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Abogado para esteatosis hepática Camp Lejeune Lawsuit

Hepatic Steatosis Camp Lejeune Lawsuit lawyer attorney sue personal injury liability incident

Hepatic steatosis is a disease that affects the gastroenterological systems of the body. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD can lead to the need for a liver transplant, or have other problems associated with chronic liver disease. Hepatic steatosis can be associated with alcohol consumption, or can be acquired as a disease from a possible environmental exposure to toxic chemicals at Camp Lejeune.

What Are the Symptoms of Hepatic Steatosis?

If you have been diagnosed with this disease of hepatic steatosis, because of exposure to toxins at Camp Lejeune, you may experience many symptoms such as:

  • Inflamed liver
  • Swollen liver (steatohepatitis)
  • Damage to liver tissues
  • Scar tissue forming on the liver (fibrosis)
  • Extensive scar tissue on the liver (cirrhosis of the liver)
  • Náuseas
  • Pérdida de apetito
  • Pérdida de peso
  • Dolor abdominal
  • Feeling full all the time
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Ictericia
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Debilidad
  • Mental fog and confusion

In the event that you notice these symptoms and are diagnosed with hepatic steatosis related to your exposure at Camp Lejeune, you will want to call our law office immediately.

Hepatic Steatosis Camp Lejeune Lawsuit lawyer attorney personal injury liability incident sue
Why Is Hepatic Steatosis a Serious Personal Injury after Exposure to Camp Lejeune Chemicals?

Hepatic steatosis is a serious chronic condition, because it can lead to a hepatocellular carcinoma, which can lead to death. Also, the advanced condition of fibrosis will lead to liver complications that will interfere with the liver being able to process in the body properly.

Many people were exposed to hazardous chemicals in the water, when they lived and worked at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, in Jacksonville, North Carolina. If you were there, you may have been exposed to dangerous chemicals such as:

  • Tricloroetileno (TCE)
  • Tetracloroetileno (PCE)
  • Cloruro de vinilo (CV) y benceno

La Ley de Justicia de Camp Lejeune permite a cualquier persona que haya vivido o trabajado en la base entre el 1 de agosto de 1953 y el 31 de diciembre de 1987 durante al menos 30 días, haya estado expuesta al agua contaminada y haya sufrido lesiones, presentar una demanda contra el gobierno estadounidense.

Where Is the Lawsuit Filed for Hepatic Steatosis from Camp Lejeune?

You are permitted to file a claim in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Northern Carolina to recover damages and personal injuries from exposure to hazardous chemicals in the water at Camp Lejeune from 1953 to 1985.

I Was Stationed at Camp Lejeune and I Have Hepatic Steatosis, What Do I Do Now?

You can make a claim and initiate a lawsuit on the merits of your case. You can call us at the DTLA Law Group today, to discuss your claim right now.

What Are the Steps I Need to Take to Initiate a Lawsuit for My Personal Injuries?

You can call us at the DTLA Law Group, and talk to our attorneys who will walk you through the next steps to initiating a lawsuit on the merits of your claim.

Average Case Value for Hepatic Steatosis Diagnosis Camp Lejeune Lawsuit

The average case value for a lawsuit from contracting hepatic steatosis from Camp Lejeune will settle in the $800,000 to several millions of dollars range. This condition is potentially highly debilitating, and there may be additional surgical procedures, transplants or therapies coming up to help you manage the disease and condition.

How Long Does It Take to Settle These Cases for Hepatic Steatosis Diagnosis in a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit?

It will take around one year to settle the case for a hepatic steatosis from Camp Lejeune.

Hepatic Steatosis Camp Lejeune Lawsuit lawyer attorney personal injury liability incident hazard
Plazo de prescripción - ¿De cuánto tiempo dispongo para presentar una demanda por lesiones personales en Camp Lejeune?

El plazo de prescripción en California para presentar una demanda por lesiones personales es de dos años. Usted tendrá dos años para archivar su caso con respecto a adquirir una enfermedad de herida personal de Camp Lejeune. Usted no querrá esperar hasta que este estatuto se agote. Usted podría darnos una llamada esta tarde, que comenzará el proceso para su demanda para conseguir una lesión personal de la exposición de Camp Lejeune a las toxinas químicas peligrosas en el agua.

Is There a Time Period to File a Lawsuit and Join a Class Action Lawsuit?

Yes, the statue of limitations is two years, and you can join a class action lawsuit, or file individually on your own.

¿Debo unirme a una demanda colectiva o presentar mi propia demanda individual?

It is up to you whether you want to join an existing class action lawsuit, or pursue an individual lawsuit. We will be able to help you as you work with our legal team and a lawyer with experience in personal injuries from Camp Lejeune environmental exposures.

Hepatic Steatosis Camp Lejeune Lawsuit lawyer attorney personal injury liability incident hazard sue
Garantía de cero comisiones

There is a zero-fee guarantee that you will want to get in, when you give us a call today. That means that you don’t have to pay us any up-front fees, before we will start to work with you on your personal injury case today.

Free Second Opinion Case Review / Experienced Lawyers in Personal Injuries from Camp Lejeune

You can call us today for a free second opinion case review, from our experienced lawyers at the DTLA Law Group. We have attorneys who specialize in handling and winning cases related to personal injuries from Camp Lejeune. You can connect with us today, by calling our experienced attorneys in Los Angeles at the DTLA Law Group.

¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en resolver y cobrar estos casos?

It can take as long as one year to settle this type of case, for exposure to toxins from Camp Lejeune.

Prescripción - ¿De cuánto tiempo dispongo para presentar una demanda?

The Statute of Limitations in California for personal injury lawsuit filing is two years.

Llame para una consulta gratuita

You can feel free to call us today for a free consultation regarding your case for hepatic steatosis, from exposure to deadly toxins at Camp Lejeune. We are here to give you the peace of mind that you deserve in this case. You can just give us a call at the DTLA Law Group right now, and we will go over the next steps to initiating a lawsuit with you.


Ando, Y., & Jou, J. H. (2021). Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Recent Guideline Updates. Clinical Liver Disease, 17(1), 23–28.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

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Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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