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Auto Accident Fatalities |California Wrongful Death Lawsuits

PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES Auto Accident Deaths Estadísticas California Laws Demanda por homicidio culposo

Death of a loved one in an auto collision brings tremendous sorrow and despair.  Not only is the loved one no longer with us, but their contributions to our family perishes as well.  Too often we have witnessed the tragedy of families who are left alone unable to pay the funeral costs of the deceased, or to make due on daily expenses and costs and medical debts.   At Downtown LA LAW our Car Accident and Truck Accident Attorneys will fight for you so that you are compensated for the loss of a loved one.  A financial settlement may help your family to support themselves in this time of great peril.

Statistics on Auto Accident Deaths in the United States:

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were close to 31,000 fatal automobile accidents in 2009. Most of these accidents require an experienced and skilled Wrongful Death Car Accident Attorney.   All too often, Insurance companies deny or reduce all forms of car accident claims, even when liability is established.  Fatalities in auto collisions are too often frequent in , Motorcycle Accidents, Truck Accidents, and Pedestrian Accidents.

Factors Contributing to Automobile Accident Deaths in California:  

  • Conducir distraído: Esta es la principal causa de accidentes en el estado de California, y representa aproximadamente el 80 por ciento de todos los accidentes automovilísticos en todo el país.
  • Conducción en estado de embriaguez Delitos de DUI:  Si el alcohol estaba involucrado un conductor puede ser acusado de homicidio vehicular, homicidio vehicular en estado de ebriedad, homicidio vehicular grave en estado de ebriedad, o asesinato en segundo grado.
  •  Error de controlador: El error del conductor se considera negligencia por su parte y, por tanto, causa de responsabilidad.
  • Infracciones de la Ley de Tráfico: Los accidentes de coche en California a menudo son el resultado de infracciones de tráfico como seguir indebidamente, cambiar de carril ilegal o peligrosamente, no seguir las señales de tráfico, no ceder el derecho de paso, no respetar las advertencias, señalizar u obedecer las señales de tráfico y conducir superando los límites de velocidad.
  • Defecto del producto: Many times, a car accident in Los Angeles is not the result of faulty driving, but rather the product of a variable completely outside the drivers control. Product Defect in Automobile Accidents is a frequently overlooked cause of crashes that can result deadly consequences.

What is a Wrongful Death Claim:

A wrongful death lawsuit claims that the victim was killed because of a negligent by a defendant.  A defendant can be an individual, a group of individuals, or a corporate entity.  Here at Downtown LA Law we understand that the tragedy of losing a loved one is very difficult to bear and can lead to great suffering and pain.  We are here to help, our team of Muerte por negligencia and Personal Injury Attorney’s have the reticent skill and knowledge to represent you and your loved ones in this time of great grief and mourning. The Car Accident Lawyers at Downtown LA Law recognize that the loss of a family member and or a loved one due to the actions of others is a experience which can never be compensated by any financial compensation.   But we advise you to seek vindication of your loved one right and hold those who cause death responsible for their actions.  Just Compensation is your right and a vindication for your loved ones.

Cómo podemos ayudarle

If your family has suffered the death of a family member in a tragic car accident then you must first mourn your loss and heal your emotional wounds.   Buscar la reivindicación de sus derechos es nuestro trabajo.  At Downtown LA Law Group our Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys are skilled and knowledgeable in defending the rights of those who have died in traffic accidents. We will hold liable those who are responsible including, car manufactures for defective products, car drivers and truck drivers. Our aggressive and tenacious LA injury Lawyers will keep on the offensive until they make sure you and your families have been fully compensated.  We will go to trial and take on liable parties and their insurance carriers’ so that your rights are protected. SIN RECUPERACIÓN...SIN CUOTA LITIS:  If your love one has been a victim of wrongful death from truck accident  or motorcuin the city of Los Angeles, we believe that you have suffered enough.  We believe sus derechos son lo primeroy que toda persona merece una representación apropiada, adecuada, competente y agresiva. Con esta convicción mantenemos nuestra política: "SIN RECUPERACIÓN... SIN HONORARIOS DE CONTINGENCIA.

Cómo ponerse en contacto con nosotros

If you like to speak to a Personal Injury lawyer and discuss such matters contact us at (855) 385-2529: We’ll take the necessary legal actions to make your wrongful death claim successful.  All our Initial Consultations are Completely FREE OF CHARGE to our clients. Recuerdees crucial actuar con rapidez tras el fallecimiento de un ser querido antes de que las limitaciones puedan reducir o extinguir una reclamación legítima. Llámenos para consulta gratuita (855) 339-8879

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