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¿Puede el Botox aliviar los dolores de cabeza provocados por un accidente por resbalón o caída?

Can Botox help with Headaches from a Slip and Fall Accident lawyer attorney incident personal injury sue-06

Los accidentes por resbalones y caídas son una de las principales causas de lesiones graves, como fracturas óseas y de cadera y traumatismos craneoencefálicos (TCE). En particular, el riesgo de daños a largo plazo en la cabeza y el cerebro es excepcionalmente alto en las lesiones relacionadas con caídas. Según el Centro de Control de Enfermedades (CDC), los accidentes como resbalones y caídas son la causa más común de TBI.

Most patients with injuries to the head from a slip and fall experience headaches on a frequent basis. This can happen even if you have mild traumatic brain injury, also known as a concussion. If you are struggling with post-traumatic headaches after you slipped and fell, you may be wondering about the best course of action to manage your symptoms. Perhaps you’ve spoken to your doctor, or done some research on your own and came across Botox, aka botulinum toxin injections, as an effective treatment for chronic migraines. Even if it is, there’s another question that may be on your mind:

“Can I sue for the cost of Botox injections after a slip and fall?”

Los abogados de resbalón y caída de California de Normandie están aquí para ayudarle con cualquier preocupación que tenga acerca de sus derechos legales. Para programar una consulta con uno de nuestros abogados, por favor llámenos lo antes posible.

¿Es el botox un remedio disponible para los dolores de cabeza causados por un resbalón y una caída?

Yes, Botox is an available remedy if you are suffering from chronic headaches after a slip and fall. While people see Botox as a way to reduce wrinkles, there’s credible evidence to show that these injections can reduce the occurrence of post-traumatic migraines.

How do these treatments work? When you have a headache, your body releases neurotransmitters that cause pain in your head. Experts believe that botulinum toxin injections interrupt the process of pain transference between the brain and the nerves in your spinal cord. Typically, the drug is injected into the muscles in your face, head, and neck, where it’s absorbed into your nervous system. Most people require more than one set of injections, and four or more weeks may be needed before you notice a reduction in the number of headaches.

It’s important to note that Botox is part of a comprehensive treatment plan for headaches due to a slip and fall accident. Your doctor will talk to you about other methods to manage your symptoms, which are essential for reducing the frequency and severity of your headaches from a slip and fall injury.

Can Botox help with Headaches from a Slip and Fall Accident lawyer attorney incident personal injury sue
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Lesiones por resbalones y caídas


Responsabilidad civil


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Traumatismo craneal

¿Quién es responsable si necesito botox por un accidente de resbalón y caída?

Now that you know about the ways Botox can help you with trauma-induced migraines, you are probably wondering, “Who is responsible for the cost of my treatments?”

If your slip and fall injury was caused by another party’s negligence or misconduct, you have the right to sue them for your financial and emotional losses. These are known as damages, and they include:

  • Gastos médicos
  • Salarios perdidos
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Angustia emocional
  • Daños materiales
  • Gastos jurídicos
  • Daños punitivos

Las inyecciones de botox para el dolor de cabeza entrarían dentro de los gastos médicos, que incluyen el coste de los tratamientos que puedas necesitar el resto de tu vida. Una demanda judicial le compensará por estos gastos, pero primero tendrá que demostrar quién es responsable de causar su accidente. Las partes responsables en un caso de resbalón y caída incluyen a propietarios individuales, empresas privadas/organizaciones y entidades públicas (como escuelas y organismos gubernamentales). Para demostrar la responsabilidad de cualquiera de estas partes, tendrá que demostrar que sabían o deberían haber sabido de una situación peligrosa, pero no hicieron nada al respecto.

Let’s say for example, that there was a puddle in front of a store due to a leaking pipe. Because it’s a cold day, the puddle was partially frozen, which caused you to slip and fall down. The pipe had been leaking for weeks, but the store owner failed to call a plumber or put up signs / barriers warning people to steer clear of the area. This is a clear case of negligence, which entitles you to monetary compensation from the store.

The circumstances of your accident may be more complicated, which is why you must speak to a lawyer immediately to learn about your legal rights. The lawyers of Normandie are standing by to assist you, so don’t hesitate to give us a call.

¿Puede la cirugía plástica ayudarme con otras lesiones de mi accidente?

Considering the serious nature of a slip and fall accident, it’s likely that you have other injuries aside from trauma to your head. Plastic surgery may be necessary to help you recover from the following health issues:

Laceraciones profundas

Los cortes profundos en el cuerpo pueden causar cicatrices permanentes. Si el tejido cicatricial es muy extenso, puede limitar su movilidad e interferir en tareas básicas como caminar, conducir o escribir a máquina. La cirugía reconstructiva puede ayudar a restaurar la función en estas zonas, además de mejorar su aspecto general.

Rotura de huesos faciales 

Los huesos faciales son muy propensos a dañarse durante un resbalón y caída. Para evitar daños permanentes en la nariz, la mandíbula, las cuencas oculares y los pómulos, puede ser necesario acudir a un cirujano plástico para someterse a una cirugía reconstructiva. Una intervención temprana puede ayudarle a evitar complicaciones potencialmente mortales, como coágulos de sangre y problemas respiratorios.


Las lesiones por quemaduras no son infrecuentes en los accidentes por resbalones y caídas, especialmente en lugares como restaurantes, salas de desayuno de hoteles y zonas de restauración de centros comerciales. Es posible que su médico le recomiende una intervención de cirugía plástica una vez curada la herida, con el fin de restablecer la función y mejorar el aspecto de la zona donde se quemó.

One thing we want to stress is the emotional distress that victims experience from scarring and disfigurement. This is a constant reminder of their accident, which can trigger PTSD and other mental health disorders. Emotional trauma is a compensable injury in a slip and fall lawsuit, and plastic surgery may be a legitimate treatment to reduce the appearance of your injuries, i.e., the source of your trauma. However, insurance companies are very black and white when it comes to plastic surgery, and it’s difficult to get approval for this type of treatment without help from a personal injury attorney.

Los abogados de lesiones por resbalones y caídas de Normandie se asegurarán de que reciba una compensación suficiente por los costes asociados a su accidente. Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo y programe una evaluación gratuita de su caso.

¿Cuál es el valor medio de una demanda por resbalón y caída?

Los dolores de cabeza crónicos tras un resbalón y caída son un signo clásico de lesión cerebral traumática. Incluso los casos de lesiones cerebrales leves pueden valer alrededor de $1 millón o más en concepto de daños y perjuicios. En casos extremos, cuando la víctima tiene necesidades médicas de por vida, las indemnizaciones pueden llegar hasta $5 millones o más, especialmente si la víctima tiene otras lesiones como huesos rotos, daños en los órganos internos y fractura de cadera. Los casos más valiosos se refieren a accidentes en establecimientos comerciales, como grandes almacenes, supermercados, edificios de oficinas y hoteles.

But any slip and fall accident can cause significant losses, including future medical costs, mental health disorders, and weeks or months of lost wages. If the injuries are serious enough, the victim may be unable to resume their work duties, which may entitle them to future loss of income. It’s essential to look at the big picture when it comes to these cases, and not just your immediate needs. One of our slip and fall injury lawyers can help you in this area and ensure that you are fairly compensated for your harm and suffering.

Can Botox help with Headaches from a Slip and Fall Accident lawyer attorney incident personal injury sue compensation

¿Cuánto tardarán en pagarme las lesiones?

It’s completely understandable when clients ask, “How long does it take to settle these cases?” We aim to settle all slip and fall cases within the first 6 to 8 months of filing the injury claim. But unexpected complications may arise, which will take time to resolve. For example, the other side’s insurance company may insist that Botox is a plastic surgery treatment that’s unnecessary following a slip and fall. We know what it takes to overcome these arguments, but the process can certainly add to the amount of time it takes to recover your payment. That’s why some cases take 12 to 18 months to negotiate. In the event negotiations are unsuccessful, two or more years may be needed in order to recover a fair amount of damages for your injuries.

Segunda opinión de un abogado con experiencia en resbalones y caídas

Our attorneys provide free second opinions for people with active lawsuits. People want second opinions for many reasons, but in most cases, it’s because they’re not getting the attention they deserve from their current lawyer. This can happen if a lawyer is unable to manage their case load or doesn’t see the client’s accident as a priority. Sometimes, incompetence is behind the problem, meaning the attorney doesn’t have the skill and experience that’s needed for a claim. We can review your case for free and advise you of the steps you can take, which may include switching your lawyer. If you’re interested in continuing your case with us, we will handle the transfer process with your current firm, so you don’t have to do a thing. But this is completely up to you, and the consultation is free even if you choose to stay with your lawyer. To schedule a second opinion consultation, contact us at our office.

Contacto Normandie Law Firm

If you’ve been injured in a fall-related accident, your main concern is the costs associated with your recovery. Legal representation from an experienced law firm is critical to obtaining the damages you’re entitled to. But many people are worried about the price of hiring an attorney and try to negotiate the settlement process on their own. This often results in unsuccessful claims against insurance companies, who will do everything they can to deny liability.

As an injury victim, the cost of legal fees is the last thing you should have to worry about. Under our Zero fee guarantee, we will cover the entire cost of your lawsuit and wait until the end of your case to recover our expenses. If we don’t bring you the damages you deserve, there is no cost to you whatsoever. To take advantage of our no upfront cost policy, contact the lawyers of Normandie for a free consultation.

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