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Abogado discute CRPS Compensación a los Trabajadores Demandas

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) otherwise known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is a chronic physical disability effecting tens of thousands of individual each year. CRPS can affect any part of the body but usually the arms and legs of victims. Asistencia letrada: Our law firm is proud to offer it legal services to individuals who have suffered from CRPS due to a workplace accident or repetitive workplace injuries. Our goal is to see to it that justice is preserved and full compensation for injured victims of serious workplace injuries via workers compensation is obtained.

Proving Your Case in the Court Law

According to numerous studies CRPS can take place as a delayed medical complication of work related activities and the failure to provide proper treatment and care. A case predicated on a causal connection between CRPS and workplace activity can be difficult to prove. A series of elements must be proven. A comprehensive list of elements of a workplace injury case pertaining to the development of CRPS is provided below.
  1. Exposure to environment or activity which substantially increases the prevalence of CRPS
  2. Medical diagnosis of Síndrome de dolor regional complejo (CRPS) otherwise known as Reflex Sympathetic
  3. Proven scientific evidence establishing showing a probable link between the activity and development of CRPS

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Negligencias médicas


Negligencias médicas


Producto sanitario defectuoso


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Producto sanitario defectuoso


Lesión de hombro


Lesión de espalda

Causes and Risk Factors Associated With Developing CRPS

The physiological and biological forces within the body resulting in the development of CRPS are not completely understood by scientists. However several risk factors have been shown in various studies. They include
  • Repeated injury or strain to a specific part of the body
  • Prolonged healing time and immobilization due to an injury including bone fracture and soft tissue injuries.
  • Daño nervioso
  • Tobacco Use
Some of the Most Common Symptoms of CRPS are as Follows:
  • Mobility loss
  • Burning or shooting pain particularity in the arms, legs, and feet.
  • Fluctuations in skin temperature
  • Drastic unexpected alterations in skin color and texture, nails and hair
  • Disproportionate amount of pain
  •  Healing when compared to the type or severity of the injury
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Legal Justice – Contact our Trusted Legal Team

Our attorneys are dedicated to the pursuit of justice for victims of workplace injuries including those who suffer from the debilitating effects of CRPS. For more information regarding your right to file a workers compensation claim contact our law firm toll free (855) 339-8879. Todas las consultas son gratuitas y totalmente confidenciales.

Más información:
PTSD Workers Compensation Claims

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes
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