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da Vinci Robot Lawyer | Laparoscopic Surgical Device Defect Lawsuits

In 2000 the FDA approved the da Vinci robot Laparoscopic surgical system as a tool for minimally evasive medical procedures. Since then the da Vinci robot has been used by surgeons and hospitals for a numerous medical procedures including  hysterectomy, prostate cancer, colorectal procedures, diverticulitis surgeries, gastrointestinal medical issues, kidney disorders including cancers, coronary and heart procedures, throat cancer y surgeries aimed at rescuing obesity. While the robotic interface proved useful in certain circumstances, there have been repeated and continued injuries resulting from the negligent or careless operation of the device. If you have been injured as a result of using this device read below to better understand your rights.

Liability, who is liable for medical complications and injuries resulting form the improper used of a da Vinci surgical device?

Generally injuries sustained from a da Vinci robot consist of surgical or training negligence or defects with the use of the device. If the injuries were a result of a device failure or malfunction, it would be considered a product liability or defective product case. A Surgical robotics el producto es defectuoso when it fails perform in the manner for which it was intended. A product is defective when it has a design, manufacturing or inadequate labeling warning. A design defect deals with the overall design of the product. Design defects generally apply to all products manufactured. Manufacturing defects apply to a singular product designed by the manufacturer. Inadequate labeling issues apply when the manufacturer fails to inform the user of all possible injuries that can arise from its use.

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Intuitive Surgical, Inc. would be held responsible as they are the manufacturer of the product. In certain instances the hospital can also be held liable for injuries. When there is inadequate training on the part of the surgeon operating the machinery liability can be extended to hospital as well.

Common Injuries  associated with da Vinci surgical malpractice

There are a number of injuries which can occur from aefective Da Vinci Robot, these include:

  • Cut uterus
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Hinchazón
  • Quemaduras
  • Muerte
  • Hemorragia interna
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Bowel injuries
  • Damaged or punctured blood vessels
  • Death caused by the use of the da Vinci robot surgical device

¿Quién es responsable de mis lesiones laparoscópicas?

Due to the widespread use of laparoscopy during surgery, hospitals and other medical facilities are forced to use medical professional who lack the necessary skill for the procedure.  This often leads to negligence or malpractice by the doctor.  Other times, the doctors fail to properly sterilize the device, leading to often devastating infections and diseases.  Also, because these procedures have quicker turnaround times, patients are often released too soon, leading to complications that otherwise would to caught in the recovery room.

What should I do If I have experience medical complications after a surgery using the da Divini Robot?

If you have been injured seek medical attention for your injuries. It is critical that you seek prompt medical attention for your injuries, in order to prevent or mitigate the extent of your damages. Never attempt to self diagnose your injuries and make sure proper medical treatment is provided. It is always advisable to speak with a personal injury lawyer who deals with defective medical and surgical devices. Your attorney will assist you in achieving or securing a settlement. It is advisable that no statements be made to any insurance company until you speak with an attorney about your rights. Insurance companies will generally use any statement to deny your claim. Make sure you speak with a qualified product defect attorney before making any statements.

Obtenga más información sobre sus opciones legales: Llame a (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

How Much is my case worth: Case Value for a Product Liability Claim

Lawsuit and Settlement for Surgical Medical RobotsA common question is always, what is the value of my case? Evaluating or understanding case value depends on a number of different factors. We take into consideration the extent and type of injuries suffered, who is liable and the degree of negligence. I you have suffered injuries from a robotic device you are entitled to recovery for all your losses arising form a defective product including

  • All medical costs – including hospitalization and surgical costs
  • Futuros gastos médicos y de rehabilitación
  • Salarios perdidos y pérdida de ingresos futuros
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Punitive Damages – en la medida de lo posible

Guía definitiva sobre negligencias médicas

- Abogado especializado en negligencias médicas
- Abogado de errores de medicación
- Abogado de Lesiones por Defectos de Dispositivos Médicos
- Abogado de malla transvaginal
- Medicamentos farmacéuticos defectuosos
- Un médico cometió negligencia médica
- Lesiones por complicaciones del parche de malla Kugel
- Abogado de prótesis de cadera DePuy
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre la prótesis de cadera ASR de DePuy
- Abogado de negligencia en cirugía de vesícula biliar
- Abogado de negligencia en cesárea
- Abogado de negligencia en histerectomía
- Lesiones nerviosas por negligencia médica
- Muerte por negligencia médica Abogado
- Abogado de negligencia de Kaiser
- Demanda por retraso en el diagnóstico
- Demanda por error operativo
- Abogado de Bris chapucero
- Circuncisión Lesiones Negligencia médica
- Abogado de negligencia dental
- Implantes dentales Demanda por negligencia
- Abogado de negligencia en liposucción
- Abogado de negligencia médica en cirugía plástica
- Abogado de negligencia podológica
- Abogado Dermatólogo Negligencia
- Negligencia médica tras un accidente de tráfico
- Malla transvaginal - Responsabilidad del cirujano

If you would like a free evaluation for the potential value of your case, feel free to contact our offices for a free case evaluation. (855)385-2529 Downtown LA Law Group es una empresa nacional con sede en California Bufete de abogados de lesiones personales dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals who have suffered harm from defective medical devices and and pharmaceutical drugs.

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para nuestros clientes
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Guía definitiva sobre demandas por retirada de productos

- Demandas de retirada de productos
- Responsabilidad por productos defectuosos

- Aviso de retirada del Subaru Outback 2011
- Demanda contra Saturn Aura
- Demanda por defecto en el interruptor de encendido del GM Cobalt
- Demanda contra Porsche GT
- Demanda colectiva contra Ford por el airbag
- Demanda por retirada de mangueras de combustible
- Retirada de amortiguadores de bicicleta Cane Creek

- Demanda colectiva contra Takata Airbag
- Una tirolina defectuosa obliga a retirarla

- Retirada del mercado del Toyota FJ Cruiser
- Chevy Cobalt Air Bag Falla Demanda

- Lesiones en vehículos todo terreno
Peligro de colisión de los vehículos todoterreno
- TerraTrike Retirada del mercado
- Retirada del Polaris Ranger
- Retirada de mantas Bair Hugger

- Fallo en el despliegue del airbag en un coche defectuoso
- Fallos en los respaldos de los asientos de los vehículos
- Asientos infantiles de seguridad defectuosos

- Los defectos de las bicicletas causan lesiones graves
- Jet Ski Defecto Abogado

- Retirada de la chimenea
- Retirada de ascensores domésticos
- Retirada de camas elásticas
- Trampolín retirado del mercado por riesgo de caídas y lesiones
- Retirada del mercado de la tumbona plegable Ross

- Retirada de televisores de pantalla plana Coby
- Retirada del mercado de zapatos con puntera de acero de la marca Rocky
- Recalls de bastones de escalada Xtreme

- Retirada del mercado de la silla de bebé Bumbo

- Fisher-Price retira del mercado las hamacas para bebés
- Dorel Juvenile Group retira del mercado las hamacas para bebés

- Abogado de lesiones en cunas

- Retirada del mercado de Dick's Sporting Goods
- Demanda por lesiones causadas por la retirada del mercado de asideros de cama

- Kids II retira del mercado mecedoras
- Recalls de Restoration Hardware
- Retirada del mercado de fundas para armas de fuego Blackhawk

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