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Attorney for Diffuse Axonal Injury Due to Traumatic Brain Injury | TBI Lawyers

Traumatic Brain injury is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States.  Diffuse Axonal Injury due to Traumatic Brain Impact is considered to be a major factor leading to neurological impairment amongst victims of a brain damage. Diffuse Axonal Injury or (DAI) is characterized by punctuate hemorrhagic or non-hemorrhagic lesions on the brain. DAI’s occur in close to half of all patients admitted to hospital for a Traumatic Brain Injury.  According to estimates more than two million individuals in the United States experience complications due to DAI. It has been estimated that 26,000 persons die each year due to DAI while another 50,000 suffer its physical, neurological and psychological effects. If you or a loved one has experience a Traumatic Brain Injury due a car accident, slip and fall, or any other personal injury, contacts our California Brain Injury Lawyers. Our experienced staff proudly defends the rights of victims of brain injury receive full compensation for their loss.

What are the Long Term Consequences of Diffuse Axonal Injury?

Diffuse Axonal Injuries affect the whit matter of the brain.  White matter brain areas include the brain stem, corpus callosum, cerebral hemisphere, thalamus, basal ganglia, hemispheric nuclei, contusions in the front parietal cortex, Cystic Lesions in the internal capsule.

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Common Symptoms of Diffuse Axonal Injury are as follows:

  • Development of memory impairment
  • Reduced energy levels including chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Elevated, expansive kevels of Irritability
  • Los of motor functions skills
  • Attention deficit defects
  • Anxiety Depression
  • Vertigo and Dizziness
  • Apraxia: impaired ability to carry out motor functions
  • Aphrasia: linguistic disturbance
  • Disturbance in executive functioning (planning, organizing daily activities)
  • Short term memory loss
Such symptoms lead to great disturbances in an individual’s daily lives and may be severe enough to lead to physical or psychological impairment.  If you have suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury due negligence or intentional acts of another contact our personal injury law firm.

Diagnosis of Diffuse Axonal Brain Injury

DAI can be diagnose by the use of MRI, particularly SWI sequences and the use of CT scanning of the injured brain. CT scans are able to pick up single to multiple small hemorrhages in the cerebral hemisphere.  CT scans are also able to pick up
  • Intraventicular hemorrhaging
  • Hemorrhaging in the corpus Collosum
  • And small areas of hemorrhaging along the third vertical
CT Scanning:  The advantage of using CT imaging to detect Diffuse Axonal Brain injury is that it is (1) widely available in most hospitals (2) comparatively less expensive the MRI and  (3) can be immediately implanted. However the drawbacks of using a C scan to detect TBI is its inability to detect Diffuse Axonal Brain injuries in more that 50% of patients. MRI Scanning and DTT:   MRI scanning has the advantage of being more sensitive thus allowing a greater chance of picking up DAI injuries through its imaging.  DTT or MRI Diffusion Tensor Tractoghraphy is a new MRI test used by many hospitals to be able better pick up imaging of a TBI injury. Other tests that can be used to detect a DAI are:
  • SWI:  Susceptibility Weighted Imaging of DAI
  • DWI: Diffuse Weighted Imaging

Will I recover from a Traumatic Brain Injury?

This is often a difficult question to answer. Many times it really comes down to the individual. If you fight for your health and live an active life, you will have a greater probability of recovery. There are plenty of groups and opportunities out there; it is just a matter of connecting with the right people. You need to believe that you will get better and actively make progress everyday to do so. Your doctor or neurologist can probably give you a good indication of what your chances of recovery from Diffuse Axonal Injury are. However, the key component to your recovery is yourself.

Selección de la representación legal adecuada para su demanda por lesiones cerebrales

It is important for your attorney understands the extent of your DAI Traumatic Brain Injury and employs the proper experts to determine the extent of your injuries and the compensation you are owed. What compensation can I receive for my Brain damage
  • Gastos médicos: Los gastos médicos incluyen todas las facturas y costes médicos
  • Gastos médicos futuros: Desgraciadamente, los efectos de un accidente de coche a menudo pueden sentirse durante meses, años o incluso toda la vida después de que se produjera la lesión.
  • Salarios perdidos: Tras un accidente, tiene derecho a percibir los ingresos que haya perdido.
  • Pérdida de capacidad de ganancia: In addition to current lost wages, victims of brain injuries are eligible to receive compensation for future lost wages.
  • Dolor y sufrimiento:  Including Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Anxiety and depression resulting from your brain injury

Llame a (855) 339-8879 para programar una consulta legal gratuita.

Downtown LA Law Group:  We are a full service plaintiff’s law firm. We are compassionate litigators fighting for the rights of our clients.  Our attorneys can help with your case. Contact us today for a evaluación gratuita de su caso o una segunda opinión. Recuerde: It is crucial to act quickly before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Call us for a free consultation with one of our brain injury attorneys regarding your claim: (855) DT-LA-LAW Recursos:

Understanding Your Brain Injury: helpful guide to learning more about brain injuries and their effect on your life.

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Guía definitiva sobre lesiones cerebrales

Daño cerebral traumático
Demandas por lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Amnesia postraumática
Lesión axonal difusa
Cefalea postraumática
Daño cerebral adquirido
Lesión cerebral por accidente de resbalón y caída
Demandas de víctimas de lesiones cerebrales
Síntomas de las lesiones cerebrales
Qué hacer tras una lesión cerebral
Traumatismo cerebral Faq
Estadísticas sobre lesiones cerebrales
Leyes sobre lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Tipos de lesiones cerebrales
Dolores de cabeza constantes tras una LCT
Traumatismo craneal por lesión deportiva
Hemorragia cerebral intracraneal
Lesión por parálisis
Lesiones por acúfenos debidas a lesiones cerebrales
Daño cerebral infantil
Impacto cerebral traumático
Abogado de lesiones cerebrales del Condado de Orange
Demandas por daños cerebrales
Comprender las lesiones cerebrales
Lesión cerebral al nacer
Coma por lesión cerebral traumática
Síndrome del niño zarandeado
Fracturas de cráneo por traumatismo craneoencefálico
Abogado de Lesiones de Nacimiento Los Angeles
Lesión craneal repetitiva

Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"¡Farid fue genial! Mi novio y yo lo contratamos en abril de 2017, ya que fuimos golpeados por detrás en la I101 . Nuestro coche fue total y estábamos gravemente heridos. Por recomendación de un familiar, nos arriesgamos y nos pusimos en contacto con Farid para que nos ayudara con el proceso. Después de todo el calvario, lo último que queríamos hacer era lidiar con las compañías de seguros."
- Alicia McIntosh
5/ 5

Five Star Rating

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