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Hotel Sexual Assault Injury Attorney | Crime Property Owner Liability

Hotel Sexual Assault Injury Attorney Crime Property Owner Liability lawsuit sue compensation

Víctimas de Sexual Assault and battery have rights that need to be protected.  Apart from prosecuting perpetrators of such offenses victims of violent crimes should be entitled to monetary compensation from property owners, managers and hotel staff whose actions may have been a contributing factor to the injuries suffered. The Downtown Los Angeles Injury Law Firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of violent crimes and in particular innocent victims of sexual assault, sexual molestation, and rape crimes.  I you or a loved one has been attacked at a hotel, motel, bar or nightclub attached to the hotel contact our violent crime injury compensation attorney.  Our dedicated and personable staff will guide you through the litigation process and determine the best legal course of action.

Agresión sexual en residencias de ancianos

Representing Victims of Rape and Sexual Assault in Hotel Rooms – Who can be held Responsible?

An owner of a property including hotel and motel owners can be held liable for injuries suffered by a trespasser, or invitee to the property who engages in violent crime against innocent victims.  The liability can be extended to property owners, managers of the property, and hotel staff who were negligent in their responsibilities. Hotel owner liability for violent crimes is based on California’s Premises Liability Laws which prove different levels of care based on the status of the victim.

Abogado de lesiones en campamentos de verano

Infórmese sobre sus opciones de indemnización llamando al (855) 339-8879.

Invitada:  El mayor deber de diligencia recae sobre el invitado. Se trata de cualquier persona invitada expresa o implícitamente a las instalaciones de otra persona en beneficio mutuo. Licenciatario: Toda persona que entra en un local con el consentimiento del propietario o poseedor para un fin no comercial o empresarial. El ejemplo más común es el de un invitado social. Para obtener una indemnización como titular de una licencia, la víctima debe demostrar (las tres cosas):

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  1. El propietario o poseedor conocía o debería haber conocido la condición peligrosa, y debería haber sabido que creaba un riesgo irrazonable de daño, y asimismo debería haber sabido que el demandante no descubriría la condición peligrosa
  2. El propietario o poseedor no hizo que la condición fuera segura o no advirtió al titular de la licencia de la condición
  3. El titular de la licencia no conocía la situación peligrosa ni los riesgos que entrañaba.

Intrusos: Unlike an invitee or licensee, a trespasser enters premises without the property owner or possessor’s consent.  Generally, no duty is owed to a trespasser.  However, in situations where the possessor knows of potential trespassers,  he or she must give reasonable warning for dangerous conditions, but only for artificial conditions, and only if the condition is not obvious

Seguridad en discotecas Abogado de agresión sexual

Property Owner Liability and Foreseeability of the Crime:  Property owner owes a general duty to protect a visitor to his property.  Liability can be established when the Property owner or agents of the property owner knew or should have known that a violent crime was likely to take place.

Estadísticas sobre agresiones sexuales

Forseeability can be established by proving to the court

  • The hotel owner knew of prior criminal acts on his property
  • If the hotel was in a geographic location known for high crimes and violent crimes
  • Were there criminal activities (ie violent crimes) similar to the crime which took place: in other words was there a prior incident of rape or sexual assault.

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Selecting the Right Attorney – California Rape and Violent Crime Victims Attorney

Our Violent Crime Injury Law Firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals harmed by the violent acts of others.  We will hold accountable all responsible parties; not only the perpetrator of the crime but the property owner where the crime tool place, hotel management companies, security services companies and insurance companies.

Los Angeles Abogados de Defensa de Asalto Sexual

Cómo podemos ayudarle:  If you have any questions regarding a possible lawsuit for compensation for injuries caused by a violent crime or sexual assault and rape at a hotel establishment contact our Law Firm.  We offer all our clients free initial consultation.  And Take Cases only on a contingency fee basis. Meaning: You Don’t Pay anything for Our Services Unless We Prevail in Providing You with the compensation you deserve.

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Responsibility of the Hotel and Motel Owners to Keep Guests Safe

It is the responsibility of the hotel or motel owners to keep the guests safe at the premises during their stay at the hotel. The hotel staff security, management, maintenance and front desk as well as the hotel or motel owner are responsible to keep the guests safe and secure at all times at the hotel or motel establishments. The hotel or motel owners need to be aware of their liability to manage security at the hotel or motel owners for every hour that the guests are on the property.

The hotel or motel owners need to understand the necessity to manage physical security, surveillance, movement control of the guests and strangers on the property, movement of any vendors on the property, management of the hotel or motel maintenance, and the safe securing of all public spaces for the guests frequenting the hotel or motel.

Sexual Assault Is a Horrific Crime

In general, sexual assault is an under reported crime. Many people suffer sexual assaults and blame themselves for the violent attacks, when they had nothing to do with it. The overwhelming victims of sexual assault are women, and some cases occur at hotels and motels where women are walking in, out and around the rooms as guests on the property at the establishment.

Hotel and Motel Property Owners Must Prevent Crimes at the Hotel

The hotel or motel owners are responsible to manage the safety of the guests at the venue at all times. That means that the managers and owners of the hotel or motel need to ensure that the lighting around the hotel or motel is bright, well lit and regularly maintained if any lights are damaged. There should be no dimly lit areas, where a stranger can accost a hotel or motel guest in the parking lot or areas around the hotel or motel in the dark.

Hotel Owner and Manager Must Prevent Trespassers Out of the Hotel

As the manager or owner of a motel or hotel, that individual or company is responsible to keep out trespassers from entering the hotel establishment. This will include the necessity of providing security lights, security detail or even a security guard if necessary. If any of the guests are injured, it is the responsibility of the owners and managers to keep everyone safe at all times, at the hotel or motel.

Hotel Owner Liability for Violent Crimes Per California’s Premises Liability Laws

California’s Premises Liability laws state that there is a different level of care based on the status of the victim when injuries are suffered by someone at a hotel. The owner of a property of a motel or hotel can be held liability for injuries to guests suffered by a trespasser onto the property who engage in violent crimes against the guests.

Victims of sexual assault and battery at a hotel or motel have rights against being attacked in or around their room during their stay at the hotel or motel. The hotel or motel staff need to take every precaution to prevent the sexual assault or attack of any kind taking place on the patron guests to the hotel or motel. This responsibility is extended to any nightclub, bar or tavern that is attached or also owned by the hotel or motel, if there is an attack on a guest in that outbuilding area as well.

Hotel and Motel Sexual Assault Injury Lawyer Is a Necessity in this Case

People who stay in a hotel or motel do not expect to be sexually assaulted during their stay as a guest at that establishment. People who are injured in a sexual assault at a hotel or motel can experience a violent encounter with a stranger who sexually assaults them when they are unawares.

Hotel Sexual Assault Injury Attorney Crime Property Owner Liability sue lawsuit compensation lawyer

Injuries Typical of a Sexual Assaults in a Hotel or Motel

Victims who are injured in a sexual assault in a hotel or motel can expect to be injured by:

  • Attempted penetrations
  • Tortura
  • Emotional trauma
  • Being tied up and injured
  • Being assaulted in many different areas of the venue
  • Moratones
  • Heridas de bala
  • Puñaladas
  • Quemaduras
  • Trauma psicológico
  • Heridas incisas
  • General body injuries
  • Lesiones internas
  • Oral assaults
  • Vaginal assaults
  • Anal assaults
  • Combination assaults
  • Non-fatal strangulation
  • Weapon use
  • Traumatismo por objeto contundente
  • Being bitten
  • Laceration and cuts
  • Knife cuts
  • Huesos rotos
  • Recibir una paliza
  • Lesión cerebral traumática
  • Coma

You need a lawyer who is an expert in this field, and who understand what to do next when you have suffered a sexual assault at a hotel or motel. We know that the managers and owners of the hotel and motel will be responsible for any sexual assaults on the guest of that establishment. We are here to talk to you about your needs, and what you expect to recover in this case.

Garantía de cero comisiones

You are able to have a zero-fee guarantee with our law firm. This means that at no time will we ask for any money up front from you, before we will start working on your case.

Segunda opinión gratuita

You have the right to talk to anyone you choose to discuss your case with, and we are here for your free second opinion. We offer a no risk free second opinion any time that you have additional questions on your case, and want to talk to a knowledgeable attorney about your next steps.

Can I Sue for a Hotel Sexual Assault Injury?

Yes, we can sue if you were assaulted sexually while staying in a hotel or motel. You are able to pick up your smartphone and just call our Los Angeles case lawyers. When you call our law firm, we can file a lawsuit on your behalf in this case. You can be sure that you will be on the winning side of getting your recovery compensation for this claim. Just connect today with our case attorneys in Los Angeles.

Llame para una consulta gratuita

You can call us right now for a free consultation regarding your sexual assault at a hotel or motel. We are here to answer your questions today, you just need to call us right now.

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