that you have to sue. You can trust the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group to provide you with the guidance that you need to file your claim on time.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Negligencias médicas


Negligencias médicas


Producto sanitario defectuoso


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Producto sanitario defectuoso


Lesión de hombro


Lesión de espalda
¿Cuánto tiempo tiene para demandar?

Statute of limitations is a federal or state law that requires certain legal proceedings to be brought within a certain time frame.  In criminal cases, once a statute has run out, an individual may no longer initiate legal proceedings.  In civil cases, a plaintiff is barred from filing a lawsuit once the statute of limitations has run out. 

For both civil and criminal situations, each type of claim or charge has a different time limit. For example, a potential plaintiff has 4 years from the date of the breach to file a lawsuit for a breach of contract claim, but only 2 years from the date of an accident to bring an injury claim. For a complete list of California civil statute of limitations laws, click here…

For medical malpractice, an individual has 3 years from the date of the injury, or 1 year from the date the injured person discovered or reasonably should have known of the injury, whichever comes first.  One exception in most civil statute of limitations rules is for minors.  For minors, the individual has until they turn 18-years-old, PLUS the statutory period to file a lawsuit.  Therefore, in our injury example from above, where the person has a 2 year limit, they have until their eighteenth birthday, plus 2 years.  Therefore, they have until they reach the age of 20-years-old to file a lawsuit.

However, California imposes different rules for minors in medical malpractice claims. California medical malpractice for minors is governed by California Code of Civil Procedure §340.5.  Under this rule California medical malpractice begins at the age of 6.  Therefore, the statutory period would begin after they turn 6-years-old.  However, for medical malpractice claims relating to minors under 6-years-old, the lawsuit must be filed within three years of the date of the malpractice, OR before the child’s eighth birthday, whichever one is greater.  Therefore, minors who have suffered from a lesión de nacimiento essentially have eight years to file a medical malpractice claim. California also has a special birth injury statute in California Code of Civil Procedure §340.4, but it basically is read the same as CCP §340.5, and case law has found that §340.5 is appropriate.

If you are unsure of the total time that you have to pursue your medical malpractice claim for a birth injury, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance as quickly as possible.

California Statute of Limitations for Birth Injuries attorney lawsuit lawyer medical malpractice incident
Póngase en contacto con Downtown L.A. Law Group hoy mismo

At our firm, we are completely dedicated to providing victims and their families with the guidance that they need to reach successful claim outcomes. We have successfully represented countless victims and helped them recover the compensation that they are owed. Would you like to discuss your birth injury medical malpractice claim with the experts at our firm? If so, contact us today.

We understand that it could be difficult to access legal services; therefore, we offer free consultations and free second opinions, which allow affected parties to speak with our experts without ever having to worry about expensive legal fees. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns – providing you with the guidance that you need to reach a successful claim outcome. Are you ready to discuss your claim with the experts at our firm? If so, contact us immediately.

We offer a Zero-Fee guarantee, meaning that our clients will not be required to pay upfront legal fees for our legal services. Additionally, our firm is based on a contingency structure; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after winning your claim.

If you are ready to discuss your claim with the experts at our firm, contact us immediately. We are ready to help you file your claim on time.

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Interesting & Helpful Legal Infographics

Guía definitiva sobre lesiones en el parto

- Lesiones al nacer
- Preguntas sobre lesiones al nacer
- Ley de Lesiones de Nacimiento de California
- Sufrimiento infantil por mala praxis en el parto
- Lesión cerebral al nacer
- Parálisis de Erb - Plexo braquial
- Compresión del cordón umbilical
- Lesión por parto con fórceps
- Lesión de hombro al nacer
- Desprendimiento prematuro de placenta
- Estadísticas
- Prescripción en California de las lesiones en el parto
- Depakote Defecto congénito del paladar hendido
- Defecto de nacimiento por Depakote
- Dispositivo anticonceptivo NuvaRing
- Lexapro abogado - demandas por defectos de nacimiento
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Beyaz y otros anticonceptivos orales
- Abogado especialista en sufrimiento fetal
- Demanda por embolia pulmonar con Yaz
- Abogado de distocia de hombros
- Abogado especialista en parálisis de Klumpke
- Yaz trombosis venosa profunda abogado
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Lesión de nacimiento por hipoxia
- Defecto de nacimiento por Paxil
- Demanda por lesiones nerviosas al nacer
- Fractura de clavícula Lesión de nacimiento
- Mala praxis en la cesárea
- Yaz: anticonceptivo defectuoso
- Yaz Lawsuit - Presentación de demandas sobre anticonceptivos
- Demanda por defectos de nacimiento con Zofran


Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"Honestamente no puedo decir suficientes cosas buenas sobre Farid. Ni siquiera llegué a ser realmente su cliente, ya que nunca le pagué un solo centavo, y él me ayudó a resolver mi caso con mi abogado actual. Me había puesto en contacto accidentalmente con la empresa de Farid en un intento de contactar con mi abogado, que me había ignorado durante meses. Farid se puso en contacto conmigo a los pocos minutos de que yo hablara con un representante suyo en directo por Internet (y eso que era muy tarde por la noche)."
- Ashlee Fletcher
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