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Demandas por daños cerebrales Bufete de abogados en Los Ángeles California

Los traumatismos craneoencefálicos suelen provocar lo que se denomina un Lesión cerebral traumática.  A (TBI) short for Traumatic Brain Injury is defined as damage to the brain caused by an outside force including a rapid acceleration of deceleration, nearby blast, collision with an outside object. As a result the brain can be permanently impaired leading to detectable changes to the minds ability to function properly. Automobile Accidents:  Including Truck Rollovers and motorcycle collisions. Estadísticas de daño cerebral traumático:  Según las Estimaciones Nacionales de LCT de los CDC, se calcula que cada año 1,7 millones de personas son víctimas de una lesión por LCT. De esos 1,7 millones de personas;
  • 52.000 a muertos por Trauma Cerebral
  • Más de 270.000 son hospitalizados
  • 1,3 millones son atendidos en urgencias.
Unfortunately Brain damage is a serious matter that should be treated by health care professionals at Los Angeles hospitals and emergency rooms.  Trauma to the Brain account for more than 30% of all death related to injured in the United States.  Here are some of the most common causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Los Angeles.

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If you or a loved one has been involved in such accidents and sustained brain trauma in Los Angeles you may have suffered a TBI.  We advise you to receive a free consultation with a skilled Los Angeles Traumatic Brain Damage Lawyer.

Signos y síntomas del daño cerebral y sus efectos físicos y mentales

It is important to understand that signs and symptoms of brain damage often vary based on the side of the brain the injury took place, the age and sex of the individual and if they have suffered other injuries during their accident.  Symptoms are also dependant on the severity of the impact. In some cases a victim remains conscious while in others he may lose consciousness for a few seconds up to hours. Other Symptoms include, headaches, nausea, vomiting,  loss of motor functions, blurred vision , light headedness,  inability to maintain balance, visions on the eyes, slurred speech, difficulty finding words when attempting to speak, loss of hearing or impairment of hearing, a general sense of confusion,  and inability to sleep. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important to contact a medical profession as soon as possible.

Las lesiones cerebrales pueden provocar daños cerebrales permanentes:

Permanent Brain damage can lead to long-term problems including cognitive and communication issues, loss of pre-injury skills, inability to communicate, personality alteration, loss of occupation, loss of memory, loss of ability to taste or smell food, comas, constant tiredness, and many other long terms issues. It is important to understand that many of the Permanent Brain Injury symptoms don’t reveal themselves as physical manifestations.  Therefore it is often difficult to prove in court a person has actually suffered permanent brain trauma. In case of a lawsuit it is important to hire a skilled Los Angeles Abogado de Lesiones Cerebrales con el fin de maximizar la indemnización por sus lesiones cerebrales. La adquisición de compensación estas lesiones requiere un experimentado traumatismo craneal abogado de lesiones personales con un amplio conocimiento de la ley de lesiones cerebrales.

Llame a (855) 339-8879 para concertar una consulta gratuita y sin compromiso para averiguar si tiene un caso.


Brain Injury litigation can be a difficult and challenging matter.  As a result many personal injury law firms do not possess the residual experience and knowledge to take on such cases.  Our Los Angeles Brain Injury Attorneys are dedicated to defending the rights of innocent victims of traumatic brain injuries. There are numerous accidents and incidents which can result in head trauma and permanent brain damage:  Some of the most common causes are as follows: If you have suffered brain damage from any of the above incidents contact the Downtown LA Law Group for a free no cost evaluation of your cases.  We are available for a phone intake 7 days per week.

Are you suffering from persistent headaches after a Car Accident? You may be a victim of a Traumatic Brain Injury:

Headaches after a car accident can be a sign of Post Traumatic Headache syndrome commonly referred to  as PTHS.   Post Accident Headaches are one of the most common injuries following a car accident.  Such injuries can seriously disrupt a person’s quality of life. If you are a victim of such headaches it may be required to seek physical therapy to reduce the pain, and require CAT scans or MRI scans to determine the cause and treatment. If the injuries are not severe then a neurological report can be considered sufficient.  Any type of headache after a car accident regardless of speed/velocity of the crash should be handled with care. It has been reported that serious brain injuries can result at low rates of speed. Injuries can occur at speeds below 9 MPH. These injuries occur causing the nervous system to become unstable resulting in serious headaches. It is important to seek medical attention to help deal with your injuries. Other Brain Injuries That individuals can suffer as a result of an auto accident or personal injury claim include: Cómo podemos ayudarle: At Downtown LA Law Group our Brain Injury lawyer are skilled and knowledgeable in defending the rights of those who have suffered life changing severe injuries. We will hold liable those who caused your accident and take care of every legal detail and make sure you achieve the highest compensation possible for your loss; in the meantime, concentrate on the most important part of this process – tu recuperación. Recuerde actuar con rapidez: It is crucial to act quickly after you’ve been injured before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Call us for a free consultation with Personal Injury Attorney (855-385-2529) Más información: Guía legal de la LCT: Lo que debe saber Si le han diagnosticado un traumatismo craneoencefálico conozca en qué consiste su lesión y el proceso de indemnización por su pérdida

Why Choose a Los Angeles Head Injury Lawyers from Downtown LA Law

If you’ve sustained a head injury in Los Angeles, you must first tend to your wounds and heal your injuries.  Buscar la reivindicación de sus derechos es nuestro trabajo.  At Downtown LA Law Group our Los Angles Head /Abogados especializados en lesiones cerebrales traumáticas are skilled and knowledgeable in general personal injury laws as well as brain trauma law. Our aggressive and tenacious Los Angeles Brain Damage Lawyers and general personal injury attorneys will keep on the offensive until they make sure you have been fully compensated for your injuries and vindicated for your loss.  We will go to trial and take on drivers that were negligent and their insurance carriers’ so that your rights are protected. Our Los Angeles attorneys will take care of every legal detail and make sure you achieve the highest compensation possible for your loss; in the meantime, concentrate on the most important part of this process – tu recuperación. Recuerde que es crucial actuar con rapidez tras sufrir una lesión cerebral para ponerse en contacto con un abogado que luche por usted.  Llámenos para consulta gratuita with one of our skilled Los Angeles personal injury lawyers concerning any legal course of action for your head injury: (855) 339-8879

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Guía definitiva sobre lesiones cerebrales

Daño cerebral traumático
Demandas por lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Amnesia postraumática
Lesión axonal difusa
Cefalea postraumática
Daño cerebral adquirido
Lesión cerebral por accidente de resbalón y caída
Demandas de víctimas de lesiones cerebrales
Síntomas de las lesiones cerebrales
Qué hacer tras una lesión cerebral
Traumatismo cerebral Faq
Estadísticas sobre lesiones cerebrales
Leyes sobre lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Tipos de lesiones cerebrales
Dolores de cabeza constantes tras una LCT
Traumatismo craneal por lesión deportiva
Hemorragia cerebral intracraneal
Lesión por parálisis
Lesiones por acúfenos debidas a lesiones cerebrales
Daño cerebral infantil
Impacto cerebral traumático
Abogado de lesiones cerebrales del Condado de Orange
Demandas por daños cerebrales
Comprender las lesiones cerebrales
Lesión cerebral al nacer
Coma por lesión cerebral traumática
Síndrome del niño zarandeado
Fracturas de cráneo por traumatismo craneoencefálico
Abogado de Lesiones de Nacimiento Los Angeles
Lesión craneal repetitiva

Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"¡Farid fue genial! Mi novio y yo lo contratamos en abril de 2017, ya que fuimos golpeados por detrás en la I101 . Nuestro coche fue total y estábamos gravemente heridos. Por recomendación de un familiar, nos arriesgamos y nos pusimos en contacto con Farid para que nos ayudara con el proceso. Después de todo el calvario, lo último que queríamos hacer era lidiar con las compañías de seguros."
- Alicia McIntosh
5/ 5

Five Star Rating

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