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(855) 339-8879

Lack of Guardrail Accident Attorney | Motorcycle and Auto Crash Lawyers

Guardrails on California roads and highways are built to keep cars, motocicletas, and trucks from veering off the road leading to serious life threatening injuries.  Unfortunately many of Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego County roads and highways are not well maintained resulting in a lack of properly installed guardrails, poorly designed guardrails, and improperly installed guardrails.  In many instances roadway guardrail defects result in serious accidents and catastrophic injuries. If you have been injured because of a guardrail defect or lack of a guardrail on a California road contact our highway and roadway defect attorney at Downtown LA Law Group.  Call our offices today (855) 339-8879. Common Injuries associated with defective roadway accidents are as follows:

  • Daño cerebral traumático
  • Daños en la médula espinal
  • Parálisis
  • Huesos rotos y fracturados
  • Laceraciones faciales
  • Daños en órganos internos
  • Hemorragia interna

Guardrail defective design/installation and Motorcycle accidents: Legal Information for a Lawsuit However, motorcyclist are vulnerable highway, freeway and general roadway users. Motorcycle Crashes are the leading causes of fatalities in guardrail crashes.  Every year between 200 and 300 motorcycle riders are killed in collisions with highway and surface street guard rails. According to statistics motorcycle guardrail fatalities account for 42% of all deaths from guardrail accidents. Motorcycle accidents involving guardrails are an increasing dilemma facing roadway designers, state and national officials and motorcycle safety organizations. The key method to reduce the severity of injuries resulting from guardrail crashed is the use of motorcycle helmets.  However, even with the use of helmets and other protective motorcycle gear fatalities and catastrophic injuries are a very distinct reality for motorcyclist across the county.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Accidente de tráfico


Lesión de hombro

$1,5 Millones

Accidente de tráfico

$5,5 Millones

Accidente de moto


Lesión de espalda

$1 Millón

Accidente de carretilla elevadora


Accidente de camión

$3 Millones

Accidente de camión

Descubra cómo podemos ayudarle. Llame a (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

Indemnización por sus lesiones: The amount that can be recovered for your car is calculated by insurance companies using the fair market value of the car at the time of the accident.  Some insurance companies may have different guidelines that they use base on the policy holders insurance. Potential recovery available for victims of personal injury

  • Gastos médicos: incluidas las facturas de hospital, los gastos de urgencias, las visitas al médico y las citas.
  • Gastos médicos futuros: incluidos los costes de tratamiento y recuperación, los costes de fisioterapia y los futuros costes de medicación.
  • Salarios perdidos actuales y futuros: Including loss of earning capacity, current income lost due to inability to work.
  • Dolor y sufrimientoincluyendo angustia mental, trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT), pérdida de consorcio
  • Daños punitivos: Chiefly against insurance providers for failure to pay for your damages

Los Angeles Auto Accident Attorneys at Your Side Every Step of the Way: We are a contingency-fee based Downtown Law Firm; this means there are no initial fees incurred by the client no pagues hasta que te paguen. Compensation occurs only after, legally, money is recovered for your personal injury. Our Accident and Injury attorneys fight to make sure victims of personal injury get the full compensation they deserve. Call today for a free consultation with an experienced lawyer from Downtown LA Law Group: (855) 339-8879

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para nuestros clientes
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