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Shoulder Dystocia Attorney | Med Mal Birth Injury Lawsuit

Shoulder Dystocia Injury AttorneyShoulder dystocia is one of the most common infant lesiones de nacimiento resulting from the medical malpractice of obstetrician and other medical practitioners charged with the proper treatment of the mother and child. According to statistics shoulder dystocia injuries take place in 1 out of every 100 normal birth weight deliveries and 10 out of 100 of higher birth weight deliveries.  Children who have suffered from severe birthing injuries due to the negligence of medical doctors are entitled to compensation for their damages.

What is Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder Dystocia take during the delivery process when an infant’s shoulders get stuck behind a mother’s pubic bone. At this point the shoulder of the fetus need to be rotated away from the pubic bone of the mother. Incidence of Brachial Plexus injury Cerebral palsy or Erbs palsy may develop when the medical doctor attempts to push the baby’s head out of the birth canal without attempting to alleviate the shoulder dystocia.  Other serious birth injuries resulting from shoulder dystocia include

  • Fractured Clavicle
  • Fractured Humorous
  • Fetal Asphyxia
  • Cerebral Contusions

Factores de riesgo: There factors associated with an increased rate of shoulder dystocia. Some of the most common risk factors include

  • Increased birth weight of the fetus
  • Obesity: Increased Weight of the mother including increased birth weight of the mother
  • Diabetes de la madre
  • Fetal macrosamia: a condition in which the body of the infant is disproportionally larger than the head.

Less significant risk factors which may be associated with incidences of shoulder dystocia include, age of the mother, abnormal pelvis of the mother, and previous incidences of shoulder dystocia in the mother.

Filing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit against the Treating Physician Doctor

Medical Malpractice is a claim for professional negligence of the physician responsible for the health and wellness of a patient. Negligence is established when a medical practitioner fails to treat a patient in the manner accepted by the standard of care within the specialty, he is a member of.  There will be a claim for recovery if the failure to abide by the established standard of care was a cause of the injuries suffered. If your child has suffered from shoulder dystocia and has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, erbs palsy, klumpke palsy contact a birth injury attorney from the Downtown LA Law Group. Our team of attorneys will spend the to investigate your child’s claim and determine the optimum course of action. There are no fees or expenses unless recovery is obtained.

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Interesting & Helpful Legal Infographics

Guía definitiva sobre lesiones en el parto

- Lesiones al nacer
- Preguntas sobre lesiones al nacer
- Ley de Lesiones de Nacimiento de California
- Sufrimiento infantil por mala praxis en el parto
- Lesión cerebral al nacer
- Parálisis de Erb - Plexo braquial
- Compresión del cordón umbilical
- Lesión por parto con fórceps
- Lesión de hombro al nacer
- Desprendimiento prematuro de placenta
- Estadísticas
- Prescripción en California de las lesiones en el parto
- Depakote Defecto congénito del paladar hendido
- Defecto de nacimiento por Depakote
- Dispositivo anticonceptivo NuvaRing
- Lexapro abogado - demandas por defectos de nacimiento
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Beyaz y otros anticonceptivos orales
- Abogado especialista en sufrimiento fetal
- Demanda por embolia pulmonar con Yaz
- Abogado de distocia de hombros
- Abogado especialista en parálisis de Klumpke
- Yaz trombosis venosa profunda abogado
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Lesión de nacimiento por hipoxia
- Defecto de nacimiento por Paxil
- Demanda por lesiones nerviosas al nacer
- Fractura de clavícula Lesión de nacimiento
- Mala praxis en la cesárea
- Yaz: anticonceptivo defectuoso
- Yaz Lawsuit - Presentación de demandas sobre anticonceptivos
- Demanda por defectos de nacimiento con Zofran


Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"Honestamente no puedo decir suficientes cosas buenas sobre Farid. Ni siquiera llegué a ser realmente su cliente, ya que nunca le pagué un solo centavo, y él me ayudó a resolver mi caso con mi abogado actual. Me había puesto en contacto accidentalmente con la empresa de Farid en un intento de contactar con mi abogado, que me había ignorado durante meses. Farid se puso en contacto conmigo a los pocos minutos de que yo hablara con un representante suyo en directo por Internet (y eso que era muy tarde por la noche)."
- Ashlee Fletcher
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