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Phalloplasty Accident Malpractice Lawyer

phalloplasty malpractice lawyer surgery attorney sue

Our team of expert lawyers at the Downtown LA Law Group has handled many medical malpractice cases over the years. We have dealt with phalloplasty malpractice cases for individuals who have chosen to get the surgeries and move forward with different treatments regarding gender. We know the best methods for success and will ensure that you are fairly paid for your damages if a surgeon botched a phalloplasty operation.

Phalloplasty Errors

Phalloplasty is a common operation that transgender individuals undergo. Some surgeons are not skilled in these operations, though, and end up botching the procedures. They may mutilate the genitals, cause nerve damage, reduce the amount of feeling and sensation present in the organ, and more. They may fail to properly sanitize medical equipment, which can result in infections.

It is also possible for a doctor to purposely botch the operation because of personal biases and prejudiced beliefs. You should also be careful when you approach new surgeons or doctors if you intend to get life-changing surgery like phalloplasty. If you were injured by a doctor, you can move forward with a claim.

How to File a Medical Malpractice or Phalloplasty Malpractice Claim

Las demandas por negligencia médica son un subconjunto de la ley de lesiones personales, y se basan en la negligencia. Hay cuatro puntos que puede utilizar para demostrar que fue víctima de negligencia médica.

  • Debe haber establecido una relación médico-paciente con el cirujano
  • El cirujano debe haber incumplido su deber de diligencia y haber cometido un error de algún tipo
  • El error debe haber provocado algún tipo de incidente
  • El incidente debe haber provocado lesiones físicas

Si puede demostrar estos cuatro puntos, su demanda tendrá una buena base. A partir de ahí, sus pruebas deben servir para apuntalar su punto de vista y demostrar cómo se lesionó, así como qué tipo de indemnización merece.

One of the primary pieces of evidence you will have is the expert testimony of other surgeons. They will testify whether or not they would have behaved similarly if they were performing the procedure. In egregious cases, there will likely be a high level of disagreement.

You should make it a point to collect medical bills, insurance billings, doctor’s statements, test results, prescriptions, and more from the hospital after you were hurt. You can gather this proof to show the type of procedure you had done and to show how responsible the hospital and doctor were. Do not hesitate to go see another doctor for treatment; your injuries may worsen, and the insurance agent may doubt how severe the damages were.

You will need photos of the damages you suffered to show the extent of the injuries. You can also have videos if possible.

There may be eyewitnesses or other individuals who can testify to the malpractice, such as nurses. You can ask for their testimonies to add to your claim.

You will need to file an incident report with the hospital to alert them to the fact that you were hurt and that you intend to file a claim.

Your case will benefit greatly from having a legal representative. An attorney can gather your proof, write your demand letter, and see to it that you are given a fair settlement after the botched operation. You should focus on healing from your injuries and returning to normal life.

Nuestros últimos acuerdos


Negligencias médicas


Negligencias médicas


Producto sanitario defectuoso


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Producto sanitario defectuoso


Lesión de hombro


Lesión de espalda
Compensation from a Phalloplasty Malpractice Lawsuit

Su caso será evaluado por un agente de seguros. Él determinará cuánto vale su caso teniendo en cuenta el alcance de las lesiones, el impacto que tuvieron en su vida diaria y su carrera, su edad, su responsabilidad en el incidente y mucho más. Nuestro objetivo es garantizar que el acuerdo que se le ofrezca sea adecuado y cubra todos sus gastos. Lucharemos para conseguirle lo siguiente

  • Medical Bills: There may be various medical expenses stemming from the botched surgery, as well as future costs for corrective treatments, other surgeries, hospital stays, anesthesiologist payments, physical therapy and rehabilitation, medication and prescription drugs, and more. You can have the full extent of these damages paid off. There is no cap on medical expenses in medical malpractice lawsuits.

  • Pérdida de salarios: Es posible que no pueda volver a trabajar durante un período de tiempo después de las lesiones que sufrió en el quirófano. También es posible que no pueda volver a trabajar debido al tiempo de recuperación y procedimientos médicos adicionales en el futuro. Buscaremos la cobertura y el reembolso de sus salarios, beneficios, comisiones, propinas y más.

  • Pain and Suffering: Your emotional damages resulting from the botched operation could result in a large amount of compensation. Pain and suffering injuries are often the most debilitating; they can arise from nearly any incident, whether or not there is any physical harm. They routinely result in weeks or months of emotional pain, stress, anxiety, and more. If you file a medical malpractice lawsuit, you should know that pain and suffering compensation is limited to $250,000.

  • Punitive Damages: In the event that you were hurt because of gross negligence or because the doctor intended to cause you harm, you could receive punitive damages, which are additional forms of monetary compensation purely meant to punish the defendant. However, courts and juries often see these damages as excessive or unnecessary, and they are reluctant to award them. Thus, only a seasoned attorney skilled in medical malpractice suits will be able to secure them for you.

We will do everything we can to ensure that you do not have to pay for any expenses and debts related to the incident. If you were injured during a phalloplasty, you were likely not in any way at fault. The doctor, nurse, hospital, or other entity should be held properly accountable. We will pursue the maximum compensation for your lawsuit.

Deadline to Sue for a Phalloplasty Malpractice Case

California’s laws dictate that medical malpractice lawsuits must be filed within 1 year of the discovery of the injury, or 3 years of the injury itself. This means that if you did not notice that there was a problem stemming from the surgery until 2 years after you had the phalloplasty, you can still legally sue. However, if you went to the doctor and discovered there was an issue but elected to not take legal action, your statute is actually shortened. The main exception to this rule involves foreign objects left in the body; if there were to happen during the phalloplasty, you would have no statute of limitations to follow, as the time limit is endless.

Es posible que el plazo de prescripción se amplíe más allá de los 2 años. Esto puede ocurrir si usted era menor de 18 años cuando ocurrió el incidente, ya que los menores no pueden demandar legalmente y pueden esperar hasta cumplir la mayoría de edad para hacerlo - o, alternativamente, pueden tener un padre o tutor que demande en su nombre. Una operación también puede haberte dejado física o mentalmente incapacitado, como en coma por una dosis errónea de medicación, lo que podría permitir que el plazo no contara hasta que recuperaras la salud y la consciencia. Además, el médico debe estar presente en el estado o país; si se marcha, el plazo de prescripción quedará congelado hasta que regrese.

A menudo, las víctimas y los pacientes no saben cuál es el plazo de prescripción ni cuánto tiempo les queda para reclamar. La principal razón por la que las reclamaciones no dan lugar a una indemnización es debido a la prescripción. Si acude a nuestro bufete, le diremos cuánto tiempo queda y nos aseguraremos de que su caso se presente a tiempo.

phalloplasty malpractice lawyer surgery attorney sue compensation botched surgery
Segunda opinión gratuita sobre su caso

Too often, attorneys will take on many cases at once and try to blow through all of them. This means that each case does not get the individual attention it deserves, and as a result, victims of malpractice incidents are not given the compensation they need. If your attorney is not working hard on your case, or if he is trying to get you to agree to a small settlement, you should look elsewhere for legal representation. Bad attorneys will settle claims quickly so they can receive their payments and move on to the next case.

You can call our firm for a free second opinion. We will tell you what your case may actually be worth and inform you if we believe your current lawyer is doing everything he can to adequately win your case. If you want to switch representation, there is no cost to do so.

Elegir la mejor empresa

Our law firm, the Downtown LA Law Group, has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for victims of medical malpractice and phalloplasty malpractice. We have decades of combined experience and will fight endlessly for your fair settlement. If we have to go to court to defend your rights in front of a judge and jury, we are more than willing to do so.

Para una consulta legal gratuita, llame a nuestras oficinas hoy. Todas las consultas son totalmente confidenciales y privadas - ninguno de sus datos personales será compartido con nadie más. Puede preguntarnos lo que desee y le diremos lo que creemos que vale su caso.

If you hire us, you’ll get our zero fee guarantee. This says that we won’t get paid until and unless we win, and if we lose, we receive nothing at all.

To sue a doctor for phalloplasty malpractice, contact the Downtown LA Law Group today.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes
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