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Agusta 109 Accident Helicopter Crash Attorney

Agusta 109 Accident Helicopter Crash Attorney lawyer personal injury incident liability sue lawsuit compensation

AgustaWestland is the manufacturer of the Agusta 109, a twin-engine, 8-seater helicopter commonly used for VIP and corporate events. Sadly, the popularity of these aircrafts has come at a cost to its passengers. Over the years, Agusta has developed a reputation for crashing mid-flight, causing serious and fatal injuries for those onboard. Some of these injuries were due to pilot error, but others can be traced to Agusta’s negligence, which makes them liable for the victim’s injuries. If you or a member of your family has been injured in an Agusta 109 helicopter accident, call the DTLA Law Group to find out about your legal options. Various forms of compensation may be available to you, but you must act quickly.

Agusta 109 Crash Accidents

AgustaWestland has built a reputation as a manufacturer of sleek, light-weight helicopters. However, the Agusta 109 has a long history of crashes all around the world, in locations such as London, Mexico City, and most recently, New York City. Considered one of NYC”s most serious aircraft accidents, the crash completely destroyed the helicopter and killed the pilot on impact. Prior to this accident, an Agusta 109 crash in Mexico City resulted in the deaths of two passengers.

Unsurprisingly, Agusta is no stranger to lawsuits from injured victims and their loved ones. These claims cite a variety of negligence by the company, which compromised the safety of their passengers. They have also been cited by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for defects such as “tiny interior cracks… that effectively renders the Aircraft unusable.” AgustaWestland has been accused of knowingly hiding these defects from buyers, which is a direct violation of California’s consumer fraud laws. Even worse, Agusta’s greed has put countless people’s lives at risk.

Such shoddy practices are unacceptable and the DTLA Law Group has, and will continue to work tirelessly on behalf of Agusta 109 crash victims. To learn more about lawsuits against AgustaWestland, speak with one of our experienced attorneys.

Agusta’s Liability

Liability, or the responsibility one party has for the care and safety of another, is the most important aspect of any personal injury case. Helicopter manufacturers have a duty of care to ensure that pilots, passengers, and even members of the general public will not be harmed by one of their aircrafts. Of course, Agusta can’t anticipate every single accident that may happen. But negligence, like not taking complaints seriously, improper maintenance, and failing to notify the public of safety issues, is a breach of the company’s duty of care.

You must also show that the company knew about the problem that caused the death or injury, or should have known about them. Again, there are defects the company couldn’t have known about, or things that happen as a result of unforeseen circumstances. But in the above case regarding interior cracks, AgustaWestland knew about this from the FAA report and continued to sell 109 helicopters. As a result, Agusta may be liable for any injuries or fatalities if one of these helicopters crash.

If you are the victim of an Agusta 109 crash or the loved one of a crash victim, the law entitles you to sue AgustaWestland and any other responsible parties. Contact our attorneys to learn more about a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit involving Agusta 109 helicopters.

Helicopter Crash Injuries

Helicopter crashes resulting in fatalities are often in the news, and it’s indeed a tragic situation for the victims as well as their loved ones. But non-fatal helicopter accidents also have serious consequences, including life-altering injuries and emotional trauma. Those who were injured in a helicopter crash may suffer from one or more of the following:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Broken bones
  • Organ damage
  • Third degree burns
  • Spinal cord or neck injuries
  • Severe scarring and disfigurement
  • Coma
  • Severed limbs
  • Paralysis or loss of function

Any of these injuries can result in a disability or require long-term care. Medical bills pile up quickly, which is even more devastating when you can’t go back to work or need time off. That’s why the law entitles you to compensation from those who are responsible. Loved ones of Agusta 109 crash victims can also sue in the form of a wrongful death claim.

Don’t miss out on compensation that can help you and your family during this difficult time. Our attorneys can help you sue Agusta for negligence and recover the payment you deserve.

Compensation in a Helicopter Crash Lawsuit Caused by Agusta

In your lawsuit against Agusta, you can ask for several forms of compensation, including:

  • Money for medical expenses such as hospitalizations, surgery, therapy, and counseling after your accident and into the future.
  • Lost wages for temporary or permanent job loss.
  • Pain and suffering for emotional trauma (PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc.)
  • Punitive damages

Punitive damages are an extra form of punishment when a liable party’s actions led to extreme levels of injury. In the context of helicopter crashes, this is often referred to as “gross negligence.” In cases of gross negligence, the court may award the injured party an extra amount on top of their settlement package.

Our lawyers have the experience to determine whether you qualify for these additional damages. Call us today and let us fight for the full compensation you’re entitled to.

What if I’m Related to an Agusta 109 Crash Victim?

Many of our clients were not involved in a helicopter accident, but lost a family member or spouse in a helicopter crash. These people are also victims, since there is so much they will lose due to the unexpected demise of their loved one.

If your loved one passed away from an Agusta 109 helicopter crash, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim against the responsible parties. Loved ones who can file a wrongful death lawsuit include:

  • The victim’s spouse
  • The surviving children.
  • The victim’s parents.
  • The brother or sister of the deceased individual
  • A married or divorced parent of the victim

Any of these parties can sue Agusta to cover things like medical bills, pain and suffering, loss of expected income, and loss of inheritance. There are special types of compensation as well, like loss of consortium, which has to do with the loss of support, comfort, and companionship from the deceased person. If you’re the spouse of an Agusta 109 crash victim, you may also have lost out on the chance to have children, which also qualifies as loss of consortium.

That brings us to the very sensitive topic of underage victims and the parents who are left to suffer their loss. The state of California allows only one cause of action in a wrongful death case involving children. So only one parent can file, but the other parent can join the suit as a co-plaintiff. The same goes for divorced or unmarried parents, but asking them to join a lawsuit is challenging if you’re not on the best of terms. However, you must give them the chance or they can sue you later for the compensation they missed out on.

Other claimants we work with are the siblings of the deceased person. In order for a brother or sister to sue for wrongful death, the parents of the victim must have passed away and the victim has no surviving children or grandchildren. Siblings can also sue Agusta if they’re the executor of the deceased individual’s estate. But the compensation received would belong to the estate, not the sibling. As the executor, the sibling would distribute those funds to according to the will or the court’s instructions when there is no will.

As you can see, wrongful death lawsuits are very complicated, so it is highly recommended that you work with an attorney experienced in suing for helicopter accidents. If you are a divorced parent, we will step in and speak with your former spouse so that both your legal rights are protected. Regardless of your situation, the attorneys of DTLA have the skill and experience to assist you.

Agusta 109 Accident Helicopter Crash Attorney lawyer personal injury incident liability lawsuit compensation sue
Statute of Limitations to File a Claim

Now that you know about the types of compensation, let’s talk about statute of limitations. This refers to the amount of time you have to file a crash accident lawsuit against AgustaWestland. In the state of California, you have 2 years to file a claim for helicopter-related injuries, which is not much time if you think about it. The law imposes this rule because a case for compensation can be compromised after a certain period of time. These cases involve evidence that requires thorough investigation, and the more time passes by, the harder it is to retrieve that evidence.

Additionally, it’s not a good idea for victims to wait on compensation claims. The costs of recovery pile up quickly and even victims with substantial savings find themselves destitute within a year or two. Our Los Angeles helicopter accident lawyers can file your claim in a timely manner so that you can receive the funds you deserve and need.

Having said that, there are cases where an extension may be granted by the court. Underage victims, for example, may be allowed to sue for damages once they’re of adult age. Victims who are physically and/or mentally incapacitated may also ask for more time to sue. The same goes for litigants that need to leave the state or country of the accident during the 2-year period. So all is not necessarily lost if you are past the two year mark.

If you’re wondering whether an exception applies to you, call our office right away. Our lawyers will advise you of your legal rights and do everything they can to assist you.

The Helicopter Crash Attorneys of DTLA

By now, you understand the importance of talking to a lawyer right away regarding an injury or wrongful death suit against AgustaWestland. However, you may be hesitating because you’re worried about the costs. Let us put your mind at ease by telling you about our Zero fee guarantee. Under this policy, we promise that you will not pay anything out of pocket for any of our services. The consultation to find out about your legal options is free. So is any of the work we do during your lawsuit. Once you are awarded compensation, we recover our legal fees from Agusta, so you still pay us nothing. And if we lose you case, you owe us noting at all.

We do this because we believe all helicopter crash victims deserve the best possible legal representation without putting their finances in jeopardy. By accepting your case on a contingency fee basis, you can focus on recovering from your accident while we do all the work. There is no risk to you by coming in for a free consultation and getting an idea of what your claim is worth and the legal process involved.

All it takes is a call to our office. Contact the DTLA Law Group and get started on your claim for compensation.

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