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Sheraton Gateway Hotel Injuries

For individuals who have been involved in accidents at hotels, there is hope and there are options you can take. Our law firm, the Downtown LA Law Group, has long since handled claims against hotel chains like the Sheraton Gateway, and we have won many lawsuits for victims. Our clients know that we are among the best in town at our jobs. Hotels should not be able to get away with providing dangerous rooms to patrons, and if there are any problems with the grounds or facility, the hotel should be held accountable and be made to fix them. It is only by action that improvement will occur. If you wish to take legal action against the hotel for injuries you suffered in an accident, you can contacte con nuestro bufete.

Sheraton Gateway Accidents

An accident at a Sheraton Gateway can take many forms. You may suffer an incident outside of the hotel, in the parking lot of the hotel, in the lobby, in your room, or in one of the facilities. Regardless of where the injury happens, though, you can take legal action, provided the incident occurred on hotel grounds and was caused by the negligence of the hotel or property owner. Some examples of these accidents include:

  • Infestaciones de chinches that are not caught by cleaning staff and result in bites, or possibly in victims bringing the bed bugs home to them and creating another infestation
  • Shower accidents that feature broken handrails or doors, slippery tubs, loose shower heads, and more
  • Collapsed o broken chairs, desks, beds, and other furniture in the room that can cause guests to fall
  • Collapsed ceilings, broken walls, uneven floors, and other structural issues that can cause injuries
  • Accidentes en piscinas, which may happen due to diving boards that break or can’t hold weight, ladders that are not affixed to the pool or that break when used, slippery floors and tiles, and more
  • Accidentes en gimnasios, which happen because equipment is defective or stops working, weights break or fall, and more
  • Slip and falls due to torn or ripped carpets, slick or freshly cleaned floors, hazards or objects in hallways and staircases, broken railings, escalator defects, spilled beverages, and more

Sheraton Gateway hotel injuriesThere is also the chance of sexual assaults and physical assaults at a hotel because of the amount of people and less restrictive atmosphere. There may only be a handful of security guards working at a time, and guests can easily be assaulted in remote or less populated areas of the hotel. Worse, hotel workers and staff may carry out the assaults themselves if they have keys or if they ambush guests in certain locations. You should always take care when you are a hotel; the facilities may not have a lot of people in them, and an accident can result in juries – but you may not be discovered for some time, or you may not be able to prove that you were even hurt. Bear in mind that if you were partially responsible for the accident, you will have trouble taking legal action, or you will be given a drastically reduced settlement if you win. It will be up to your attorney to negotiate the fairest deal and show that you were not responsible for the incident.

Common Injuries in Sheraton Gateway Hotel Accidents

As with any accident, the injuries you suffer could potentially be devastating. It is crucial that you get medical treatment quickly to remedy any potential damages. Some of the injuries that can arise from hotel accidents include:

  • Músculos desgarrados
  • Daño nervioso
  • Huesos rotos
  • Daños en los ligamentos
  • Fracturas
  • Esguinces
  • Cepas
  • Lesiones faciales
  • Burns and shocks
  • Lesiones de rodilla y cadera
  • Daños en el cuello y la médula espinal
  • Daños en los discos
  • Conmociones cerebrales
  • Lesiones cerebrales
  • Lesiones en la cabeza
  • Contusiones y abrasiones
  • Cortes y laceraciones
  • CRPS
  • Paraplejia y tetraplejia

Don’t hesitate to reach out and get started on a lawsuit if you were injured at a Sheraton Gateway. We will be glad to take your claim and represent you.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes

$1,96 millones

Accidente de peatón

$1.4 MIllón

Mordedura de perro


Lesión de hombro


Lesiones por resbalones y caídas


Responsabilidad civil


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Traumatismo craneal

Procedure After A Hotel Accident

Common Injuries in Sheraton Gateway Hotel Accidents After an accident at a Sheraton Gateway, you should follow these steps to ensure your safety and preservation of evidence. Your claim will benefit if you go through this procedure. Make sure to:

  • Go to the doctor at once to get treatment
  • Keep copies of your medical records, doctor’s notes, X-rays, prescriptions, and more
  • Do not delay treatment; this may cause injuries to flare up or appear, and it may cause the insurance agent to cast doubt on the nature of your injuries as they relate to the accident
  • Interview eyewitnesses for their testimonies and statements about the accident
  • Take pictures o the injuries you suffered
  • Take pictures of the scene of the accident and any crucial places at the hotel
  • Request security footage from the hotel manager if it is available
  • Write down necessary contact and insurance information from any other involved parties
  • Print copies of your receipts for the hotel or hold on to your credit card bill showing you paid for the room
  • File an incident report with the hotel to report what happened and your injuries

As a victim of a hotel accident, you should know that you should not approach the hotel management until you have gathered your evidence. If you try to alert them to the incident first, they will likely shield the evidence from you and work to fix any issues. Without evidence, you will be unable to successfully win your claim. You should also refrain from accepting anything from the hotel; the manager tends to give out free rooms, free compensation, gift cards, vouchers, and more to make up for a bad experience. He can then use this as leverage if a claim is filed and state that the issue was already resolved and you are simply being greedy or overstepping. You should call a lawyer to handle your hotel accident for you so you do not run the risk of potentially missing out on compensation. With the guidance of a lawyer, you can take the right steps to win your claim. An expert attorney can handle the legal legwork so you do not have to; instead, you can focus on recovering from your injuries and returning to your normal life.

Sheraton Gateway Accident Lawsuit Compensation

The value of your hotel accident lawsuit will vary depending on a few factors. Most importantly, your injuries will be considered: how much of an impact they had on your life and career and how extensive they were, as long as how long it will take you to recover. You will also have to show that you were not negligent; partial negligence will factor into the offer. To a lesser extent, your age and career type will be considered. Once the insurance agent has considered all these points, he will then make an offer. Our lawyers will negotiate a better deal and see to it that you are given the maximum settlement available. A common tactic that insurance agents use is to place blame on you or to outright refuse to provide an offer, trying to force the victim into accepting something small after the extended period of silence. We do not fall for such tactics and will work around the clock to win your case. Examples of compensation you can earn from a premises liability claim against Sheraton Gateway include:

  • Facturas y gastos médicos pasados y futuros
  • Property damage for anything you owed that was lost or broken in the incident
  • Lost income from the past and future for whatever time you could not attend work
  • Pain and suffering damages for PTSD, anxiety, fear, mental trauma, emotional anguish, and more

You can potentially earn a sizeable lawsuit if the Sheraton Gateway was negligent. Our lawyers can help you receive every penny you deserve.

Time Limit to Sue Sheraton Gateway for Damages

In California, there is a 2 year limit on personal injury lawsuits. This means that if you do not file a claim within 2 years of the date of the injury, you will be unable to receive any compensation. Generally, you should file a claim quickly so that your evidence is not lost or corrupted; time tends to do that to key pieces of claims. Memories may get foggy, for example, or the hotel may shut down, which can completely ruin your chance at compensation. The 2 year limit is not set in stone, though. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as victims who were under 18 at the time of the incident (they can wait until their 18th birthdays to adhere to the statute of limitations), victims who were left mentally or physically incapacitated after the incident (they can follow the statute once they return to functionality), and in cases where the defendant has left the state (the statute is suspended until he returns). You should talk with a lawyer to ensure that you do not miss your deadline. Many claims go unfiled because victims fail to recognize when the statute of limitations expires. An attorney can help guarantee that your claim is sent to the insurance agency on time and that no important dates are missed.

DTLA Law Group y usted

Nuestro bufete, el Downtown LA Law Group, can help prove that the Sheraton Gateway acted negligently and caused you to get hurt. We will work around the clock to win your claim and won’t rest until we are satisfied with the result. We are willing to go to court if necessary to fight for your rights in front of a judge and jury. Call our law offices at (855) 339-8879 to set up a free legal consultation to discuss your claim and how the lawsuit can work. We will tell you how much we feel we can win in your case, and you can ask us anything you wish. We’ll also make sure you owe no money thanks to our zero fee guarantee, which promises that you won’t touch your own expenses during the lawsuit. We will cover the costs of the case and our fees will be paid only if we win; the money will come from the settlement we win from the insurance company. If we lose, we take no money at all and you won’t have to pay us a dime. For more assistance suing the Sheraton Gateway, call our law groupEl DTLA Law Group...hoy.

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