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Abogados de accidentes de peatones Glendale

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Glendale Cada día, los peatones resultan heridos en accidentes de tráfico - Los atropellos se producen tanto en zonas concurridas con mucho tráfico peatonal como en carreteras tranquilas con pocos visitantes. Las víctimas suelen sufrir lesiones graves debido a la discrepancia entre la protección del coche y la protección de los peatones. Cualquiera puede ser atropellado, desde personas solas a familias pequeñas o grupos de niños. Tras un accidente, conviene buscar la ayuda de un abogado de accidentes de peatones en Glendale. Nuestro equipo de abogados del Bufete de abogados del centro de Los Ángeles tiene recuperado millones de dólares para nuestros clientes y conoce los mejores métodos para ganar su restitución legítima. Los peatones son vulnerables - no sea vulnerable a los ojos de la ley, también. Deje que uno de nuestros abogados experimentados lo represente.

¿Cuántos peatones mueren atropellados al año?

En California, hay más de Cada año mueren atropellados 250 peatones. Se trata de un porcentaje justo del conjunto - a nivel nacional, más de 5.000 personas a pie mueren a causa de accidentes de tráfico. Sin embargo, hay que saber que la definición de peatón también incluye a los que van en monopatines, patinesy mucho más. Sin embargo, hay más personas que se desplazan a pie que en modos alternativos.

¿Dónde se producen la mayoría de las muertes de peatones?

Las muertes de peatones se producen en casi todas las partes de la carretera. Algunas partes prohíben a los peatones caminar por ellas; por ejemplo, autopistas y algunos puentes no tienen aceras ni ningún lugar seguro para que la gente circule si no es en coche, por lo que está expresamente prohibido caminar. Otras zonas son muy transitadas. Lugares céntricos, centros comerciales bulliciosos, centros comerciales, zonas escolares, campus universitarios y estaciones de tren cuentan con cientos de peatones caminando a la vez. Estos lugares tienen una amplia pasos de peatones, señales controladas por peatonesy numerosas señales. Los pasos de peatones suelen ser el lugar donde se producen la mayoría de los accidentes peatonales; los coches pueden intentar encender las luces rojas y no se dan cuenta de que la gente empieza a caminar, o pueden acercarse al paso de peatones sin ver a nadie caminando delante. También es posible que ignoren algunas señales y pasen a toda velocidad.

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Uno de los principales problemas y causas de accidentes de peatones es cruzar la calle imprudentemente. Cruzar la calle en una zona no designada. Aunque todos los conductores deben ceder el paso a los peatones que cruzan imprudentemente, la dificultad y el peligro están presentes en el hecho de que no hay forma de saber de dónde puede venir un peatón. La mayoría de los conductores están atentos a los pasos de peatones, a los colores de la calzada y a las señales amarillas, pero si un individuo simplemente sale de entre dos coches con la intención de caminar, entonces el peatón es mucho más difícil de ver y de predecir cuándo va a cruzar.

¿Cuáles son las causas de los accidentes de peatones?

Los accidentes de peatones suelen atribuido a la negligencia del conductor. No es común que un peatón tenga la culpa de ser atropellado por un coche, pero todos los peatones deben ser extremadamente cuidadosos y tener precaución siempre que sea posible. Por ejemplo, si sueles caminar de noche, debes debe llevar ropa ligera o algo que pueda ser reflectante. El alcohol es uno de los principales causas de accidentes. Los conductores ebrios suelen ser incapaces de actuar a tiempo si se percatan de la presencia de un peatón; pueden visión borrosa, lentitud de reflejos e incapacidad para concentrarse. También pueden estar cansados y desmayarse al volante. Los peatones que han bebido también tienen más probabilidades de verse implicados en accidentes por motivos similares; algunos simplemente se han quedado tendidos en medio de la calzada o de aparcamientos, mientras que otros han tropezado o se han metido en las calles.

Otras causas son:

Cities like Glendale have lots of pedestrians, and if you have been hit by a car, you should take legal action against the responsible driver. There could be any number of reasons for the accident to happen, but if you were not at fault, you should not be held accountable for the ensuing damages and expenses. A Glendale pedestrian accident attorney at the Downtown LA Law Group can help you file your claim.

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What Are Some Injuries You Can Suffer From A Pedestrian Accident?

Pedestrian accidents are some of the most severe crashes that you can suffer. As a pedestrian, you are not protected at all while walking the street. Those in cars have airbags, seatbelts, cushions, and other safety devices meant to reduce the impact and lessen the injuries they receive. Anyone on foot, though, will be hurt much worse, especially depending on the type of accident. Some pedestrians are hit and flung forward; others roll over the car; still others are dragged some distance before being released or before the car stops. We have seen various types of injuries from pedestrian accidents, such as: If you have been hurt in a pedestrian accident, you should seek out the help of an experienced attorney in Glendale who can file your claim for you. We will see to it that all of the aspects of the lawsuit are handled; your focus should not be on legal action, but on recovering from your injuries. The additional stress can worsen your damages and delay your recovery time.

Can A Pedestrian Sue If Hit By A Car?

Yes, a pedestrian can sue if hit by a car. In order to file a lawsuit, you must be able to prove that you were the victim of negligent action. All personal injury lawsuits are predicated on negligence. An expert pedestrian accident attorney in Glendale can help you establish the four points of negligence, which are:
  • Se le debía un deber de diligencia
  • El deber de diligencia se incumplió de alguna manera
  • The breach of duty resulted in an accident of some kind
  • El accidente provocó lesiones físicas
All drivers on the road have a duty to not harm anyone else, whether other drivers or pedestrians. If a driver broke the law or recklessly drove and caused a crash, he would be liable for the ensuing expenses. You must have been physically harmed if you wish to file a personal injury claim – without injuries, you will only be able to collect certain compensation, such as reimbursement of lost wages.

How Can I Sue If A Car Hit Me?

The first part of taking legal action occurs right after the accident. The most important thing you can do is ensure that you are medically treated. You can call the paramedics or go to the hospital; either way, you should be evaluated for injuries and given treatment. If you do not receive treatment, or if you wait too long to go to the doctor, your claim will suffer; the insurance agent will see the gap and can claim that you were hurt in another incident besides the car crash and you are blaming your injuries on the accident. To combat this, you should also haz fotos de tus heridas as soon as you can and keep all medical notes, doctor’s notes, hospital bills, and other expenses. They will be included in the evidence package. You can additionally take photos of the scene of the accident to show where you were at the time and to illustrate the conditions of the street. It is also wise to ask for statements from any eyewitnesses or bystanders who saw the incident take place. The police will likely have showed up to perform an investigation. Once the police report has been finalized, you can request a copy to be mailed to your home or to our office. Once you have collected all that you can from the scene of the accident, or if you have trouble due to hospitalization, you should contact a skilled pedestrian accident in Glendale who can handle your claim for you. We will gladly assemble your evidence package, write the demand letter, and begin negotiating the best deal from the insurance agency.

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How Long After An Accident Can I File A Claim?

You have 2 years from the date of the injury resulting from the accident, not the date of the injury itself, to file a claim. This means that if you were involved in a crash and a herniated disc presented itself three months later, you would have from the discovery of the back problem instead of the incident. You may be able to have the statute of limitations extended if you meet certain criteria. For example, underage victims do not have to adhere to the statute until they turn 18 years old, and anyone who is left incapable of filing a claim is exempt until he returns to functioning health. It is not uncommon to be uncertain of how long you have until your claim expires. Our lawyers will ensure that your lawsuit is filed on time and we will submit all necessary documents for you.

How Much Is My Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit Worth?

The value of your pedestrian accident lawsuit will greatly depend on your injuries. The insurance agent will consider how impactful they were and how much they affected your job and daily life. If you needed to change careers and if you had to alter your life (such as with a handicap and needing to make your home wheelchair-accessible), your case will likely be worth more than if you only suffered minor injuries. Our lawyers will strive to bring you the compensation you deserve. Some pedestrian accident cases are worth over $1,000,000. We will negotiate the best deal with the insurance agent, aiming to bring you coverage for the following:
  • Gastos médicos
  • Lost wages at work
  • Daños materiales
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Punitive damages in the event the driver acted with gross negligence or an intent to cause harm
  • Wrongful death damages if a family member or loved one died in the accident
Call our offices today to get started on your pedestrian accident claim.

DTLA’s Promise

Downtown LA Law Group promises to work around the clock to secure you the settlement you need if you were struck by a car as a pedestrian. You should not be expected to cover your damages if you were not at fault for the incident, and we will see to it that you are totally covered. Our team of experienced lawyers can help you file your case and will aggressively negotiate with the insurance agents, always working to keep your claim at the top of the file. We won’t rest until we are satisfied with the result. If you have questions, call our office at (855) 339-8879 to schedule a free consultation with a qualified lawyer. We are available around the clock and will tell you what we believe your case can earn. We’ll give you legal advice and inform you about the legal process. If you wish to hire us, we’ll also give you our zero fee guarantee. This promises that you will never touch your own savings for our services – we will only get paid if we win, and the money will come from the settlement we win from the insurance agency. If we lose, we don’t get paid at all, from anyone. We eat the loss ourselves and your personal funds are never touched. To speak with a Glendale pedestrian accident attorney about filing a lawsuit, contact the Downtown LA Law Group today at (855) 339-8879.

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