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Electrocution Accidents – Electric Shock Burn Injury Lawsuits

Electric shock injuries are severe and life threatening.  There can be various causes of electrocution injuries including defective product, property owner negligence, workplace health and safety violations of business owners and government liability for failure to properly install power lines. According to published data over 1,000 individuals are killed by electrocutions and another 4,000 suffered serious life altering injuries. If you or a loved one have suffered from a serious electrocution injury including severe burns or nerve damage contact our Personal Injury Law Firm. Our team of attorneys are dedicated to proving the legal representation required to win you the legal settlement or verdict you are entitled too.

Serious Injuries and medical complications resulting from Electrocutions:

Common Injuries from Electrocutions include

  • Injuries to the Central Nervous System: Moderate to severe lesiones nerviosas resulting in permanent paralysis
  • Electric Shock Bur injuries
  • Neurological injuries including brain damage resulting in loss of memory, sensory disorders and loss of cognition
  • Cardiac Arrest, Heart fibrillation including heart attacks and other serious heart conditions
  • Permanent scarring including facial and bodily disfigurement
  • Renal/Kidney Failure
  • Loss of vision – eye injuries
  • Pérdida de audición
  • Emotional Trauma resulting in depression and anxiety

Llame a (855) 339-8879 para concertar una consulta gratuita y sin compromiso para averiguar si tiene un caso.

Electric Shock Causes by Defective Products:

There various defective products ranging from home appliances and child toys to automobile parts and electronic devices which can pose a serious danger of electric shock to consumers. Generally a product liability claim will be predicated on one of three distinct causes of action. (1) Defect in the original design of the product (2) Defect in the manufacturing process whereby the completed and distributed item is markedly different and as a result more dangerous the its intended design and (3) Labeling defect otherwise known as a failure to warn consumers of the known dangers associated with the common use of the electrical device.

Electrocutions and Property Owner Liability:

Attorney - Electric Shock Injury Lawsuits
Failure to maintain a safe workplace environment or safe premises is a common causes of electrocutions
Property owners and owners of commercial establishments including shopping malls and public schools owe a general duty to individual who legally enter their premises. For a properly owner to be held liable for injuries suffered, one of the following must be proven in the court of law:
  • The property owner caused the dangerous condition that led to the electrocution, or failed to properly maintain the property.
  • El propietario es consciente del estado peligroso de su propiedad, pero no hace nada para remediar el problema.
  • Por lo general, un propietario razonable debería haber tenido conocimiento de la situación peligrosa porque una persona razonablemente prudente se habría dado cuenta y la habría arreglado.
 Other causes of electrocution accidents man include;
  • Downed Power lines – Government Liability
  • Explosion of transformers
  • Faulty wiring in the workplace
  • Faulty installation of extension cords

 Compensation for Your Loss – Contacting an Attorney

Our goal is to seek to recover every form of damage from your electrocution accident.  This includes both economic and non-economic damages, including:
  • Gastos médicos derivados de la atención hospitalaria y de urgencias, fisioterapia, gastos de ambulancia y rehabilitación.
  • Atención médica futura
  • Pérdidas o ingresos
  • Pérdida de ingresos futuros
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Daños emocionales y psicológicos
  • Daños punitivos cuando los propietarios mostraron un comportamiento temerario o negligencia grave.
To schedule an free appointment with one of our attorneys contact our main office toll free – all consultations regarding your claim are free of charge. Más información:

Workplace Electrocution Claims

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes
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