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Child Brain Injury Attorney | Lawsuit for Infant Head Trauma

Many parents mistakenly believe that young children have a better chance of recovery after a lesión cerebral traumática.  This premise is based on the misconception that as child’s brain grows the injuries will diminish overtime leading the child to retain normal brain functions.

Child Brain Injury Attorney
Children under the age of 5 are at a high risk of developing serious cognitive disabilities caused by brain injury at a young age

In fact a traumatic brain injury affects the developing brain of a child to a much higher degree the brains of older individual.  According to multiple studies conducted by research based universities and health care centers pediatric traumatic brain injuries can and often do lead to a greater probability for cognitive dysfunctions in the developing brain of the child. Children under the age of five are at most risk of developing mental disabilities as a result of a traumatic impact to head.

Such cognitive disorders may include

  • Attention Deficit Disorders
  • Loss or reduction in memory
  • Linguistic Disorders
  • Learning Disabilities including Dyslexia
  • Reduction in IQ or intelligence
  • Loss of executive functioning – ability to make decisions

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Loss of cognition remains a problem as children reach adult age

As children with brain injuries reach adulthood they do not possess the cognitive abilities to be able to function in a proper manner.  According to statistics 3/4th of children who suffered some kind of brain injury are not able to work as adults. Impact of memory disorders and attention deficit issue to a child victim of brain injury The impact of memory disorders on a Childs development can be substantial.  The day to day tasks of a child are predicated on having a memory of what to do and when to do it based on previous acts of his guardians, other children, or himself.  Deprivation of a memory can result on behavioral issues, problems in school, attention deficit, and failure to develop in an age appropriate way. The transition from the home to the school can be excruciating for a child with the inability to retain what has been taught in a classroom setting leading to low grades, anxiety, and depression.

Symptoms of Child Brain injury:

There are numerous signs and symptoms of child brain injury. Symptoms may vary based on the severity of the injury, the part of the brain that has been damaged, and the particularities of the victim. If you suspect your child has suffered a brain injury seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  • Child is irritable and cannot be consoled
  • Vómitos
  • Alteration of Sleeping habits
  • Pérdida de apetito
  • Falta de respuesta
  • Child does not want to be nursed by mother
  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Deterioration in verbal skills
  • Easily distracted – inability to focus

Common causes of Child and Infant Brain Injuries:

There are many different causes of brain injuries sustained by our young. Some of the most commons are as follows:

  • Car Accident and general traffic related collisions
  • Child Physical Abuse – Including Shaken Baby Syndrome
  • Day care injuries and falls
  • Pre-School Injuries and Accidents
  • Inattentive parenting or guardianship
  • Birth Brain Injuries

Defective Products are a leading cause of Baby Brain Injuries:

Defectively designed and manufactured baby products are a leading cause of serious injuries to young children including traumatic brain injury.  Defective products that are known to result in brain damage include:

  • Defective Cribs
  • Defective baby hammocks
  • Defective child baby seats
  • Defective Bathing seats
  • Defective child toys
  • Defective strollers

Para hablar con un abogado especializado en lesiones cerebrales de Los Ángeles, llame al (855) 339-8879.

How to prove a defective product case in court

There are generally three way a plaintiff’s attorney is a able to prove the presence of a defective product; (1) Manufacturing Defect (2) Design Defect and (3) Failure to war defect. Fabricación: Los defectos de fabricación se producen cuando hay un error en el método de fabricación que hace que el producto fabricado difiera del diseño previsto. El producto se considerará defectuoso cuando difiera de su diseño original, aunque se haya tenido cuidado para evitarlo. Defectos de diseño del producto: Un defecto de diseño tiene en cuenta el diseño general del producto. Si el diseño original de la silla de baño para bebés era intrínsecamente peligroso y existían diseños alternativos menos peligrosos que podrían haberse aplicado sin un aumento drástico del coste del producto, entonces puede demostrarse ante un tribunal que el producto se diseñó de forma defectuosa. Failure to Warn of Dangers and Hazards of the product: Manufacturers have a duty to warn consumers of the known dangers from the use of the product. If the manufacturer does not adequately warn of a known risk then it can be held liable for injuries which take place from the product use. While manufacturers are not required to warn of obvious dangers, the courts apply an objective test to determine knowledge

Los Angeles Child Brain Injury Attorneys:

If you suspect your child has suffered a brain injury contact the abogado de lesiones infantiles en el Downtown LA law Group. Nuestro equipo legal está a su disposición para ayudarle en cada paso de este arduo proceso.

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Guía definitiva sobre lesiones cerebrales

Daño cerebral traumático
Demandas por lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Amnesia postraumática
Lesión axonal difusa
Cefalea postraumática
Daño cerebral adquirido
Lesión cerebral por accidente de resbalón y caída
Demandas de víctimas de lesiones cerebrales
Síntomas de las lesiones cerebrales
Qué hacer tras una lesión cerebral
Traumatismo cerebral Faq
Estadísticas sobre lesiones cerebrales
Leyes sobre lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Tipos de lesiones cerebrales
Dolores de cabeza constantes tras una LCT
Traumatismo craneal por lesión deportiva
Hemorragia cerebral intracraneal
Lesión por parálisis
Lesiones por acúfenos debidas a lesiones cerebrales
Daño cerebral infantil
Impacto cerebral traumático
Abogado de lesiones cerebrales del Condado de Orange
Demandas por daños cerebrales
Comprender las lesiones cerebrales
Lesión cerebral al nacer
Coma por lesión cerebral traumática
Síndrome del niño zarandeado
Fracturas de cráneo por traumatismo craneoencefálico
Abogado de Lesiones de Nacimiento Los Angeles
Lesión craneal repetitiva

Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"¡Farid fue genial! Mi novio y yo lo contratamos en abril de 2017, ya que fuimos golpeados por detrás en la I101 . Nuestro coche fue total y estábamos gravemente heridos. Por recomendación de un familiar, nos arriesgamos y nos pusimos en contacto con Farid para que nos ayudara con el proceso. Después de todo el calvario, lo último que queríamos hacer era lidiar con las compañías de seguros."
- Alicia McIntosh
5/ 5

Five Star Rating

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