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IV Infiltration Injury Attorney | Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

Most individuals who are administered to hospitals required some form administration of IV (intravenous line) during their stay. In some instances due to the negligent or malpractice care of staff Intravenous insertions can pose a serious risk of health causing severe injuries including nerve damage, and Compartment Syndromes.

What is IV Infiltration and Extravasation: Infiltration takes place when the liquid that is going to vein via the IV is instead is into the outlining tissues of the patient. A serious form of infiltration is extravasation which take place when the type of medication drug placed into the IV the type that results in severe tissue damage if released outside of the vein. Extravasation can result in severe internal burn injuries.

Presentar una demanda por negligencia médica: We expect our doctors, nurses and hospitals to provide expert medical care. However, in certain circumstances medical practitioners fail to provide the standard level of care required resulting in serious injuries and permanent disabilities.  IV Infiltrations can result in serious medical complications including

  • Síndrome de dolor regional complejo
  • Compartment Syndrome
  • tissue necrosis – death of tissue
  • Punctures resulting in damages to the arteries and veins including vein rupture
  • Long term Neurological disorders
  • Air Embolism
  • Nerve Damage from IV
  • Overload of Fluids
  • Spinal Cord Injury resulting in paraplegia or quadriplegia
  • Overmedication or given the wrong medication
  • Amputation resulting from necrosis of the tissue
  • Infecciones graves

Duty to Protect Patients from IV Infiltration injuries: Preventive Measures

  • Nurses and medical doctors should avoid placing IV in joint sites as well as other high-risk areas of the body
  • Avoid IV puncture in the hand, wrist, and Cubital fossa (the triangular area of the elbow)
  • IV catheters should not be secured too tightly. Tightly secures IV’s can result in construction and impede blood flow
  • Avoiding signs and Symptoms of an I.V. Infiltration Emergency: Failure to properly inspect IV Catheters to make should there are no complications
  • In infants and the young check and see if the I.V. is designed for pediatric use
  • Make sure there is a backflow of blood into the IV tubing during the lowering of the solution

Warning Signs of IV Infiltration: Usual signs and symptoms of IV infiltration will vary based upon the diagnosis of the patient, the extent of the injury and other medical factors. Some of the most common signs and symptoms include, swelling at the insertion point, numbness or burning sensation in the adjoining tissue, general pain and discomfort at the IV insertion site, leakage of fluids from the insertion point, skin that is cool to the touch or blanched.

Presentar una demanda por negligencia médica: If you or a loved one have experienced IV infiltration injuries resulting from hospital negligence, or the negligencia médica of your doctor contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney from the Downtown LA Law Firm. All consultation with a member of our legal team is free. (855) 339-8879

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