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Lesión nerviosa causada por infiltración intravenosa y venopunción

Permanent nerve damage to the hand is one of the most common medical complications resulting from the negligent insertion of IV devices by medical practitioners in hospital and clinics across the country. Parties which may be liable for such injuries may including the hospital staff including registered nurses, medical doctors (practicing physicians / residents) and the hospital itself for negligent hiring and training practices. Victims of medical malpractice are entitled to full and just recovery for their injuries including hospitalization costs, lost wages and loss of income as well as pain and suffering. To speak with an attorney regarding the filing of a possible claim contact our Law Firm (855) 339-8879

Peripheral Nerve Injury caused by Venipuncture -or Insertion of IV solution into the arms or hands:

Nerve injuries due to venipuntcure mishaps can be permanent resulting in the complete or partial loss of sensation, loss of motor function in the hands and arms and in some cases extreme long term pain. Nerves in the arms and hands are extremely susceptible to damage and are connected to the brain via the spinal cord providing the hand and arms with sensation and the ability to move. There are three degrees or classifications of nerve damage, neuropaxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis.  The most severe types of nerve damage can result in the complete lacerations of the axons of the nerve requiring extensive medical intervention including revision surgery. Other treatments for nerve damage may include
  • Physical therapy including rehabilitation
  • Message therapy and Acupuncture
  • The use of medication
  • Nerve Graft surgery
  • Nerve transfer surgery
Sadly in some instance the nerves that have sustained extreme damages cannot be repaired sufficiently via the use of therapy or surgical methods. These patients will have to withstand permanent pain, discomfort and the loss of mobility to arms and hands. Other Injuries Caused by the Negligent Insertion of IV’s and Venipunture: In many instances victims of IV insertion malpractice experience multiple medical complications other that nerve damage. Other severe complications may include
  • CRPS – complex regional pain syndrome
  • Air embolism
  • Neurotoxicity
  • Síndrome compartimental
  • Serious infection

Presentar una demanda por negligencia médica

Negligencias médicas claims can be challenging requiring expert knowledge of the law as well a caring nature for clients who have suffered greatly. Our law firm is dedicated to protecting the legal rights of those who have suffered from the medical negligence of hospitals, nurses and practicing medical doctors. To speak to an attorney regarding your claim contact our  Law Offices at (855) 339-8879. All consultations with our litigators is free of charge.

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Interesting & Helpful Legal Infographics

Guía definitiva sobre lesiones causadas por mallas transvaginales

- Malla transvaginal
- Efectos secundarios del implante de malla vaginal
- ¿Cuál es la duración media de un acuerdo sobre mallas transvaginales?
- Acuerdo o veredicto medio sobre malla transvaginal
- Qué es la malla transvaginal
- ¿Cuál es el valor de una demanda por lesiones de malla transvaginal?
- Prescripción
- Malla transvaginal - Responsabilidad del cirujano
- Anuncios de mallas transvaginales
- Lesión por implante de malla pélvica
- ¿Debo unirme a una demanda colectiva?
- ¿Tengo Case
- Demandas contra fabricantes de mallas transvaginales
- Demanda por implante de malla transvaginal AMS
- Complicación del parche de malla Kugel


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"Tuvimos el placer de trabajar con Farid y su personal recientemente. Son muy conocedores y profesionales. Siendo que era nuestra primera vez tener accidente de coche malo, teníamos muchas preguntas que vendrían. Farid y su personal fue paciente y rápido para responder a cualquier pregunta que teníamos. ¡Ellos se encargaron de todo! Tuvimos una experiencia increíble y esperamos trabajar con ellos en un futuro próximo."
- Lucile Yi
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