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Lesiones en aceras de Los Angeles | Abogado de accidentes de peatones

Sidewalk Accidents – Just Compensation for Your Pedestrian Injuries

Los Angeles Sidewalk Injury Lawyers The most recent studies and statistics report that over 4,000 pedestrians were killed and over 59,000 were injured from accidentes de peatones in the United States. That equates out to an injury every nine minutes and fatalities every two hours! This is really unfortunate and leaves many people with long term injuries or life changing experiences. Pedestrian accidents can be caused by Public Transportation collisions, Accidentes de camiones, Accidentes de tráfico, as well as falling objects from buildings, trees and construction sites, and cracked unsafe sidewalks.

Estadísticas de accidentes de peatones

Casi 75% of pedestrian accidents that result in death occur at non-intersection locations. That means the accidents aren’t occurring from common street crossing at an intersection. To make matters even worse, nearly 50% of the pedestrian accidents resulting in death included someone using alcohol. These numbers are certainly higher than they should be. Many people fail to yield to pedestrians, often forgetting that pedestrians have the right-of-way. Innocent children are certainly among these accidents, injuries and death; 6% of the pedestrian fatalities were children age 14 and younger. As a parent, can you imagine having your child struck by a car while crossing the street? Maybe you did experience this yourself, or something similar. This kind of experience can be devastating. The loss of a loved one comes with immeasurable suffering, even more so when someone acted negligently and an accident could have been avoided.

Descubra cómo podemos ayudarle. Llame a (855) 339-8879 con un representante ahora.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes

$1,96 millones

Accidente de peatón

$1.4 MIllón

Mordedura de perro


Lesión de hombro


Lesiones por resbalones y caídas


Responsabilidad civil


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Traumatismo craneal

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents occur with and without auto vehicles. For instance, building materials could fall from a construction zone onto a pedestrian walking on the sidewalk. Other common pedestrian accidents without vehicles occur with bike accidents, motorcycles, and accidents involving falling items from trees, houses, or buildings. Some points to remember if you have experienced any of these situations, or similar ones, is to write down as much as you can about what occurred. Get contact information for those who were involved and try to see if any other witnesses will provide their information. This can help you if you need to take some type of action later on

Guía definitiva sobre accidentes de peatones

- Abogado de accidentes de peatones
- Abogados de lesiones en aceras
- Paso de peatones Accidente de peatones
- Accidentes de peatones en entradas de vehículos
- Leyes sobre el derecho de paso de los peatones
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre accidentes de peatones
- Datos y estadísticas de accidentes
- Prescripción de la acción judicial por accidente de peatón
- Leyes sobre accidentes de peatones
- Qué hacer tras un accidente de peatón
- Abogado de accidentes de monopatín

Los Angeles Sidewalk Injury Pedestrian Accident Attorney lawsuit sue lawyer attorney compensation information

Trusted Accident Legal Team is here to help

If you have experienced any of these accidentes de peatones, or a similar accident, you are entitled to compensation if you are not at fault. The Downtown LA Law office is ready to help. Our attorneys can help you determine all the facts of your case and provide legal guidance, as well as represent you if you have a case. Sometimes these cases can get difficult to accomplish without legal support. Insurance settlements are usually offered in the interest of the insurance company, not yours. Our attorneys have extensive experience in dealing with pedestrian accidents and will provide the best representation available. At Downtown LA Law, we do all the work for you, giving you time to focus on recovery. We’ll ensure your get the compensation you deserve for your families suffering, so that you can move forward in your life in a positive direction.

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para nuestros clientes
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