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Los defectos de los cascos de moto pueden provocar graves lesiones cerebrales y faciales

All too often motorcycle accidents lead to critical injuries to bike riders.  Protective motorcycle equipment including helmets, gloves, footwear, chest and back protectors, and jackets should be designed to protect riders from serious injuries during a motorcycle crash.  However in certain instanced such protective equipment fail to protect riders due to malfunctioning parts, defective design, cheap construction material and faulty manufacturing practices.  If you have suffered injuries in a accidente de moto it is very possible that your injures have been the result of defective motorcycle riding equipment. Contact our California defective helmet manufacturing attorney for a free no cost consultation where we will determined whether a defective product was a contributing factor in the severity of your injuries.   Call us toll free (855) 339-8879 Motorcycle Helmet Defect and Skull Cal Defects can Lead to Serious Brain Injuries: According to statistic motorcycle helmets can shield a rider from suffering traumatic brain injuries.  However in some instances motorcycle helmets fail to provide the necessary protection to the head and face during a high impact bike collisions.  While in other situations helmet fail to remain properly fastened to the head during motorcycle accidents.  Some common defects associated with motorcycle riding helmet include:
  • Falta de material resistente a los impactos
  • Chin Strap defects leading to failure to properly secure helmet during riding and helmet falling off during a collision
  • Defectos en los cierres de los cascos que hacen que se muevan de su sitio en la cabeza del ciclista.
  • Incumplimiento de los requisitos de conservación
  • Incumplimiento de las pruebas de deflexión por penetración
  • Incumplir la atenuación de impactos durante una colisión
Severe roadway bike crashes involving helmet design and manufacturing defects can lead to a range of brain and facial injuries including Severe Head and Facial Injuries:  The majority of injuries resulting from Motorcycle accidents were to the upper and lower extremities, including burn injuries broken limbs and amputations.  However the most catastrophic injuries are usually to the Spinal Cord and Brain.  Such injuries result in massive hospital costs and long terms or permanent disabilities including Permanent Brain Damage, Paralysis, and Paraplegia.  According to estimates an average hospital charge of motorcyclists who did not suffer head injuries was $2,300; while the average hospital bill of a motorcycle head and or facial injuries was $74,000.   Many individuals are not able to pay such mounting bills and are left deal with escalating debt.  If you have suffered such injuries you may be able to receive compensation from negligent parties including motorists, government entities, and non compliant insurance companies. ¿Qué debo hacer después de un accidente de motocicleta si creo que mi casco estaba defectuoso?
  1. Always take care of your well being:  If injured seek medical attention as soon as possible.  The quicker you seek medical representation the greater the chance of recovery.
  2. Documente dónde estaba el casco con respecto a dónde se encontraba usted después del accidente. Si tienes una cámara, haz fotos de la colocación del casco.
  3. Si el casco se ha abierto, haz fotos y recoge los trozos caídos.
  4. No destruya ni tire su casco.
  5. No modifique el casco de ninguna manera, incluida la hebilla o la correa de la barbilla.
  6. Si hay testigos, intente obtener su información, incluidos sus nombres y direcciones.
  7. Conserve todos sus historiales médicos
  8. No hable con un perito del seguro hasta que haya hablado con un abogado especializado en lesiones personales.

Compensation for your motorcycle helmet defects injuries – Injury Claims due to Helmet Defects

The monetary compensation for an injuries suffered from a motorcycle defect accident depends on several factors that will be determined through thorough analysis of your injuries and  future medical needs.  Your doctor including neurologists orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists can probably give you a good indication of the severity of your injuries and whether long term or permanent damage has taken place.  Compensation is often base on your
  • Gastos médicos: Los gastos médicos incluyen todas las facturas y costes médicos
  • Gastos médicos futuros: Desgraciadamente, los efectos de un accidente de coche a menudo pueden sentirse durante meses, años o incluso toda la vida después de que se produjera la lesión.
  • Salarios perdidos: Tras un accidente, tiene derecho a percibir los ingresos que haya perdido.
  • Pérdida de capacidad de ganancia: Además de los salarios perdidos actualmente, las víctimas de lesiones cerebrales tienen derecho a recibir una indemnización por los salarios perdidos en el futuro.
  • Dolor y sufrimiento:Incluyendo el síndrome de estrés postraumático, la ansiedad y la depresión resultantes de su lesión cerebral.
  • Permanencia de la lesión:A menudo, las lesiones cerebrales son irreversibles y dan lugar a discapacidades permanentes de por vida que pueden requerir rehabilitación y cuidados a largo plazo.
Selecting the Right Legal Representation for your Motorcycle injury claim It is important for your attorney understands the extent of Injuries and employs the proper experts to determine if product liability claim can be litigated successfully. Downtown LA Law Group: Somos un bufete de abogados de servicio completo del demandante. Somos litigantes compasivos luchando por los derechos de nuestros clientes. Nuestros abogados pueden ayudarle con su caso. Contáctenos hoy para una evaluación gratuita de su caso o una segunda opinión. Statute of Limitations Regarding your Claim: It is crucial to act quickly before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Call us for a free consultation with one of our attorneys regarding your claim: (855) 339-8879

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