Lesiones en hoteles Hyatt
Nuestro bufete, el Downtown LA Law Group, has handled numerous accident and injury lawsuits contra Hyatt Hotels and other chains. We have seen individuals with numerous types of damages to their bodies, whether by falling at the hotel or getting hurt in a one of the facilities. The hotel should be held accountable for the injuries that guests sustain if the hotel could have prevented the injuries from occurring. This is the basic tenet of personal injury and premises liability, and our lawyers will be sure to follow the law accordingly and bring you the necessary compensation you need to move on and pay off your expenses.
Tipos de accidentes de hotel
Hotels have many different areas that can be dangerous. Externally, the aceras, outer grounds, and aparcamientos may have potholes and cracks that could cause slip and falls or trip and falls. Inside, there are numerous facilities and rooms that can cause accidents. A few examples include:
- Spas, where guests may fall over towels and chairs
- Pools, where pool accidents can occur due to broken diving boards, broken or unscrewed ladders, slippery tiles, improper pool equipment, and more
- Gyms, where equipment, weights, cables, and machines can malfunction and cause injuries
There are also problems that can arise within the rooms themselves. For instance, shower accidents can happen because of a lack of a rail or an unsteady or broken curtain rod; the chairs and beds can collapse, leading to head injuries; and bed bugs may infest the room, causing bites and other reactions. Some incidents may not be accidental at all. When incidents are carried out by other guests, the hotel can be held accountable. Sexual assaults or physical assaults can be carried out by other guests, random individuals who have entered the hotel, vigilantes de seguridad, hotel workers, and more. A sexual assault can lead to long term emotional trauma, even in cases where the injuries are not permanent. You should always be extremely careful when at Hyatt Hotels. If you are involved in an accident, your best bet is to contact one of our hotel accident lawyers.
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$1.4 MIllón
Responsabilidad del hotel
The hotel can be found liable if it played a part in some way in the accident. This is most common in premises liability cases where the hotel staff, property manager, or maintenance crew did not ensure a safe environment for the guests. To sue, you will need to prove one of three points of premises liability:
- The property owner caused the hazard or accident
- The property owner knew about the issue and did not do anything to remedy it
- The property owner was not aware of the issue, but he reasonably should have been if he had paid close enough attention or been more careful
These points are specific to premises liability claims. To presentar una reclamación por daños personales, you must establish four points of negligence, which include you being owed a duty of care that was breached by the responsible party, and the breach resulted in an accident that caused physical injuries.
Lesiones en hoteles Hyatt
You should be careful at hotels simply because of how dangerous they can be. The injuries you can suffer may include permanent damages, which can completely alter your life, career, and more. Somme of the injuries that can be suffered at hotels include:
- Conmociones cerebrales
- Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
- Lesiones en la cabeza
- Huesos rotos
- Fracturas
- Esguinces
- Músculos desgarrados
- Daño nervioso
- Lesiones cervicales
- Daños en la médula espinal y lesiones discales
- Lesiones de rodilla en el ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA), el ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) y el ligamento colateral medial (MCL)
- Daños en la cadera
Injuries that require extensive treatment and need you to go to the doctor for numerous types of procedures often result in the highest bills and expenses. Thus, if you were seriously injured, it is in your best interest to hire a lawyer who has taken on lawsuits against Hyatt Hotels.
Procedure after an Accident at a Hotel
It is not uncommon for individuals to not know what to do after an accident at a hotel. Many people will mistakenly get rid of evidence or leave before they can collect proof. The main point is to not approach the hotel with any complaints or alerts until you have gotten as much evidence as you need. The reason is simple: the hotel will often immediately take you to another room or try to fix the issue you brought up. If they do quarantine the area, fix the problem, or manage to bar you from being nearby, you will not be able to show what caused the accident. You should not file an incident report until you have taken your own evidence. The steps you should follow are:
- Go to the doctor or call the paramedics so you can get medical treatment and ensure that you are not seriously injured, or so you can be appropriately treated
- Hold on to your medical bills, doctor’s notes, and anything else from the hospital
- Do not delay going to the doctor, as a gap between the injury and the treatment will be a red flag to the insurance agency
- Ask any eyewitnesses for their statements or testimonies if they saw the incident happen or if they also suffered a similar incident
- Haz fotos de tus lesiones
- Take pictures of any defects that you noticed or of what caused the incident
- Get necessary contact information from the hotel
- Request a copy of the security or surveillance footage if it is available
In some cases, you should certainly call the police, such as if a sexual assault occurs. Then, you can request a copy of the police report after there has been an investigation. However, the police are not always going to come to the hotel. Following these steps will allow you to be properly prepared for your lawsuit and will keep you as safe as possible. Once you have gathered your evidence, you can present it to an attorney at our firm, who will then write the demand letter to he insurance company on your behalf and will request the appropriate compensation.
Hotel Accident Lawsuit Statute of Limitations
The statute of limitations during which you can file a lawsuit is 2 years. If you don’t manage to file a lawsuit within this time, you will be prevented from doing so in the future. It is very important that you take legal action within an appropriate time; the longer you wait, the more likely it is that your evidence will get lost or corrupted and that key witnesses will not clearly remember what happened. There is the chance that your statute of limitations can be tolled, or extended. This is common in cases wherein the victim is under 18 years old, not in a fit state mentally or physically to sue, or when the defendant has left the state for a period of time.
Compensation from a Hyatt Accident
Si ha resultado herido en uno de los muchos hoteles Hyatt, podría recibir una indemnización por sus lesiones. Esta indemnización puede incluir la cobertura de diversos gastos que se acumularon tras el incidente y como consecuencia de los daños. No se debe esperar que usted pague por estos daños si no tuvo parte en el daño o si el hotel fue negligente de alguna manera. Los gastos que podría recibir incluyen:
- Facturas médicas de cirugía, hospitalización, medicación, terapia y tratamientos futuros
- Daños materiales por cualquier objeto que se haya perdido o roto en el siniestro
- Pérdida de ingresos por salarios que no pudo cobrar debido a las lesiones, así como futuros salarios no percibidos.
- Daños y perjuicios por trastornos emocionales, estrés psicológico, trastorno de estrés postraumático, ansiedad y miedo.
En algunos casos, hay oportunidades de cobrar otras formas de indemnización, como daños punitivos e indemnización por homicidio culposo. Éstas sólo están disponibles en casos de negligencia grave o cuando un familiar o ser querido fallece en el siniestro. Son, por supuesto, difíciles de conseguir, aunque las circunstancias lo permitan. Necesitará un abogado experto para obtener esa indemnización.
El bufete para usted
Downtown LA Law Group es el principal bufete para cualquier persona que haya sufrido un accidente durante su estancia en uno de los hoteles Hyatt. Conocemos los mejores métodos para ganar su reclamación y no descansaremos hasta conseguirle la indemnización que se merece. Nuestros abogados son altamente recomendados y están extremadamente cualificados; tenemos décadas de experiencia combinada. Si necesita una representación agresiva de un bufete que perseguirá su máxima indemnización, no busque más que la nuestra. Podemos ofrecerle una consulta legal gratuita para discutir su caso. Se le anima a hacernos preguntas, y vamos a ver su reclamo y le dirá lo que creemos que podemos ganar para usted. Si desea contratarnos, también le daremos nuestra garantía de cero honorarios, que es una promesa que dice que no tocará sus propios ahorros o finanzas durante todo el proceso legal. Nosotros mismos cubriremos los costes del caso, y si ganamos, el pago de nuestros honorarios saldrá del acuerdo que le traigamos. Si perdemos, no cobraremos nada y usted no deberá nada. Deje que nuestros abogados de accidentes de hotel Hyatt ayudarle con su demanda. Póngase en contacto con el Downtown LA Law Group hoy.
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Abogados destacados
Guía definitiva sobre accidentes de hotel
- Responsabilidad patrimonial de un hotel Hilton Worldwide
- Best Western Hotel lesiones
- Puedo demandar por lesiones de infestación de chinches en habitación de hotel
- Doubletree by Hilton lesiones
- Embassy Suites by hilton lesiones
- Airbnb Demanda por lesiones
- Abogado accidente escalera mecánica
- Hampton inn lesiones
- Hilton Garden inn lesiones
- Holiday Inn Express lesiones
- Abogado de infestación de chinches en habitación de hotel
- Abogado de lesiones por agresión sexual en hoteles
- Lesiones en los hoteles Hyatt
- Lesiones intercontinentales
- Lesiones en el hotel La Quinta
- Lesiones en Marriott International
- Motel 6 hotel lesiones
- Premier Inn lesiones
- Accidentes en la piscina privada
- Lesiones en el hotel Radisson
- Lesiones en el hotel Sheraton Gateway
- Travelodge Hoteles lesiones
- Lesiones en los hoteles Wyndham Worldwide
- Abogado de chinches
- Abogado del derrumbe del balcón
- Accidentes en casinos
- Resbalón y Caída Abogado Los Angeles
- Abogado de lesiones por agresión sexual en hoteles
- Accidente en una piscina
- Lesiones en gimnasios y clubes de salud
- Abogados de lesiones en gimnasios