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Reembolso del seguro de enfermedad por accidente de moto

Attorney Representation Los Angeles Law FirmAfter a client is involved in a motorcycle accident they are generally transported via ambulance to the nearest hospital. While this may not always be the case, it does happen and many health professionals suggest it is the best thing to do. Simply because the impact of a motorcycle damage is unknown immediately. Often times it requires the use of CT scans MRI scans and other tests. Regardless of fault the hospital will request reimbursement from the client for their medical or ER costs.

How Can a Attorney Help?

Your attorney can help negotiate those cost down and leave you with a larger part of your settlement. There is no additional fee for reducing medical costs and our offices will include that as part of your representation. If an attorney were not to be present it is possible that the ER bills will deplete or take away all or most of any settlement award. As a result the client will be left with no funds to help pay for related bills or improve their life after the injury. Our attorneys will aggressively work to reduce the costs associated with your ER visit and retain as much of your settlement for you as possible. Working to keep as much of the settlement and to ensure maximum recovery is our main goal. Motorcycle attorneys at Downtown L.A. Law are here to help, contact us now with any questions.

What If My Medical Bills Are More Than My Settlement?

This is not an issue of concern. We can help to reduce and minimize your exposure. Through various negotiation tactics and methods we can actually help deduct many of the ER costs and bills. This will allow you to keep a larger portion of any settlement we obtain.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident claim you are aware of the extensive medical costs. These costs can be staggering and take away from your own settlement. Many clients are left unable to work for months or years after a motorcycle accident. As a result any settlement money is used by them to live out their lives without any diminished quality. However, if they are forced to pay exorbitant ER bills and medical costs these clients are left with nothing. In such cases you must have an attorney present to assist in both your claim and settlement negotiations. Generally hospitals and physicians will consider the offers made by your attorney. Many times your attorney can determine whether you have been overcharged for certain services or can lower the fees charged.

It is important that we have a copy of any and all bills charged by your physicians or ER visits. It is always recommended that you seek medical treatment for your injuries. It is NEVER advisable that you forgo medical treatment to save money. With colisiones de motocicletas  you are not aware of the extent of your injuries until you have the full evaluation of a trained professional.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes
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