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Erb’s Palsy Attorney | Brachial Plexus Child Birth Injury

Erb’s Palsy Attorney Brachial Plexus Child Birth Injury lawyer attorney law firm sue compensation medical malpractice

Contact a Child Birth Injury LawyerWe are Child Injury Erb’s Palsy attorneys dedicated to helping victims and parents of birth injuries receive just compensation for their injuries.  If your child has suffered a Brachial Plexus injury due to medical malpractice during pregnancy or the birthing process contact our law firm today.  We will fight for your child right to recovery against all responsible parties including Medical Doctors, Obstetricians, Patient Clinics, and Hospitals.

What is Erb’s Palsy

Erbs palsy is a devastating condition caused generally by the malpractice and negligence of those who administer the birth. Often times this can occur when the doctors fail to inform the mother of their options, including cesarean section birth or other alternatives. If your child has Erbs Palsy contact our offices for a free case evaluation we can help with your recovery.

Risk Factors associated with  Erb’s Palsy:

There are several risk factors associated with shoulder dystocia injuries including

  • Gran tamaño del niño durante el parto
  • De nalgas durante el parto
  • Partos múltiples
  • Parto prolongado
  • Diabetes de la madre
  • Diabetes during Pregnancy
  • Edad avanzada de la madre
  • Small frame of mother: Petite body or short height
  • Previous instance of birth injuries
  • Long duration of pregnancy

If you believe your child is the victim of Erb’s Palsy contact a trained expert medical professional.  Some symptoms of Erb’s palsy are

  • Pérdida de control muscular en el brazo
  • Pérdida de las funciones motoras de manos y muñecas
  • Falta de sensibilidad en brazos, manos y dedos
  • Paralysis: Numbness of the arms, hands and fingers
  • Shorter arm length in comparison to the unharmed arm
  • Codos flexionados
  • Brazos girados

Erbs palsy is not something that family should have to suffer without just compensation. We know how frustrating it is to deal with hospitals and doctors who will do nothing but deny liability. Our firm understands how difficult it must be to deal with insurance companies who will attempt to deny coverage and will fight for your rights. Our Los Angeles Erbs Palsy attorneys are committed, aggressive and relentless in our pursuit of justice. We will not stop until we have procured you a settlement sufficient to cover the costs associated with the future care of your child and compassionately serve the needs of our clients. Treatment:  Treating Erb’s palsy injuries can be a long term and often permanent Endeavour.  Responsible parties are liable for all damages including long term treatment and medical care including

  • Terapia ocupacional infantil
  • Fisioterapia con ejercicios y actividades
  • Hidroterapia (terapia acuática o terapia en piscina)
  • Cirugía
  • Colocación y entablillado de los brazos afectados, incluida una férula de mano en reposo.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Lesión de mano y espalda

$1 Millón

Lesiones de hombro y espalda

$1,96 millones

Accidente de peatón

$1 Millón

Lesiones del conductor

$22 Millones

Accidente en el gimnasio

$2 Millones

Accidente de tráfico


Lesión de hombro


Lesión de espalda - Accidente de tráfico

Liability for Erbs Palsy: Birth Medical Malpractice

A major question with regards to Erbs Palsy cases is liability, who is liable for the injuries of my child? In such instances it can be possible to assert liability on multiple parties.

  • The treating physician or doctor can be held liable;
  • Hospitals and outpatient clinics can be held liable for the injuries; and
  • Supporting staff members including those who were present at the scene of the incident or at the time of the birth can be held liable.

Erbs palsy is a serious and devastating condition. It can cause emotional and serious financial consequences. Families dealing with a child who has Erbs Palsy know how challenging and difficult it is dealing with such conditions. Daily visits to therapist, doctors and hospitals can be taxing.

Average Value of an Erb’s Palsy Case

What is the average value of an Erb’s Palsy lawsuit? In general, these medical malpractice claims tend to be high value, as the brachial plexus injury and the Erb’s Palsy can be devastating. Let’s consider some example of passed settlements for these types of cases:

  • $9.9 million – a baby girl suffered both a brachial plexus injury and brain damage during a botched vacuum-assisted delivery. Her parents claimed that the staff failed to order and perform a C-section.
  • $2 million – a baby suffered multiple injuries, including a brachial plexus injury, which resulted in paralysis in his left arm. His mother claimed that the staff failed to properly treat the stuck shoulder during delivery.
  • $2.3 million – a baby boy suffered a right brachial plexus injury, resulting in limited mobility of his right arm. His mother claimed that the staff mismanaged his birth and used excessive force when his shoulder became stuck during delivery.

As you can see, these are high value cases. However, it is important to note that every case is different, and no value is guaranteed. The value of your case will ultimately be based on many factors, including the severity of the injury, the effect of the injury (i.e., did it result in limited mobility or paralysis of the arm), and the competency of the legal team handling your lawsuit. For more information about the potential value of your claim, contact us immediately.

Typical Settlement Time

How long does it take to settle an Erb’s Palsy case? What is the average time to get an offer? This varies from case to case. These cases can take a few months or even a few years to settle. Ultimately, the time that it takes to reach a settlement will vary from case to case.

Here at our law firm, we are committed to settling these types of cases as quickly as possible. Typically, we can settle these types of cases within six to eight months. However, some cases simply cannot be settled within this timeframe as they could be more complex, or a number of issues can arise during the settlement process. Even if we cannot settle your claim before the eight-month mark, you can trust that our lawyers will continue to actively work towards a settlement. In addition, you can be certain that our lawyers will always keep you informed so that you will never be left wondering what is going on with your case and with your settlement.

Our experts are committed to getting you and your family a fair settlement. We know that you and your family have been dealing with the aftermath of the medical negligence during your child’s birth possibly for years, and we are committed to getting you the best settlement available. For more information about how long it could take to settle these types of cases, contact us today. Our lawyers with experience in these cases are ready to help you every step of the way.

Brachial Plaxus Erb’s Palsy attorneys are here to help:

Choosing a lawyer to deal with your medical malpractice case can be challenging. Our Erbs Palsy lawyers are qualified litigators which will help obtain the best settlement possible. The team at Downtown LA Law deals with Erbs Palsy cases, birth defects and other medical malpractice claims. Los Angeles birth defect lawyers at Downtown LA Law are aggressive litigators who will fight for your rights.
Recuerde: It is crucial to act quickly before any limitations can lower or extinguish your child’s rightful claim. Llámenos para consulta gratuita with one of our birth injury lawyers regarding your claim: (855) 339-8879
Resources Information Center and Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Erb’s Palsy Injuries

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Interesting & Helpful Legal Infographics

Guía definitiva sobre lesiones en el parto

- Lesiones al nacer
- Preguntas sobre lesiones al nacer
- Ley de Lesiones de Nacimiento de California
- Sufrimiento infantil por mala praxis en el parto
- Lesión cerebral al nacer
- Parálisis de Erb - Plexo braquial
- Compresión del cordón umbilical
- Lesión por parto con fórceps
- Lesión de hombro al nacer
- Desprendimiento prematuro de placenta
- Estadísticas
- Prescripción en California de las lesiones en el parto
- Depakote Defecto congénito del paladar hendido
- Defecto de nacimiento por Depakote
- Dispositivo anticonceptivo NuvaRing
- Lexapro abogado - demandas por defectos de nacimiento
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Beyaz y otros anticonceptivos orales
- Abogado especialista en sufrimiento fetal
- Demanda por embolia pulmonar con Yaz
- Abogado de distocia de hombros
- Abogado especialista en parálisis de Klumpke
- Yaz trombosis venosa profunda abogado
- Daños en el nervio facial y parálisis Parálisis de campanillas
- Lesión de nacimiento por hipoxia
- Defecto de nacimiento por Paxil
- Demanda por lesiones nerviosas al nacer
- Fractura de clavícula Lesión de nacimiento
- Mala praxis en la cesárea
- Yaz: anticonceptivo defectuoso
- Yaz Lawsuit - Presentación de demandas sobre anticonceptivos
- Demanda por defectos de nacimiento con Zofran


Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"Honestamente no puedo decir suficientes cosas buenas sobre Farid. Ni siquiera llegué a ser realmente su cliente, ya que nunca le pagué un solo centavo, y él me ayudó a resolver mi caso con mi abogado actual. Me había puesto en contacto accidentalmente con la empresa de Farid en un intento de contactar con mi abogado, que me había ignorado durante meses. Farid se puso en contacto conmigo a los pocos minutos de que yo hablara con un representante suyo en directo por Internet (y eso que era muy tarde por la noche)."
- Ashlee Fletcher
5/ 5

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