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Abogado de Falla de Producto de Elevador de Barco

Boat Lift Product Failure Attorney lawyer sue compensation accident incident liability
Boat Lift Product Failures Happen on a Regular Basis

Boat lifts are in place to lift a boat out of the water. Boats are taken out of the water for servicing, storage at the end of the season, or for checking under the boat for damage. When there is a boat lift product failure, there is a chance for serious injuries for anyone standing nearby to the boat when the boat falls from the lift, or slips from the lift during lifting operations.

Boat Lifts Are Dangerous

A boat lift is a dangerous piece of equipment. It is meant to raise and lower a boat from the water. It is operated from an electrical box on the lift, where the boat is lifted into the bunk. The I-beams need to sit at dock level to ensure that the boat does not move side to side. In storms, the boat should be secured to the pilings to keep the boat from moving around.

The power to the lift needs to be shut off, as the boat can be lowered, raised or have the cables get twisted if the power is always left on and unattended. The boat lift needs to be serviced, motor reviewed, and the PVC poles need to be checked for bending, breaking or snapping off completely. If the boat lift is not in perfect working order at all times, the pipes will snap and can injure anyone who is operating the lift. Even people on adjacent boats, who are walking on a dock, or who are sitting or standing in the area where the boat lift product fails, could potentially be injured when a boat lift defective product gives out.

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Lifts Have Auto Controls Which Can Easily Malfunction

If there is an auto control and the boat starts to fall off of the lift, it will not alert the owner during a malfunction of the boat lift. Going into detail, if the lift is part of a boathouse, the lift can actually go up too high and pop off the roof of the boathouse as well. These are serious cases, where injury to the people standing around the boat will be a foregone conclusion, when the boat lift product fails. If this has happened to you, you need to call us at the DTLA Law Group bright and early this morning. We are standing by waiting for your call on this matter.

Lifts Need to Be Operated Safely at All Times

Boat lifts can hurt people when the lift malfunctions or is mechanically not working properly. If the lift is damaged or has a lift product failure, then it will malfunction and possibly harm or kill someone using that lift. The lift needs to raise a boat out of the water with equal weight of the entire boat distributed on all sides and angles of the boat as it is lifted onto the lift. If this is not done because of lift product failure, it will be a recipe for disaster.

Lifts Operate Using Basic Physics

If there is a problem using the lift and the boat is raised out of the water, then there needs to be calculations that need to be made to get the boat out of the water safely. A motor on a boat – weighs more than a boat without a motor. For this reason, it is necessary to understand how to operate the lift safely to avoid injuries.

If the lift product fails because it is defective, it can drop the boat at any time during the operation of trying to raise the boat out of the water. People using a lift need to understand how to prevent cable fatigue, stretching or fraying of the cables. If the cables fail, it can cause the boat to fall off of the lift. This can cause a crushing accident or even death to someone in the vicinity of a boat lift.

The Lift Needs to Be Level as It Pulls Up the Boat

If a lift is not level as it pulls up a boat, then there is a chance that it will become unbalanced and drop the boat. If a lift is not working properly because of a product failure, it may not pull the boat up squarely, causing unnatural shifting of the weight of the boat. This can cause an issue where the boat is being lifted up lopsided, and it may fall off the lift and come crashing down on the person using the lift. This can result in serious injuries, such as:

  • Lesiones por aplastamiento
  • Muerte
  • Traumatismo craneal
  • Back trauma
  • Amputaciones
  • Lesiones internas
  • Hemorragia interna
  • Leg and arm amputations
  • Other piercing body injuries

If the boat lift product fails as you are lifting a boat, it can cause serious injuries as a result of this product defect. In that case, you need to feel as if you are not walking alone, or wading alone treading water in the deep end. Just call us today, that is what we are here for, to help you now in your legal time of need.

Safety Precautions for Boat Lifts

Boat lifts are meant to be operated under safety precautions, to prevent being seriously injured or being killed by the boat lift. A boat lift should not be used if the power source is faulty, or if there is any sign of damage to the boat lift. This is because the boat lift can fall, causing the boat to fall while it is being lifted out of the water. If the boat lift falls, it can cause a serious crushing injury to anyone in the area. The cables can snap causing amputations and burn injuries, the lift can malfunction and break, causing catastrophic crushing injuries and there are other injuries associated with a faulty boat lift.

There are other issues when a boat lift product fails. For instance, the electrical power sources for the lift have to be reviewed, to ensure that they are all in good working order. Anyone standing on or around the platform where the boat lift is located and being used, is at risk of being seriously injured if the boat lift malfunctions and snaps, dropping the boat during the lift.

Safety Precautions Are in Jeopardy When a Boat Lift Product Fails

There are many other safety precautions for a boat lift, that may be jeopardized if the lift is malfunctioning or defective. These precautions for safety include:

  • Keeping clear of the operating areas of the lift.
  • Keeping fingers, clothing and hair away from moving lift parts.
  • Attending and replacing frayed and broken cables, pulleys and bindings on the lift.
  • Never adjusting the lift when it is in operation mode.
  • Never adjusting the winch when it is operating.
  • Not operating the lift when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Never using the lift to hang anything other than a boat.
  • Understanding how to safely use the lift and being safe around it at all times.

If you are injured because of a product failure on a boat lift, you can call us today. You need a lawyer who understands what you are going through, and the challenges that you have been facing trying to settle this case to a successful conclusion.

Garantía de cero comisiones

We offer a zero-fee guarantee. That is in reference to our rule, where we do not ask you for any money up front, and we get paid when you do. Nothing could be easier! Just call us today to start the process.

Segunda opinión gratuita

You are eligible for a free second opinion in this case. We can align you on these cases with our team of lawyers, who can help with your claim for damages and personal injuries when you are injured from a boat lift product failure. Just put in your call this morning to our experienced attorneys in Los Angeles, who are ready to work for you now.

Can I Sue for Personal Injuries Resulting from a Boat Lift Product Failure?

Yes, we can sue if you are personally injured for a boat lift product failure. You can always call our Los Angeles case lawyers right now. We are here for you, and we can file a lawsuit on your behalf.

You may have been seriously injured, and you need to get back the money recovery compensation that you deserve in this case to pay for your medical bills and lost wages. Just pick up the phone and put in a call today to our case attorneys in Los Angeles. We know how to find the appropriate parties to sue the people who are responsible for your losses, damages, lost wages, and personal injuries in this type of case.

Llame para una consulta gratuita

You can call us right now for a free consultation on your case. We are here for you when you are personally injured for a boat lift product failure. Just give us a call today!

Boat Lift Product Failure Attorney lawyer compensation accident incident liability sue

Ganancias por una demanda de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos contra Belkin

El valor de una demanda por responsabilidad civil por productos defectuosos dependerá en gran medida de las lesiones que haya sufrido y de la gravedad de las mismas. Si sufrió lesiones graves, recibirá potencialmente una oferta de acuerdo mayor que si sólo sufrió lesiones leves. El agente de seguros quiere preservar los beneficios y no pagar los acuerdos, y nuestro objetivo es ofrecerle el máximo acuerdo disponible bajo la ley. Nuestra meta es asegurarle compensación por lo siguiente:

  • Facturas y gastos médicos pasados y futuros en concepto de cirugía, hospitalización, medicación, fisioterapia, etc.
  • Salarios perdidos si no pudo trabajar o no pudo volver a hacerlo en el futuro.
  • Daños materiales para cubrir la pérdida de objetos y efectos personales
  • Indemnización por daños y perjuicios para compensar traumas emocionales, ansiedad, TEPT, miedo, etc.

No debe esperarse que usted pague la factura de todos estos gastos si, en primer lugar, no fue responsable del incidente. Una reclamación por producto defectuoso puede permitirle recibir la indemnización que necesita para pagar estos daños.

La promesa de nuestra empresa

Nuestro objetivo en el Downtown LA Law Group es asegurar que usted está totalmente cubierto por sus pérdidas si usted fue herido a causa de un producto defectuoso. Nuestros abogados de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos son conocidos como los mejores de la ciudad, y tenemos años de experiencia y numerosas críticas que nos respaldan. No nos detendremos ante nada para conseguirle hasta el último centavo que se merezca, incluso si eso significa acudir a los tribunales para defender sus derechos.

Para una consulta legal gratuita, llame a nuestras oficinas legales hoy. Todas las consultas son confidenciales y su información privada o los detalles de su caso no serán compartidos con nadie. También le daremos nuestra garantía de cero honorarios en su caso. No nos pagarán a menos que y hasta que ganemos. Si perdemos, no cobraremos nada. De cualquier manera, sus finanzas no se verán alteradas por buscar ayuda legal con nosotros.

No dude en ponerse en contacto con Downtown LA Law Group si desea demandar a Belkin por lesiones derivadas de un banco de carga defectuoso.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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