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¿Cuándo contratar a un abogado de accidentes de tráfico?

When to Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

find the best possible car accident lawyer

There is a Common Law adage,  “he who represents himself has a fool as a client.”  The common law legal system requires the handling of a case by expert and knowledgeable attorneys who know the legal system and understand how the law applied to the specific facts and evidence of the case.

Insurance Adjusters take advantage of non represented clients:

The job of insurance adjusters is to lower your right to compensation for your injuries and property damage.  Non-lawyers simply do not have the leverage to bargain with astute insurance companies determined to lower their liability.  Insurance companies find any reason they can to not pay the money they own on their policy.  Insurance companies understand that individuals can be intimidated by legal jargon and inability to understand the complexities of the law. Increase your Leverage and enhance your recovery:  Here at the Downtown LA Law Group we make a guarantee that your recovery will be more substantial if you hire our legal team then if you go at it alone.   Insurance companies are huge and have massive resources and deep pockets to fight against you. But the beauty of our legal system is that you can fight fire with fire. Hiring a qualified car accident attorney will greatly increase your bargaining power and allow you to fight for your rights under the law. When to Hire a Car Accident Attorney

Which questions you should ask before hiring a car accident attorney?

Before scheduling consultations, be sure to have all of your information regarding your car accident ready. To find the best possible car accident lawyer, there are certain questions you should be asking in order to select the top candidate. Here are some questions to ask the lawyer:

Entradas relacionadas:

¿Debería contratar a un abogado para que lleve mi reclamación por accidente de coche?? ¿Puede un pasajero demandar al conductor en un accidente de tráfico?? ¿Cuál es la responsabilidad del Estado en los accidentes de tráfico?? ¿De cuánto tiempo dispongo para reclamar tras un accidente de tráfico? Cómo manejar la Responsabilidad Disputada en Accidentes de Coche: Cómo probar los casos de él dijo ella dijo? Cuáles serían los reembolsos por pérdida de valor tras un accidente de tráfico? ¿Cómo obtener un informe de accidente de coche del Departamento de Policía en el Condado de Los Ángeles?

  • When was the last time you handled a car accident case?
  • What is the usual result of a case like mine?
  • How long is the litigation process going to take?
  • ¿Se encargará personalmente de mi caso?
  • What are the expenses I have to incur in this matter?
  • What is the best way I can reach you?
Now that you’ve met with the candidates and done your homework,

¿Cómo decidir qué abogado contratar?

Look for:
  • Experience, experience, experience.
  • Prior successes in your type of case.
  • Someone that you feel comfortable with. Can she explain things clearly? Did he answer all of your questions?
  • Someone who cares. When you met, did you feel like just another prospect or was the lawyer genuinely interested in you and your case? Contrary to one of the popular lawyer joke themes, not all lawyers are simply mercenaries out to make a fee.

If you have any further questions contact anytime of the day or night:  We have attorneys on standby 24 hours per day 7 days per week  (855) 339-8879

Algunos recursos para víctimas de accidentes de tráfico:

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions ¿Qué debo hacer tras un accidente de tráfico? Estadísticas de accidentes de tráfico PDF – Legal Guide Lesiones comunes
Fallecimientos en accidentes de tráfico y demandas por homicidio culposo en California

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