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Abogado de accidentes de monopatín

Pedestrian Skateboard Injury ClaimsSkateboarding is a popular sport across all age groups. Many times skateboarders are seriously injured when they are hit by oncoming traffic. Since skateboarders are exposed any impact from a vehicle can inflict significant harm. To make matters worse drivers manipulate the facts to hold skateboarders responsible for their injuries. If you have been involved in an accident while skateboarding, contact our offices for a free consultation.

¿Quién es responsable?

Liability can depend on a number of factors. Most importantly you need to look at whether the driver was abiding by traffic rules. Was the driver observing the necessary traffic rules and regulations? Was the driver operating his/her vehicle at the appropriate rate of speed? Were they in the proper lane? In many cases drivers are not operating the vehicle properly and cause injury to innocent skateboarders. A driver of a vehicle that does not observe the rules of the road will likely be considered liable for the injuries they cause.

Common Skateboarding Injuries

Skateboarding injuries can be some of the most serious. Many of the injuries can leave the injured party permanently disabled with long term injuries. Here is a list of common injuries:

  • Lesión cerebral traumática
  • Nariz rota
  • Laceraciones faciales
  • Pierna rota
  • Lesiones oculares u oculares
  • Mild head injuries
  • Concussion after skateboard accident
  • Fémur roto
  • Rotura de tibia
  • Lesiones traumáticas de la mano

This is not a complete list of injuries. If you have suffered any type of injury you need to seek immediate medical attention.

Pedestrian Skateboard Accident Lawsuits

If you were injured, you need to consider whether a lawsuit for your injuries is a good idea. The party responsible will likely have insurance and you will need to file a claim with the insurance company for your injuries. Generally, you have 2 years to file a personal injury lawsuit in California. This time period can be tolled or extended in certain cases i.e., when dealing with minors or if the injury was catastrophic. Insurance companies will require a full review of any medical information and it is important to speak with an attorney before making a statement. Insurance companies will use any statement made by you to deny liability. That is why it is important to have an attorney involved in the process to monitor or prevent statements to be made.

Skateboard Accidents Involving Buses and Public Transportation Vehicles

If you were involved in a skateboard accident and the vehicle was a city operated bus, you have only 6 months to file a claim for your injuries. This 6-month statute is applying anytime you are dealing with a government claim. If you have been injured or hit by a bus, you need to make sure you preserve your right to pursue a lawsuit. In the event that you do not file the necessary claim forms within the 6-month period you are barred from bringing forth a lawsuit for your injuries.

Guía definitiva sobre accidentes de peatones

- Abogado de accidentes de peatones
- Abogados de lesiones en aceras
- Paso de peatones Accidente de peatones
- Accidentes de peatones en entradas de vehículos
- Leyes sobre el derecho de paso de los peatones
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre accidentes de peatones
- Datos y estadísticas de accidentes
- Prescripción de la acción judicial por accidente de peatón
- Leyes sobre accidentes de peatones
- Qué hacer tras un accidente de peatón
- Abogado de accidentes de monopatín

What Should I Do After My Accident

Here are some tips if you were involved in a skateboard accident:

  • Get a police report. This will require you calling the police to have them file a formal report.
  • Obtain all information for the party responsible for your injury.
  • Busque atención médica inmediata.
  • Make no statements until you have spoken with an attorney.
  • Do not communicate with the insurance company.
  • Document any injuries you may have.
  • Speak to a skateboard personal injury attorney

To speak to an attorney, contact our main offices (855) 339-8879. All initial consultations regarding injury claims are free of charge.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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