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Tech Gear 5.7 retira del mercado sus calcetines térmicos a pilas

Tech Gear 5.7 Recalls Battery-Powered Heated Socks due to Fire and Burn Hazards Tech Gear 5.7 Recalls Battery-Powered Heated Socks due to Fire and Burn Hazards On March 14, 2019, Tech Gear 5.7 recalled their Mobile Warming Performance Heated Socks – battery-powered heating socks. According to the recall (recall number 19-082), approximately 4,000 units have been affected. The affected units have the following serial numbers:
  • MW18A04-17-14
  • MW18A04-17-15
  • MW18A04-M4-10/W6-11
  • MW18A04-M10-14
The products – manufactured by Mi Croteck Gaoke (HK) Limited/Shenzhen FCY Technology Co. Ltd, of China and imported by Tech Gear 5.7, Inc., of San Marcos, California – were sold in-store at Scheels and a number of sporting good, work wear, and farm supply stores throughout the nation and online (via and These defective products were available from September to November 2018 for approximately $130 each. The affected products are gray in color, made of a poly-cotton blend of material, and come in both men’s and women’s sizes (6-10 and 10-14). According to the recall, the lithium-ion battery that powers the socks can overhear, melt, and even ignite when charged with a charger other than the original charger provided with the socks. This defect creates both fire and burn hazards to consumers.

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Según la retirada, a few consumers have been affected. There have been at least four confirmed reports of the batteries malfunctioning (overheating, melting, or igniting). This has resulted in property damage, albeit minor, in at least two separate instances. The issued recall encourages all consumers with the affected products to stop using the recalled socks. The recall compels consumers to remove the battery from the socks and contact the company for more information about receiving either a free replacement or a full refund. Without a doubt, anyone who owns the recalled socks should stop using the product. If you were unaffected by the defected product, it would be wise to contact the company for a replacement or refund – as recommended. However, if you were directly affected by the defective product (the defective product caused a fire or caused you to suffer burns), you should not contact the company for a replacement or refund. On the contrary, you should seek legal assistance as soon as possible. Were you affected by a defective product? Did your Tech Gear 5.7 heated socks malfunction? If the defective socks resulted in a fire that damaged your property or led to burn injuries, it is important that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss your current situation with experts on defective product and product liability cases, do not hesitate ponerse en contacto con Downtown L.A. Law Group lo antes posible. Downtown L.A. Law Group is a personal injury law firm with many years of experience handling a number of claims, including product liability claims. If you were affected by a defective product, you must contact our law firm and allow our experts to hold the liable parties accountable for the harm that you suffered. If you are ready to discuss your current situation with our defective product lawyers, contact our law firm today.

Understanding the Severity of the Hazard

Según la retirada, the battery could overheat, melt, or ignite. This only occurs when the battery is charged with any charger that did not come with the product. Although it seems like the hazard could be easily avoided as long as the consumer continues to use the original charger that came with the product, avoiding the hazard can easily prove to be impossible. We live in a society where chargers come and go. We are surrounded by a number of products that need constant charging – cell phones, tablets, computers, video game consoles, and now even socks. This results in an excess of chargers. In general, we try to keep up with the original charging cable for each product that we own; however, this can quickly become a nuisance if many of our products charge with the same cable – it is simply easier to use the same charger for multiple items. Doing this is even more common after misplacing a charger and having to find/use a replacement.

Infórmese sobre sus opciones de indemnización llamando al (855) 339-8879.

According to the recall, when the battery is charged with any cable that is not the original charging cable that came with the heated socks, the battery could overheat, melt, and even ignite. This could severely affect consumers – especially considering that the defective battery could result in burns even if there is no fire. The defective batteries could ignite and start a fire, posing a threat to burn injuries ranging in degrees and considerable property damage. Although every situation is different, the defective battery in the socks could lead to expensive medical bills and property repair/replacement costs. What can you do after being harmed by the defective product negligently released by a company? What should you do? What are your rights?

Understanding Tech Gear 5.7’s Liability for Defective Products

To understand what you could do after being affected by a defective product, you must have a thorough understanding of liability for defective products. All companies have a specific duty of care to their consumers. Their duty of care revolves around having to ensure that their products are free of hazards that could potentially harm consumers. Within this duty of care, there is the duty to inspect and test products multiple times before releasing them to the public. When a company, such as Tech Gear 5.7, releases a defective product and makes it available for purchase, the company could be held liable for any and all of the harm suffered as a direct result of the defective product. Did you suffer any harm directly due to the defective heating socks? If you and your family were affected in any way due to a defective product, you might have grounds to take action against the company. For more information, seek legal assistance with the abogados de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos en Downtown L.A. Law Group lo antes posible.

¿Tiene derecho a presentar una demanda?

Could you file a defective lawsuit against Tech Gear 5.7 for the harm that you suffered due to their defective products? To have grounds to file a product liability claim against a company, any one of the following defects must be present: a defect in product labeling; a defect in product manufacturing; a defect in product design. Although the retirada issued for the defective socks does not clarify what type of defect was present in the product (in terms of labeling, manufacturing, or design), it is likely that at least one of these defects is present; therefore, you will likely have grounds to pursue a claim against the liable party. If you would like to learn more about your right to sue after being harmed by a defective product in any way, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group as soon as possible.

La posibilidad de recuperar una indemnización

If you were harmed by a defective product, could you recover compensation? If your product liability claim is successful, you will likely be eligible to receive some sort of compensation. Although there is no guarantee of the type and amount of compensation that you might be eligible to receive, consider the following:
  • Gastos médicos – compensation for all the medical bills resulting from the injuries that you suffered due to the defective product.
  • Salarios perdidos – compensation for all the income that you lost and will continue to lose because of the harm that you suffered due to the defective product.
  • Dolor y sufrimiento – compensation for the mental and emotional distress resulting from the harm that you suffered.
  • Gastos de sepelio y entierro – compensation for the costs associated with death services (in the case that the defective product causes fatal injuries).
  • Pérdida de consorcio – compensation awarded to the victim’s family for the loss of the ability to have a normal relationship with the victim (whether the victim suffered moderate/severe injuries or fatal injuries).
  • Daños punitivos – compensation awarded as a form of punishment towards the defendant.
If you would like to learn more about the type and amount of compensation that you might be eligible to receive if your product liability claim is successful, do not hesitate to contact our law firm as soon as possible. The abogados de productos defectuosos en Downtown L.A. Law Group are ready to fight for your right to recover the highest amount of compensation available for your claim. For more information about the type and amount of compensation that you could recover, do not hesitate ponerse en contacto con nuestro bufete hoy mismo.

Understanding What You Should Do

There is a general process that all parties who are interested in pursuing an injury claim should be familiar with. Reclamaciones de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos, however, usually fall out of this general process because specific actions could result in losing the right to sue. Consider the following list of what you should do after being harmed by a defective product:
  • Seek medical attention for the injuries that you suffered
  • Take pictures of the injuries that you suffered
  • Take pictures of the property damage resulting from the defective product
  • Ponte en contacto con la empresa para denunciar los daños que has sufrido a causa de su producto.
  • Deje de utilizar inmediatamente el producto defectuoso
  • Guarde el producto defectuoso en un lugar seguro
  • No manipule el producto defectuoso de ninguna manera (no intente reparar el producto defectuoso usted mismo).
  • No devuelva el producto defectuoso a la empresa (no acepte devoluciones, sustituciones o reparaciones gratuitas, ya que destruirá su principal prueba).
  • Tome fotografías del producto defectuoso
  • Reúna todos los registros relacionados con la compra del producto defectuoso.
  • Reúna todos los registros relacionados con los daños causados directamente por el producto defectuoso (como facturas médicas y de daños materiales).
  • Buscar asistencia jurídica para emprender acciones contra la parte responsable
Para más información sobre lo que debe hacer para prepararse para obtener un reclamación de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos contra Tech Gear 5.7, no dude en ponerse en contacto con los expertos de Downtown L.A. Law Group lo antes posible.

Busque hoy mismo la asistencia jurídica de los abogados especializados en responsabilidad civil por productos defectuosos de Downtown L.A. Law Group

Los abogados especializados en responsabilidad civil por productos defectuosos de Downtown L.A. Law Group están preparados para ofrecerle la orientación que necesita para emprender acciones contra las partes responsables del daño que ha sufrido. Downtown L.A. Law Group es un bufete de abogados de lesiones personales con muchos años de experiencia en el manejo de una serie de reclamaciones, tales como reclamaciones por productos defectuosos. Nuestros abogados especializados en responsabilidad por productos defectuosos están dispuestos a proporcionarle toda la información que necesite para emprender acciones contra la parte responsable de sus lesiones. Si se ha visto perjudicado por los calcetines de calefacción defectuosos mencionados anteriormente o por cualquier otro producto defectuoso, no dude en solicitar asistencia jurídica lo antes posible. Cuando usted contacte con nuestro bufeteNuestros expertos le proporcionarán toda la información que necesite. Nuestro bufete ofrece consultas y segundas opiniones gratuitas, lo que permite a todas las víctimas afectadas por productos defectuosos acceder a nuestros servicios jurídicos. Durante nuestras consultas gratuitas y segundas opiniones gratuitas, nuestros abogados estarán disponibles para responder a todas sus preguntas, abordar todas sus preocupaciones y proporcionarle toda la información que necesite para presentar una reclamación por productos defectuosos. Nuestros servicios legales gratuitos están disponibles debido a una Garantía de cero comisionesEsto garantiza que usted nunca tendrá que pagar honorarios por adelantado. Nuestro bufete de abogados también se basa estrictamente en la contingencia; por lo tanto, usted no tendrá que pagar nada hasta después de que su reclamación alcance un resultado exitoso. Si usted está listo para discutir su reclamo con nuestros expertos en responsabilidad por productos defectuosos, contacte con nuestro bufete hoy.

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Guía definitiva sobre demandas por retirada de productos

- Demandas de retirada de productos
- Responsabilidad por productos defectuosos

- Aviso de retirada del Subaru Outback 2011
- Demanda contra Saturn Aura
- Demanda por defecto en el interruptor de encendido del GM Cobalt
- Demanda contra Porsche GT
- Demanda colectiva contra Ford por el airbag
- Demanda por retirada de mangueras de combustible
- Retirada de amortiguadores de bicicleta Cane Creek

- Demanda colectiva contra Takata Airbag
- Una tirolina defectuosa obliga a retirarla

- Retirada del mercado del Toyota FJ Cruiser
- Chevy Cobalt Air Bag Falla Demanda

- Lesiones en vehículos todo terreno
Peligro de colisión de los vehículos todoterreno
- TerraTrike Retirada del mercado
- Retirada del Polaris Ranger
- Retirada de mantas Bair Hugger

- Fallo en el despliegue del airbag en un coche defectuoso
- Fallos en los respaldos de los asientos de los vehículos
- Asientos infantiles de seguridad defectuosos

- Los defectos de las bicicletas causan lesiones graves
- Jet Ski Defecto Abogado

- Retirada de la chimenea
- Retirada de ascensores domésticos
- Retirada de camas elásticas
- Trampolín retirado del mercado por riesgo de caídas y lesiones
- Retirada del mercado de la tumbona plegable Ross

- Retirada de televisores de pantalla plana Coby
- Retirada del mercado de zapatos con puntera de acero de la marca Rocky
- Recalls de bastones de escalada Xtreme

- Retirada del mercado de la silla de bebé Bumbo

- Fisher-Price retira del mercado las hamacas para bebés
- Dorel Juvenile Group retira del mercado las hamacas para bebés

- Abogado de lesiones en cunas

- Retirada del mercado de Dick's Sporting Goods
- Demanda por lesiones causadas por la retirada del mercado de asideros de cama

- Kids II retira del mercado mecedoras
- Recalls de Restoration Hardware
- Retirada del mercado de fundas para armas de fuego Blackhawk

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