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Qué hacer tras un accidente de peatón

If you are a pedestrian that has been involved in an accident with a vehicle here is some important steps you should take. Pedestrian Accident Laws - California1. Asegúrate de que tú y los que te rodean estáis a salvo.  Safety is the most important thing in life.  If you or another person is injured immediately seek medical attention.   In many situations you may not be aware of serious injuries that you have sustained because of the shock a car colliding with you while walking.  Even if you believe you have not been injurer you should get a checkup with a medical professional. 2. Do not attempt to talk with the other party regarding fault or apologies.  Any words you may have said can be used against you when you are seeking compensation for your damages and injuries.  Even politeness can be used against you. 3. Póngase en contacto con la policía local and report the pedestrian auto accident.  If you have a trusted personal injury car accident lawyer contact him if you have any questions regarding the process. If you are not injured and it is safe to do so ask for the drivers license, car registration information, contact information, and insurance documentation.  Take down all information.  If you have a high resolution camera phone ask the person if it is ok to take pictures of the documents you have asked for.

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4. Nunca discutas con otros conductores sobre la culpa. 5. No sea tímido:  if there are witnesses who can testify on your behalf asked them for their contact information. 6. Take Pictures and take notes as much as possible including street lights, street address.  If there is a dispute down the line you will have proof. 7. Cuidado con quién hablas – if the other party’s insurance company contacts you, your best response is to get in touch with a car accident injury attorney and ask him to speak with the other parties agents. 8. Nunca acepte automáticamente el primer presupuesto u oferta que reciba – jumping the gun on the settlement can be a costly mistake.  Contact a car abogado de accidentes who is skilled an adept in negotiating with insurance companies.  If insurance companies play hardball a skilled aggressive Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident lawyer will take the defendant to litigation and trial. 9. Find an Attorney to Represent You - A pedestrian injury attorney adept in fighting insurance companies and protecting your right to compensation will be able to substantially increase the amount of compensation you receive for your damages and injuries. 10. Cura tus heridas y mejórateluchar contra las compañías de seguros y los acusados es NUESTRO TRABAJO.  We will make you receive the maximum compensation for your loss

Guía definitiva sobre accidentes de peatones

- Abogado de accidentes de peatones
- Abogados de lesiones en aceras
- Paso de peatones Accidente de peatones
- Accidentes de peatones en entradas de vehículos
- Leyes sobre el derecho de paso de los peatones
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre accidentes de peatones
- Datos y estadísticas de accidentes
- Prescripción de la acción judicial por accidente de peatón
- Leyes sobre accidentes de peatones
- Qué hacer tras un accidente de peatón
- Abogado de accidentes de monopatín

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