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Lesiones cerebrales de un abogado de accidentes de tráfico

Brain Injury from a Car Accident AttorneyAccidentes de tráfico are a leading cause of brain injuries in America.  Motor vehicle crashes account for seventeen percent of all lesiones cerebrales traumáticas, and thirty two percent of all brain related deaths.  They can result from the head crashing into a foreign object, such as the steering wheel or windshield, or from flying objects immediately following the accident.  Sometimes, a traumatic brain injury can result from sudden movement of the brain, or whiplash.  While often times the effects of this trauma is immediately apparent, sometimes even minor head damage can result in serious or life-threatening brain damage. There are several factors that attribute to victims of an auto accident not becoming instantly aware of the extent of their injuries.  For one, the initial shock of the crash overrides any physical sensation.  It is not uncommon for a passenger to feel perfectly normal after an accident, only to feel the true brunt of the crash several hours or days later.  Some people believe that because they were never knocked unconscious, or show any signs of a brain injury, they never suffered any harm.    Additionally, most people do not realize that even the slightest force to the head can cause serious brain damage and therefore ignore most of the symptoms.  These symptoms include:
  • Pérdida de conocimiento
  • Convulsiones
  • Enlarged pupils
  • Impulsive behavior, depression or mood swings
  • Facial bruising
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Mala pronunciación
  • Conmoción cerebral
  • Confusion or irritation
  • Tensión arterial baja
  • Ansiedad
Immediate attention following a car accident is essential as swelling is often irreversible. Therefore, even if you have no symptoms after a car accident, it is best to seek medical attention after a crash.

What is Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury is the result of a some type of sudden trauma that results in harm to the brain. A traumatic brain injury can be characterized as mild (short alteration in mental state) to severe (prolonged duration of unconsciousness or amnesia).  There are two major forms of TBI. 1. Penetrating Injuries occur when a foreign object (glass, rods) pierces through to the brain causing damage to parts of the brain 2. Lesiones craneales cerradas, most common in car accidents occurs when the head smashes into another object.  Closed head injuries are further divided into primary and secondary brain damage Primary brain damage: A brain injury that is complete at the point of impact.  These injuries can include: Fracturas de cráneo – can be either a simple (break in the bone without puncturing the skin), linear (small crack without breakage of the bone), depressed (depression of the skull toward the brain) or compound (break or loss of skin and splintering of the skull) fracture. Contusión – bruising of the brain tissue Hematoma – rupturing of blood vessels within the brain or just outside the brain beneath the skull Laceraciones – tissue of the brain is cut or torn Daño nervioso (diffuse axonal injury) – nerve tissue is torn, causing chemicals to be released into the brain. Secondary brain damage: A brain injury that progresses over a period of time.  Examples of secondary brain damage are
  • Brain swelling (edema)
  • Epilepsia
  • Heematoma
  • Change in blood pressure
  • Fiebre

Law Firm Handling Cases for Victims of a Brain Injury from a Car Accident

Downtown L.A. Law Group understands the specific needs and care of passengers suffering from a traumatic brain injury following an auto accident.  We will work intelligently and diligently to master the intricacies of a case involving brain trauma.  Call us to speak to an attorney regarding the facts of your case by phone at (855) 339-8879 o by email.

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Guía definitiva sobre lesiones cerebrales

Daño cerebral traumático
Demandas por lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Amnesia postraumática
Lesión axonal difusa
Cefalea postraumática
Daño cerebral adquirido
Lesión cerebral por accidente de resbalón y caída
Demandas de víctimas de lesiones cerebrales
Síntomas de las lesiones cerebrales
Qué hacer tras una lesión cerebral
Traumatismo cerebral Faq
Estadísticas sobre lesiones cerebrales
Leyes sobre lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Tipos de lesiones cerebrales
Dolores de cabeza constantes tras una LCT
Traumatismo craneal por lesión deportiva
Hemorragia cerebral intracraneal
Lesión por parálisis
Lesiones por acúfenos debidas a lesiones cerebrales
Daño cerebral infantil
Impacto cerebral traumático
Abogado de lesiones cerebrales del Condado de Orange
Demandas por daños cerebrales
Comprender las lesiones cerebrales
Lesión cerebral al nacer
Coma por lesión cerebral traumática
Síndrome del niño zarandeado
Fracturas de cráneo por traumatismo craneoencefálico
Abogado de Lesiones de Nacimiento Los Angeles
Lesión craneal repetitiva

Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"¡Farid fue genial! Mi novio y yo lo contratamos en abril de 2017, ya que fuimos golpeados por detrás en la I101 . Nuestro coche fue total y estábamos gravemente heridos. Por recomendación de un familiar, nos arriesgamos y nos pusimos en contacto con Farid para que nos ayudara con el proceso. Después de todo el calvario, lo último que queríamos hacer era lidiar con las compañías de seguros."
- Alicia McIntosh
5/ 5

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